NOVEMBER 13, 2007
Mayor Ryan J. Bingham called the Special Meeting of the Board of Public Safety to order Tuesday, November 13, 2007, 7:30 pm in Council Chambers.
Meeting participants present identified themselves for the record. In attendance were Mayor Ryan Bingham, Commissioners Christopher Cook, James Potter, Michael Colangelo, and Robert Zordan, Chief Robert Milano, Deputy Chief Michael Maniago, Attorney Victor Muschell, Officer Paul Abeling, Attorney for Officer Abeling Rob Serafinowicz and Corporation Counsel Ernestine Yuille Weaver
On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the Minutes of the November 7, 2007 Special Meeting of the Board of Public Safety were unanimously approved.
The only order of business was to continue the hearing re: Chief Robert Milano’s Recommendation re Officer Paul Abeling.
Atty. Muschell asked whether the hearing would continue to be conducted in an open session Attorney Serafinowicz reiterated his position in favor of an open session.
Commissioner Colangelo had follow up questions to Chief Milano’s testimony. Both Attorney Muschell and Serafinowicz asked additional questions of the Chief based upon this testimony. Attorney Muschell then called and examined his second witness, Sgt. Bruce Whiteley. Sgt. Whiteley conducted the internal investigation and prepared the report regarding Officer Abeling’s conduct. Atty. Serafinowicz cross-examined, and Commissioners asked questions of Sgt. Whiteley as well.
As Atty. Muschell had no further witnesses and since there had been agreement that Atty. Serafinowicz would not have to present his case until Monday, November 26, Mayor Bingham called for a motion to continue the hearing.
Commissioner Potter made a motion to continue the hearing to November 26, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. Commissioner Colangelo seconded the meeting. All in favor.
ATTEST: Ernestine Yuille Weaver
Corporation Counsel
Potential hearing date in case of continuance: Tuesday, November 27 at 6:00 pm