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Minutes 09/12/2007
SEPTEMBER 12, 2007

A  REGULAR MEETING of the Board of Public Safety was held on Wednesday, September 12, 2007, in the Council Chambers.

Those in attendance included Mayor Ryan J. Bingham, members of the
Board of Public Safety, Christopher H. Cook, Richard L. Zaharek, Douglas J. Benedetto, James E. Potter, Michael Colangelo, and Robert C. Zordan, Police Chief Robert Milano, Deputy Police Chief Michael Maniago, Traffic Officer Robert Shopey, Deputy Fire Chief Jaye Giampaolo, Emergency Management Coordinator Thomas Vannini, Director of Operations at Campion Ambulance Fred Rosa, also Charles Marciano, a representative from Torringford Volunteer Fire Department,  and Drakeville Volunteer Fire Chief Michael Maccalous.  Absent was Corporation Counsel Ernestine Yuille Weaver, Fire Chief John Field, and Burrville Volunteer Fire Chief Roger Rougeot.
Mayor Bingham called the meeting to order at. 7:00 p.m.

On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted to accept the minutes of the informational meeting held on July 11, 2007 on the Master Plan, Pari II, and the minutes of the regular meeting held August 8, 2007. Commissioners Colangelo and Benedetto abstained from the minutes of July 11, 2007.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public.

Carol Jenkins, 422 Main Street, informed the board that she is constantly being challenged by young people on bicycles and/or skateboards for the right-of-way on sidewalks. She feels that downtown Torrington should be a friendly place where people can walk the streets without the fear of being run over.

Officer Shopey informed the board that bicyclists on sidewalks are considered pedestrians.

Mayor Bingham indicated that the matter could be turned over to the Council to see if there is any interest in pursuing an ordinance.

Commissioner Potter was concerned over restricting the younger bicyclists whom you may not want in the streets.

Commissioner Zordan asked if there was an age limitation for youngsters riding their bikes.

Officer Shopey noted that there is no age limitation.

Commissioner Cook is concerned that an ordinance would affect a number of people, even those who are trying to do the right thing by riding their bikes on the sidewalks and not the street, where it could be a safety issue.  He asked Ms. Jenkins to report any incident to the Police Department.

Mayor Bingham suggested that perhaps the Ordinance Committee could research ordinances from other communities and CCM.

Deputy Chief Giampaolo presented a plaque of appreciation to Merli Motors in absentia.  He noted that they are very cooperative and make themselves available to the city whenever there's a need for their services.

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On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to accept Chief Milano's Report for August 2007.

Commissioner Potter asked if they were in the process of interviewing dispatchers.

Chief Milano said they are continuing that process. They currently are trying to fill a part time, weekend position, which will represent five positions. Conditional job offers have been made and background checks on four people are being conducted.  If all get hired, they will have two full time day and evening dispatchers, and one midnight shift dispatcher, Monday through Sunday, for a total five full timers, and six part timers.

Commissioner Potter asked Chief Milano when cross training with the Fire Department dispatchers will commence.

Chief Milano said they are waiting for the final report from the Communications Consultant.  Cross training will begin when the equipment is put together.  It is his belief that they should wait until they get the Consultant's recommendations before they move the console which will cost of approximately $20,000.00.

Commissioner Potter thought people could start learning so they can be ready when the transfer is done.

Chief Milano didn't have a time table as to when they would be implementing that matter and therefore, the training may become lost or inefficient if done too early and not used.

Chief Milano noted that Officer Pisarski is the new School Resource Officer and that the former one served admirably.

Commissioner Zordan inquired about the Police Department's contract.

Chief Milano indicated that the contract has been negotiated successfully. However, several issues and technical language are going back and forth between attorneys.

On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to accept Officer Shopey's recommendation to:
A. Post the north edge of Oliver Street, between Amherst Street and Dartmouth      Street as "No Parking."
B. Post the south edge of Oliver Street between Amherst Street and Dartmouth      Street as "2 Hour Parking During School Hours."

Officer Shopey informed the board that residents involved were sent a letter a month ago advising them of the proposal and he has heard nothing in response, and can only assume they agreed to the proposal.

Commissioner Potter requested that a copy of Officer Shopey's letter be sent to the City Clerk's Office for the record.

