NOVEMBER 14, 2007
A REGULAR MEETING of the Board of Public Safety was held on Wednesday, November 14, 2007, in the Council Chambers.
Those in attendance included Mayor Ryan J. Bingham, members of the Board of Public Safety Christopher H. Cook, James E. Potter, Michael Colangelo, and Robert C. Zordan, Corporation Counsel Ernestine Yuille Weaver, Police Chief Robert Milano, Deputy Police Chief Michael Maniago, Traffic Officer Robert Shopey, Fire Chief John Field, Deputy Fire Chief Jaye Giampaolo, Director of Operations at Campion Ambulance Fred Rosa, Torringford Volunteer Fire Chief Lawrence Dauphanais, and representative for Drakeville Volunteer Fire Department, Dennis Tanner. Commissioners Richard L. Zaharek and Douglas J. Benedetto, Burrville Volunteer Fire Chief Roger Rougeot, and Emergency Management Coordinator Thomas Vannini were absent.
Mayor Bingham called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held October 10, 2007.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public. There was no public participation.
On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to hear a presentation of Phase One (Public Safety Communications Project) given by Public Safety Consultants Mike Milas, John Thompson, Ricki Fischer, Barry Martin, and Dave Kaun from Elert & Assoc. (Tabled on October 10, 2007.)
For the entire presentation, please refer to Tape #233.
In closing the presentation, Chief Milano indicated that he and Chief Field were responsible for sending their officers and firefighters into the environments with less than adequate communication. They feel the men and women deserve the best coverage they can get from a communication standpoint. Obtaining this information is an excellent starting point. Chief Milano urged the city to continue to review this matter and establish a committee to carry it to the next level to determine which course of action the city would like to take.
Chief Field said the study identified shortcomings on the city’s behalf in terms of safety issues. If a firefighter is in a burning building and unable to communicate because dispatching is being done for another incident, it’s a problem. He urged the city to look at this issue very seriously, and recommended that the city address the items that were identified.
Mayor Bingham stated that a committee will be established once the new administration is sworn in.
On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to move and to accept the EMS Provider Activity Report from Campion for October 2007.
Director of Operations Fred Rosa, of Campion Ambulance informed the board that the box ambulance they were selling to the city for one dollar was dropped off to the Fleet Manager, Mike Michaud.
William Campion, Jr., President of Campion Ambulance, thanked the City of Torrington for a good relationship for the past twenty five years. He informed Mayor Bingham and the Commissioners that Campion was committed to continue their relationship with the city and committed to work toward improving the level of service in any way they can, as well as becoming a team player with other public service agencies whenever and however they can.
Mayor Bingham thanked Mr. Campion for selling the city an ambulance for $1.00.
Deputy Police Chief Maniago indicated that the Police Department planned on presenting an appreciation plaque to Mr. Campion and Mr. Rosa during the December 19th meeting, and hoped each would be able to attend.
On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board acknowledged that Officer Brett Johnson had been promoted to Patrolman C, effective October 16, 2007 and has been accepted as a regular member of the Torrington Police Department.
On a motion by Commissioner Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to accept Chief Milano’s Report for October 2007.
Commissioner Colangelo asked Chief Milano about the status of his five-year Plan.
Chief Milano said his expectation that it would be ready by the middle of this month was overly optimistic because he has been bogged down with a number of hearings. Commissioner Colangelo’s move to the City Council will not stop Chief Milano from providing him with a copy and the opportunity to speak with him on the plan.
Chief Milano said he’s met with members of the Chamber of Commerce and Block Watch Captains and received some interesting and challenging ideas on future communications.
Commissioner Colangelo suggested that he seek the benefit of his Traffic Division Technician who could take over most of the burden under the direction of the Deputy Chief.
Chief Milano said he also met with the Superintendent of Schools, the high school principal and the Director of Facilities, and learned that it is their desire to see where we will be in the future and they’ll be evaluated and incorporated within the proposal, where appropriate. He will not enact the plan by himself; it will be the board’s Five-Year Plan because it will impact future budgets.
On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, the board voted unanimously to accept Chief Milano’s memo dated November 5, 2007 in regard to overtime for replacing officers who call in sick.
Milano stated that, one of the side effects of manpower shortages is working more people more hours which creates an increase in sick time. That doesn’t make it acceptable, but it is a fact. Personnel Director Thomas Gritt agrees with Chief Milano that they have certain limitations, contractually. There is a tool within the contract for sick leave probation, but it’s the more general language that they will be dealing with to develop ways to detect patterns and to identify sick leave abuse.
