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Minutes 11/26/2007
NOVEMBER 26, 2007

Mayor Ryan J. Bingham called the Special Meeting of the Board of Public Safety to order Monday, November 26, 2007, 5:40 pm in Council Chambers.  

Meeting participants present identified themselves for the record. In attendance were Mayor Ryan Bingham, Commissioners Christopher Cook, James Potter, Michael Colangelo, and Robert Zordan, Chief Robert Milano, Deputy Chief Michael Maniago, Attorney Victor Muschell, Officer Paul Abeling, Attorney for Officer Abeling Rob Serafinowicz and Corporation Counsel Ernestine Yuille Weaver

On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, the Minutes of the November 13, 2007 Special Meeting of the Board of Public Safety were unanimously approved.

The only order of business was to continue the hearing re: Chief Robert Milano’s Recommendation re Officer Paul Abeling.

Atty. Muschell asked whether the hearing would continue to be conducted in an open session Attorney Serafinowicz reiterated his position in favor of an open session.  

Attorney Serafinowicz made an opening argument and then called three witnesses. His first witness was Attorney Gregory Cerritelli, the second was Detective Kevin Tieman, and the third was Officer Paul Abeling. Attorney Muschell was given opportunity to cross (and re-cross) examine each of the witnesses and Atty. Serafinowicz was given opportunity to re-direct each of the witnesses. After the attorneys concluded with their examination, the Commissioners were given the opportunity to question the witnesses.  In rebuttal Atty. Muschell called Chief Milano back to the stand, then each attorney made their closing arguments.

Mayor Bingham thanked the parties and asked Attorney Serafinowicz if he had any objection to the Commissioners conducting their deliberations in executive session.  Atty. Serafinowicz had no objection.  Commissioner Colangelo made a motion by 2/3 to go into executive session for deliberations, inviting both the Mayor and Corporation Counsel. Commissioner Zordan seconded. All in favor. Executive Session began at 7:30 p.m. in the Mayor’s office.

At 8:45 in Council’s Chambers Commissioner Colangelo made a motion to come out of executive session; Commissioner Cook seconded the motion. All in favor.

Mayor Bingham read the motion to uphold Chief of Police Robert Milano’s recommendation that Officer Paul Abeling be discharged from duty from the City of Torrington Police Department effective immediately for violation of the following Rules and Regulations of the Torrington Police Department: 20.1 Standard of Conduct; 20.10 Performance of Duty; 20.11 Obedience to Laws and Regulations; 20.39 Fitness for Duty; and 20.112 Truthfulness.  The motion was made by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Potter, a roll call vote was taken of the Board of Public Safety. Each Commissioner voted in support of the motion.

There being no further business on the matter of the hearing re Chief Milano’s recommendation, Commissioner Potter made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Colangelo. All in favor.
The Special Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

ATTEST:         Ernestine Yuille Weaver
                Corporation Counsel