On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek,
the board voted unanimously to accept Officer Shopey's recommendation to change the maximum time on all metered spaces, except those within the municipal parking areas and on Prospect Street in front of the YMCA, from the

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present "2 hours" to the proposed "3 hours.

Officer Shopey said they would like to make the change in phases to avoid the cost of doing everything at once. They will try to get three hours electronic meters in the downtown area first and then move into other areas of the city.

Commissioner Potter felt people will be discouraged from using the municipal lots if they are excluded from the three-hour parking.

Officer Shopey said the cost to change the municipal lots to electronic meters will be high.

Commissioner Zordan asked Mayor Bingham for a copy of the list of items discussed by the Parking Advisory Committee.

Officer Shopey indicated that he could include that sort of report from the Parking Advisory Committee into his Monthly Communication Report.

Commissioner Colangelo asked if the money to pay for this will come from parking fees.

Officer Shopey said it will probably cost about $200.00.  As they move along, they'll have to decide whether they'll use funds that were put aside for downtown improvements or budget for it.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to accept Officer Shopey's Monthly Communication Report for August 2007.

Commissioner Benedetto inquired about the status of outstanding parking tickets.

Officer Shopey said he has an updated list of people for the boot and they will try that again.  He is also waiting for the software company to complete their system that will communicate with the Motor Vehicle Department.  He also sent Corporation Counsel Weaver a proposal whereby parking tickets could be added to property taxes.

The collection agency is still eager to take this over, however, his secretary continues to struggle to enter the tickets and make deposits and they're still about three weeks behind.  He forewarned the board that it will only get worse once the parking ban goes into effect on November 1 st.

Officer Shopey noted that sixty-six letters were sent out for collection and some parking tickets were paid.

Commissioner Benedetto asked Chief Milano if there was any way to get Officer Shopey some help to bring that number down.

Chief Milano noted that the civilian staff was not free to move at this time. They are short staffed in payroll and the payroll clerk, who recently retired, was called back. There is a possibility under the union contract to get part time help, but he wasn't certain what the training process would be for that job.

Commissioner Zaharek asked if sheriffs could be used.

Officer Shopey indicated that the Prosecutor's Office has the power to issue warrants to these people, but they refused to take on parking tickets because they are too bogged down with their own work.

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Commissioner Benedetto asked Officer Shopey if he received a letter in regard to street signs on Silver Fox Road.

Officer Shopey noted that Silver Fox was given provisional acceptance as a city street approximately three years ago. The Street Department is responsible for street name signs.

Fred Rosa stated that Campion is made aware by the City Clerk's Office of any provisional or final accepted streets.

Chief Milano stated every intersection should be labeled for safety reasons.

Officer Shopey noted that there was no justification for a four-way stop sign at
the intersection of Cider Mill and Silver Fox.

Commissioner Potter inquired whether it was the responsibility of a developer to install street signs.

Officer Shopey noted that he reviews traffic issues in new developments and requires developers to install stop signs, parking signs, etc. He could add to his list to have developers check with the Street Department to see what's required.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, The board voted unanimously to accept Chief Field's Report for August 2007.

On a motion by Commissioner Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to accept Deputy Chief Giampaolo's Report for
August 2007.

Commissioner Potter stated that it didn't make sense to have truck U6 repainted when it's scheduled to be replaced this year.

Deputy Chief Giampaolo said it was a decision made by the Fleet Manager.

Commissioner Cook asked if the Master Plan included selling or moving those vehicles to the volunteers.

Mayor Bingham said they would be going to auction, unless otherwise directed to do so.

Mayor Bingham will ask Mr. Michaud to get in touch with Commissioner Potter.

On a motion by Commiss10ner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to accept the Fire Marshal's Report for August 2007.

On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the board voted unanimously to accept the Training Officer's Report for August 2007.

On a motion by Commissioner Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to accept the Incident Report for August 2007.

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On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to accept the EMS Provider Activity Report from Campion for August 2007.

On a motion by Commissioner Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to accept the Emergency Management Coordinator's Report for August 2007.

On a motion by Commissioner Zaharek, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to consider business by Department Heads.