The final payout benefit of sick leave has been reduced to half of what it used to be for new hirees, and he is not sure what the long term impact will be on the use of sick time. Traditionally, toward the end of their employment, personnel would cash out their 135 days of sick leave they were allowed to accumulate. They city will discuss what is required with the union, and he thinks their position will be that the city has the right to control abused sick leave and other unscheduled absences.
Commissioner Potter asked Chief Milano what his staff is based upon.
Chief Milano said the staff is based on manpower levels. Currently we are budgeted for 79 personnel, and as of January 1, we will be budgeted for 84 which includes the budgeted and needed five new positions.
Commissioner Potter asked Chief Milano if he’s staffing at 75 or 79 in regard to overtime, or staffing at a level of people that he hasn’t hired yet, or is he trying to keep staff at what he does have.
Chief Milano said they staff based on the level they have, including anyone coming back within a week or so from an injury, etc.
Deputy Chief Maniago said he was in the process of doing shift changes for the next four months. He will determine what personnel are available and how many are needed for each shift. Some shifts may lose or gain one or two individuals.
Deputy Chief Maniago said they also consider the time frame for activity by having more personnel work during the busiest hours.
Commissioner Colangelo asked if it was time to look at special projects internally that could be handled by external people.
Chief Milano said he is willing to look at that. Nothing is immune from being on the table. Between now and the end of the year it will be a critical factor. He said he was losing one officer to the State Police and noted that he had to face the prospect that he will lose more people to the State Police in the future.
Commissioner Colangelo suggested that perhaps Chief Milano could recruit some of the retiring State Police to dispatch.
Commissioner Cook asked what solution Chief Milano might have for the newly hired officer who is transferring to the State Police in the near future. He thought a committee could be established to brainstorm ideas on how to retain police officers.
Chief Milano said they pick very good people, train them well, and they become good police officers. Since 1994, they’ve lost 19 people to other Police Departments, and more to the State Police. Our candidates are very attractive to other agencies because they’re highly trained. You have to compete in a competitive labor market for a limited pool of qualified candidates. Unless you’re willing to do that, you’re going to continue paying money to make cops for other towns. The answer is what Chief Milano conveyed in the last contract, and he may try to convey it again in contract negotiations for their pension agreement.
Commissioner Cook asked if there was any way to recoup some of the funds.
Chief Milano said we have a contract and the officer leaving for the State Police will be presented with a prorated cost factor of about 3/4 of a year’s worth of training costs. Most officers wait until they’ve been on the force three to five years to make the move, when they can buy into their pensions.
The biggest disappointment in Chief Milano’s position at this point in time is the lack of manpower. There has to be a community wide effort to solve this problem.
Commissioner Cook asked what the officers were looking for besides a pension; was it money?
Chief Milano said he believed it’s a lot of things. When you satisfy the basic need of wages, then they’re looking for what’s commonly called self actualization. They’re looking for job satisfaction, interest, variety, and when you don’t have the manpower to give them flexibility, you’re always just running the basic operation. The overtime funds should be used for extras to make the town that much better. We’re using overtime just to make the place run at a basic service level.
On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, the board voted unanimously to accept Officer Shopey’s recommendation to post the west edge of Durand Street, from Battell Street northerly for a distance of 260 feet as “One Hour Parking.”
Officer Shopey noted that a car repair business was utilizing the street parking, placing a burden upon other businesses in the neighborhood as well as some residents. They specifically asked that it be posted as No Parking, but he felt it would limit them if they needed to use the space for their business or guests. This proposal will give them flexibility to use on street parking but limit the parking that’s being used by the auto repair business. Officer Shopey noted that letters were sent to the neighbors who are in favor of the limited parking.
Commissioner Cook asked if Officer Shopey had spoken with the owner of the business. He expressed concern about the matter coming back to the board to have the sign removed at a later date.
Officer Shopey said he spoke to him in the past and was willing to speak to him
again about removing some of the junk vehicles on his lot to allow his customers
more space. He’s trying to be as cooperative as he can, but he has a small location
with a thriving business and limited to what he can do. Officer Shopey will monitor
the matter.