Deputy Police Chief Maniago indicated that the CERT team will be competing at the SWAT Challenge in Avon.

Police Chief Milano commended Deputy Chief Maniago for completing the requirements for his Master's degree in Homeland Security Leadership.

Chief Milano said he will be meeting with Winsted Police Chief Guerriero and other Winsted officials because they currently have problems in meeting their requirements to send their CERT team for training.  It has raised safety concerns on team membership and he agrees with them completely.  Everyone has to be trained to the same level to eliminate a weakness which can create a safety hazard for the team members, as well as the public.  Chief Milano will be informing them about the ramifications if they don't keep up with the training mandates, otherwise, the city will have to re-evaluate the entire mutual aid pact with Winsted.

Deputy Fire Chief Giampaolo indicated that his department is currently going through some training for the use of seat belts when driving emergency vehicles.

Director of Operations at Campion Ambulance Fred Rosa, thanked Mayor Bingham for the Proclamation he presented to Campion Ambulance,

Mr. Rosa noted that the new agent, Quick- Clot, for trauma and gun shot wounds, could be carried by personnel in their own team bags, but the EMS will not be using it.  He asked to be notified if it was going to be used by the team.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to consider business by Volunteer Fire Departments.

Charles Marciano, representative from Torringford Volunteer Fire Department thanked everyone who participated and attended the funeral of Ralph Monscheine.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to consider business presented by Mayor Bingham and members of the Board of Public Safety.

The board commended Deputy Chief Maniago for completing his Master's degree in Homeland Security Leadership.

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Commissioner Benedetto inquired about the status of the Northend Firehouse.

Deputy Chief Giampaolo informed the board that the city's building inspector discovered thirteen building issues that have to be addressed at the Northend Firehouse.  Most of the issues deal with the masonry work and a number of them will need some engineering.  The insurance company did not give the city the opportunity to choose the contractor and they are on the hook for the work and repairs. The work will be done as quickly as possible.

Mayor Bingham stated that a blockade has been installed on a temporary basis at the Northend Firehouse while people working on the building are coming in and out and that jersey barriers will be installed as soon as the work is complete.

Commissioner Benedetto stated that the sidewalks on Hogan and Petricone Drive are in terrible condition and the brush is overgrown.

Mayor Bingham said he would look into whether it is school or city property.

Commissioner Zaharek inquired whether Chief Milano has been successful in locating grounds for a firing range.

Chief Milano said no, that they are still using the Metropolitan Water District property. Every time they find a parcel, an issue keeps them from using it. Perhaps they'll have concrete proposals by the fall

Commissioner Benedetto inquired whether they could use the new range being built at Tactical Arms.

Chief Milano said they budgeted the use of that property for the actual qualification rounds however that will not eliminate the need for them to do their tactical training, such as rapid deployment issues, barricaded shootings, etc. It's still best for the city to own and operate one overall facility so it can be used anytime, day or night. He noted that it was extremely difficult to develop a range from scratch.

Commissioner Cook informed the board that he and Commissioner Colangelo attended the joint meeting with the City Council in regard to the pension plans and they decided to do an RFP to get someone who understands what should be done with the money in both pension plans.

Commissioner Potter reported that the Fire Service Coordination Committee is an enthusiastic group interested in helping Chief Field follow through with his long range plans.  He said the committee asked if the Consultant's recommendations on Vehicle Replacement are set in stone, or if they ever will be.

Mayor Bingham indicated that they were not set in stone. The Replacement Plan is merely a guideline that may be changed.  The purpose of the study was to use the most effective way to purchase vehicles.

Commissioner Potter is concerned that the Plan may get lost with a new administration in the future.  He asked if the City Council should vote on it and if the Plan is what they will consider as their guideline.

Mayor Bingham said he intended to update the Vehicle Replacement Plan every year, establish a committee to make sure we're purchasing the best vehicles at the best price, and replacing them in the most effective way possible. The study has given us a great set of recommendations to abide by.

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Commissioner Potter indicated that a discussion held during the Fire Service Coordination Committee meeting, was that Burrville and Drakeville were very interested in getting involved in the Fire Police program.  However, they're not willing to use the money in their line item for Vehicle Replacement for volunteers to purchase vehicles for Fire Police work.  They inquired whether money was available anywhere else to purchase a couple of used vehicles to get them started.  Both departments are willing to house a vehicle so they can perform the duties and have the equipment necessary to help the Police Department. (It was noted that the vehicle used by Torringford's Fire Police was donated.)