On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to accept Officer Shopey’s recommendation to install a “15 Minute Loading Zone” on the south edge of Mason Street from the rear driveway of the YMCA to a point prior to the start of the yellow centerline marking at the intersection.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to accept Officer Shopey’s recommendation to seek a permit from the State Traffic Commission to approve a 25-MPH speed limit on White Pine Road.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to accept Officer Shopey’s recommendation that on-street metered locations be allowed two hours of free parking between the dates of Friday, November 23, 2007 and Tuesday, January 1, 2008.
On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, the board voted unanimously to accept Officer Shopey’s Monthly Communication Report for October 2007.
On a motion by Commissioner Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to accept Chief Field’s Report for October 2007.
Chief Field informed the board that the original Public Safety Task Force is in the process of establishing a Regional Emergency Response Plan, and that chiefs from Torrington, Litchfield, Harwinton, Morris and Washington are getting together in an effort to enhance the response of fire services in our area.
On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to accept Deputy Chief Giampaolo’s Report for October 2007.
On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to accept the Fire Marshal’s Report for October 2007.
On a motion by Commissioner Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to accept the Training Officer’s Report for October 2007.
On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to accept the Incident Report for October 2007.
On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to accept the proposed fee schedule - to be instituted January 1, 2008. (Paperwork was handed out.)
Chief Field indicated that the proposed Fee Schedule has been modified since the original schedule was proposed, and he hopes to start implementing these fees January 1, 2008. The State Fire Marshal’s Office recommended that fees not be charged for inspections and plan reviews because there is no state statute that covers proposed fees for either of those services. Chief Field recommended that they start charging fees for burning permits. The schedule allows for one pump out and/or lock out at no charge per calendar year, and no fee will be charged for the first and second false alarms reported within the same calendar year. Fees are proposed for anyone wanting to use the Fire Department’s equipment and/or personnel for special services. Fees will also be imposed for training and
the use of the smoke trailer.
Commissioner Colangelo suggested giving residents a legitimate amount of time to make corrections. It was his belief that residents shouldn’t be charged for a second pump out if a storm lasts for several days and they need the services of the Fire Department more than once for the same event.
Chief Field said he’ll try to include language that will accommodate that type of situation.
Commissioner Cook asked Chief Milano what the policy was for false alarms at the Police Department.
Chief Milano indicated that there’s a $50.00 fee after the third false alarm in the same calendar year. It was stopped under the previous administration and rekindled when they purchased new software. The vendor has automated the process and targeted January 1 as the date to start again, with due notice and publicity.
Mayor Bingham noted that the new ordinance regarding the fee schedule has an appeal process, and that perhaps Commissioner Colangelo’s concern about giving residents ample time to remedy a condition may fall under this process.
On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to accept the letter of resignation from Probationary Firefighter Daniel McCue.
On a motion by Commissioner Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, a discussion was held on the proposed reimbursement policy for new employees seeking employment in another community.
Chief Field noted that the city spends a substantial amount of money to train new firefighters and when they leave the department after a few months, there’s no policy in place to get any type of reimbursement. He submitted language similar to that of the Police Department to the board in hopes of getting it included in the Local’s upcoming contract. His recommendation was to put it up for a vote on the next agenda.
Mayor Bingham pointed out that this was not something the board ultimately needs to vote on. It’s part of contract negotiations.
Chief Field said he would like to have the board’s approval to move forward. It was his belief that adding the language to the contract would have more teeth to it.
Mayor Bingham suggested that Chief Field meet with the Fire Department Sub Committee to review the language.
Chief Milano stated that their language pertaining to reimbursement is in a separate contract which the employee signs before he becomes a member of Local 442.
No action was necessary.
On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Potter, a discussion took place in regard to the progress of the North End Station repairs.
Deputy Chief Giampaolo indicated that the contractor was pulled from the job and McGuire Group will take over the project.
Commissioner Colangelo pointed out that outside forces, i.e., the insurance company, the general contractors, and sub contractors who aren’t doing their jobs, were working against the city. He asked at what point would the city consider litigation?
Deputy Chief Giampaolo indicated that the McGuire Group promised they would be in tomorrow, and if that doesn’t occur, he’ll call the Mayor and they’ll take whatever action the board wants to take to complete the project.
On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Cook,
the board voted unanimously to accept the Emergency Management Coordinator’s Report for October 2007.
On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to discuss / vote on Vehicle Replacement. (Tabled on October 10, 2007.)
Mayor Bingham stated that the committee has been established and that both chiefs will soon be requesting vehicles.