Mayor Bingham said that matter would have to be researched

Liability of the city was another matter that came up during the Fire Service Coordination Committee meeting.  The question was, is the city liable for the volunteers because they are dispatched to calls and work as an agent for the city even though they are private organizations?

In terms of liability, Mayor Bingham said he could have our insurance company look into the matter.  It was his belief the city was liable, but that wouldn't preclude the city from using them.

Deputy Chief Giampaolo noted that the city inspects the volunteer's training records based on their contract with the Black Helmet Policy in order to absolve them from any responsibility.

Commissioner Potter pointed out that each volunteer department carried their own liability insurance.  He asked, if the volunteers answer a call and someone gets hurt, and/or if the city doesn't dispatch them,  was the city liable either way.

Commissioner Cook said the volunteers fall under the city's umbrella policy from the time they leave.

Commissioner Colangelo thought it would be subject to interpretation on a case by case scenario.

Commissioner Potter pointed out that the cost for dispatching had still not been set as a separate budget.

Commissioner Colangelo inquired about the status of the ambulance which Campion donated to the Police Department.

Deputy Chief Maniago indicated that they are removing the equipment from inside the ambulance, and Mr. Michaud will retrofit everything the Police Department needs and will make arrangements to have it painted.

Commissioner Colangelo asked Mayor Bingham what the board could expect in vehicle replacements for the Police and Fire Departments, and the Volunteers in 2008.

Mayor Bingham said he had CD's listing what will be replaced and will furnish him with a copy.  The plan will get updated every year, but they're set this year.

Commissioner Potter indicated that the Deputy Fire Chiefs car, the two older fire engines, and the rescue vehicles are all supposed to be replaced this year.

Commissioner Colangelo asked if the vehicles that still had service life would

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be rolled over to the volunteers;

Commissioner Potter said Chief Field's long range plans state that the city should get a tanker for Drakeville, and the money they saved to buy another truck will be used to modify their building to hold a modern piece of equipment, Burrville should get the old ladder truck if the city gets a quint, and Torringford should get TAC 9 if the city gets a rescue.

Mayor Bingham thought it would be up to the department, through the Fire Service Coordination Committee, to make a request to take over a piece of equipment that the city was looking to replace so that it can be voted on, because ultimately it would be a loss of revenue to the fund and it would have to be updated the following year.

Commissioner Potter felt the city should offer eight year old pumpers to the volunteers once they've seen four years on the front line and four years as a spare.

Commissioner Colangelo asked Deputy Chief Giampaolo if there was any advantage for firefighters to having GPS units in their vehicles in order to locate streets more easily.

Deputy Chief Giampaolo indicated that GPS units are in their long range plan, and they would be a tremendous advantage to them.

Commissioner Colangelo asked Deputy Chief Giampaolo if he could add the purchase of GPS units into his budget next year.

Commissioner Colangelo indicated that he is still requesting the Five Year Plan from Chief Milano.

Chief Milano stated that he has been dealing with an external focus group and will soon be dealing with an internal focus group in putting a package together. It should be available by mid/end of November.

Commissioner Colangelo thanked Chief Milano for his and the Deputy Chief's final 2006/07 budget. He asked Chief Milano to furnish the board with an explanation for the four missing policemen that seem to have disappeared from what the board approved and what they ended up with.

Chief Milano said he and the Deputy Chief have researched that issue and they have no explanation, other than the fact that he believes internally in the police department there is a function; it may have been a misinterpretation of the payroll data-spread sheet from the Comptroller's Office.  Prior to this past year, any changes that were made in the budget were not necessarily reflected in that spread sheet. The spread sheet may have been modified to create the final budget figures.  It was in January of this year that he discovered, by looking at the spread sheet in anticipation of doing the current budget, that the figures just did not jive.

Commissioner Colangelo stated that data is entered onto the spread sheet and carried over, and he can't understand why it's missing.  Either someone changed it or it was erased.

Chief Milano indicated that the spread sheet comes from the Comptroller's Office every year in preparation for the budget.  For years, they relied on internal data from their own payroll clerk, so the Comptroller's Office would develop a spread sheet showing the following criteria: every position that was filled by May, when their longevity kicked in, when longevities change throughout the year, what the pay schedule is for particular employees, how

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many people in a certain rank, etc.   Again, that did not coincide with their routine basis with what was going on in the budget process between the
Police Department, the Safety Board and the Board of Finance.  His best estimate as to what happened, is that it did not get updated from the Comptroller's Office with what was going on in terms of increasing the staff level.  In order to make certain that this did not occur again, they met with Comptroller Alice Proulx and made changes so it would reflect everything they need to have.  For example, not a dime's worth of money would be put in the wage account unless it came from her spread sheet, based upon the actual numbers that were being budgeted.  For example in this particular year, we had X number of staffing allotted and five new personnel at the half year point. So if you look at the spread sheet, you'll see it reflecting that accurately.  He thought the misinterpretation is that they had bad data on the spread sheet because they did not keep up with the budgetary process of adding personnel being processed to the overall staffing levels of the department.

Commissioner Colangelo had copies of the documents for Mayor Bingham and his fellow commissioners.  He said "I think, for the fact that we lost four policemen they may not have been in a position to hire at the time, but still would give us future staffing.  That's almost 6% of the workforce, especially in times when we need it and it puts us into a crunch. You just said that it won't happen again, but I want to talk to Alice, the Comptroller, to find out a little bit more information and make sure it doesn't happen again."

Chief Milano said the steps they've made with the data spread sheet for personnel costs clearly will show that it's designed not to let that happen again. It's much more comprehensive and up to date, and we don't put anything into the budget for presentation after a change in staffing levels have been determined unless we feed it to Ms. Proulx first and she puts it back on the spread sheet, including all the longevity factors and whatnot that go into it. The only positions that will have no names will be listed as vacant.  It's designed to eliminate that weakness in the process.

Commissioner Benedetto stated that he remembered speaking to Chief Milano about the matter, and at the time they weren't sure if it was lost from the Chiefs Office to the Comptroller's Office or if it was taken out at the Police Department.

Chief Milano said when he found out, they were still talking in terms of the
total numbers they thought they had.  He spoke with Commissioner Benedetto and Mayor Bingham when he discovered it, by simply looking at the figures on the spread sheet.

Commissioner Benedetto indicated that it was in there when they passed the budget.

Chief Milano said "Correct." He added that the Safety Board, for all intense and purposes, passed a budget with X number of people in it. (It was believed to be 8). Then, in the final version of the budget there was some shifting back and forth, and during that time, the data did not get transferred accurately. They relied on a faulty data sheet based upon a format of operation that was always used.  The moves we’ve done now to correct that is, that whenever we go through any one of the number of boards when we do a budgetary process, or meeting with the Personnel Sub Committee or a Budget Sub Committee or whatever the case may be, we go back and make her amend that spread sheet, and then we go off of that again for the amendments to the budget, go on to the next step which again could produce more amendments in the wage line item.

Commissioner Colangelo said he would love to get those four positions back,

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and even though he won't be a Commissioner on this board next year, he would still like to make it a priority.

Mayor Bingham said there was no doubt in his mind that it was a priority.

Commissioner Potter asked if the positions were lost or if they just did not get filled.

Commissioner Colangelo's understanding is;  they voted to approve four detectives, but the money never got allocated, it was a final number and no one caught it.  The Board's sheets were correct, but somehow there was a disconnect between the Chief's Office and the Comptroller's Office.

Mayor Bingham noted that this matter occurred two budget seasons ago and that officers were added in this year's budget.  Commissioner Colangelo's point is well taken and we need to get to the level where we wanted to be.  Even though we weren't able to hire those numbers we want to get to that level anyway.

Commissioner Benedetto pointed out that even after those officers are hired, they'll still be down four positions.

Mayor Bingham said "Right, the money would be there, but we still wouldn't have the guys."

Commissioner Benedetto pointed out that the mistake puts them backwards.