Commissioner Potter thought they should discuss during next month’s meeting how the vehicle replacement correlates with Chief Field’s long range plan and how some of the vehicles may end up getting placed once it starts.
Commissioner Potter said he knew what the intent of the vehicle replacement was, he just thought it was important for the rest of the board to have an understanding of it and to have a vote to support it.
Commissioner Cook said they voted to support the idea, now they needed to discuss what equipment would go where. The last he knew, several things with Torringford had to be accomplished first.
Chief Field said he submitted his request for vehicles at the last meeting.
Mayor Bingham stated that the Vehicle Replacement Board would be the first level to review the requests. Their recommendation would come to the Board of Safety and ultimately go to the Board of Councilmen and the Board of Finance for their approval.
Commissioner Potter said discussions had taken place in regard to TAC 9 possibly going to a volunteer department if we buy a new rescue, and the ladder truck would go to a volunteer department if we buy a quint. The board needed to take a vote to either support the idea or vote against it.
Commissioner Colangelo thought Commissioner Potter was asking for a more strategic meeting among all interested parties, including the career, the Board of Safety, Mayor Bingham, and the volunteers.
Mayor Bingham suggested distinguishing the Vehicle Replacement Plan as a statistical accounting tool for purchasing vehicles, and keep it separate from perhaps an annex to the Master Plan with regard to vehicle replacement. They could then create an action plan in writing on what to do with the vehicles.
Mayor Bingham noted that it will be tough at the beginning because we have immediate needs, and Commissioner Potter, as a member of the Board of Safety as well as a member of the Vehicle Replacement Committee, will have to convey that to the rest of the committee.
Commissioner Potter said as they move the requisitions forward within the next couple of months, they should have some sort of intention to bring to the volunteers.
Mayor Bingham asked Chief Field to put forward in writing, what he would like to do regarding the volunteers, and present it to him and Commissioner Potter, and they’ll bring the volunteers to a meeting and develop an annex to the Master Plan.
On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to consider business by Department Heads.
The Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs wished Commissioner Colangelo well on the City Council and congratulated Commissioner Zaharek for his reelection and Commissioner Gerald Zordan for becoming the newest member on the board.
Chief Milano said the city had twenty five years of positive experience with Campion Ambulance and looked forward to many more years in the future.
Chief Field thanked the Police Department for the invitation to their Awards Banquet and to Torringford for the invitation to their ball.
Director of Operations at Campion Ambulance Fred Rosa agreed that Campion has had a great working relationship with the city and looked forward to many more years also.
On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to consider business by Volunteer Fire Departments.
Dennis Tanner, representative from Drakeville, extended their congratulations to Mayor Bingham, Commissioner Zaharek and Commissioner-elect, Gerald Zordan.
Torringford Volunteer Fire Chief Lawrence Dauphanais thanked the city for the appreciation plaque. He noted that one of their commissioners received some erroneous information that Torringford had withdrawn from any discussions or agreements with the downtown Fire Department regarding the east side facility. He assured the board they are still in discussions with the Mayor’s office and the Torrington Fire Department for whatever needs they may have.
On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to consider business by Mayor Bingham and members of the Board of Public Safety.
Mayor Bingham and the board thanked Campion Ambulance for the great relationship they have with the city and congratulated those who were either elected or reelected to office, including Commissioner Colangelo who will be taking a seat on the Board of Councilmen.
Commissioner Potter noted that line items in the Budget Performance Report for Police, Fire, and Emergency Management were nearly overdrawn and asked them to report back on the reason why this was occurring.
Mayor Bingham noted that most of the Emergency Management Coordinator’s items are at either very little or no cost to the city.
Commissioner Colangelo thanked everyone for making his position on this board very interesting.
Commissioner Zordan asked for an update on the traffic light at Dibble Street.
Officer Shopey said the matter has been out of his hands for two months. He’s contacted the contractor, the DOT in Thomaston and Southbury, and has sent letters to the DOT in Newington. Traffic engineers have come to re-evaluate the signal. However, when you’re dealing with the state, it could be a week or six months. Their traffic studies are based on projected traffic impact to the area, based upon the type of facility coming in. Obviously, their projection was wrong in this case.
Mayor Bingham thanked the board for his first two years in office and looked forward to the next two years.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to go into an executive session at 9:42 p.m. under Personnel: Fire Department. Chief Field and Deputy Chief Giampaolo were invited into the executive session.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to reconvene into open session at 10:02 p.m.
On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to adjourn at 10:02 p.m.