Commissioner Zordan said, in regard to Vehicle Replacement, he would like to see the Plan somewhere on record.  He noted that the previous administration couldn't find in the minutes that it was ever voted on and accepted by the board.

Mayor Bingham said they rectified that two budget seasons ago when they added a revolving fund specifically for volunteer firefighter apparatus.  He noted that Commissioners Zordan and Potter were referring to the Fire Department rotating out equipment that had been lost.  We have a Vehicle Replacement Account and Policy and that's what we revised.  It's purchasing vehicles.

Commissioner Zordan pointed out that it had to be revised because it was lost.

Mayor Bingham said no, the costs and the figures that we're budgeting for and how we went about it were not lost.

Commissioner Potter stated that there was a Plan to replace vehicles that was voted on, and the previous administration said it was voted on so it doesn't exist.  It was voted on, they found proof of that, but it just disappeared. The board was never able to purchase fire apparatus with the millions of dollars that were budgeted in this Plan.  What Commissioner Zordan is saying is that we need to solidify the Plan to prevent the same thing from occurring again in the future.

Mayor Bingham suggested that Commissioner Zordan make a motion to solidify the Board of Safety's part of the Vehicle Replacement Account as it stands at the present time, and as they've been presented.

Commissioner Zordan preferred putting it on the agenda for next month's

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meeting.  He said he was just trying to protect the whole process and would hate to see it lost again.

Commissioner Potter said he thought the City Council would want to do the same thing for the rest of the city.

Mayor Bingham said they appropriate money every year.  It's a function of what money they put into it, so the fund itself and how they replace vehicles requires an investment every year.  No matter what the Plan is, it can be completely thrown out the window in any given year by any given board, agency, Mayor, or even as a recommendation from a person in a department.  It's a purchasing tool to get the best, and the most effective way to purchase new vehicles and to replace vehicles.  Any new Board of Public Safety and/or new Mayor can do away with the Plan at any time in the future.

Commissioner Potter asked if it was fair to the two departments who are trying to plan long term for vehicle replacements. They were referring to $300,000.00 vehicles.

Commissioner Colangelo thought it would be easier for them to ratify and integrate Chief Field's Five Year Plan in order to have a cohesive program where everything falls in together.

Commissioner Zaharek thought they needed to view the materials collected so far to see where they are and what the Plan is today.

Commissioner Zordan thought they needed to set the Plan in stone.

Mayor Bingham said they don't need to vote on the Plan. The Consultants presented the Plan; ultimately the Council, through the budgeting process, will establish the charge-back system or Mr. Michaud will work out a way to replace tools more effectively, and, on the consultant's recommendations, we'll have to replace the equipment they say we need to replace.  The consultants are recommending that we establish a board to review any changes to the Plan that currently exists if any of the department heads disagree with the replacement of equipment or want new equipment.

Commissioner Zordan said "We were prepared to purchase a fire Rescue and then the rug was just pulled out, saying there's no money.  Well, previous to that there was. I just want to somehow prevent that from happening again."

Mayor Bingham said he wants Commissioner Zordan to feel that what he is doing on this board solidifies it. The Plan exists. The departments continue to have needs for equipment.  At the same time, they have to realize that whether or not the previous administration lost the minutes, or whatever happened, it could happen again.  They need to make sure that new members to various boards become familiar with the plan and that department heads make it their duty to explain it to them.  He noted that CD's of the Vehicle Replacement Plan are available.

Commissioner Potter was concerned that the consultant's recommendation to spend X number of dollars within a certain year won't be followed through during the budget process. That would disrupt the entire recommendation.

Mayor Bingham said the study smoothed out the dollars over a number of years. If you need 8 police cars in 2012, then you have the money available because we would be charging back for the rental of the vehicles they have. That's how this Plan is going to work.  It's not going to work by voting that it has to work.  It’s going to work because the money that has to be appropriated.  Any changes will have to go before the board.  The Council is ultimately

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responsible for the fund.

Mayor Bingham noted that the Plan is already in place.  However, a board has not yet been appointed.  If there is something on the list that needs to be replaced it has to be requested.

Commissioner Colangelo suggested that perhaps Commissioner Potter could be a member of this new Vehicle Replacement board.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to adjourn at 8:38 p.m.

                                        ASST. CITY CLERK

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