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Minutes 02/21/2007
       FEBRUARY 21, 2007

A   REGULAR  MEETING   of the Board of Public Safety, adjourned from February 14, 2007, was held on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 in the Council Chambers.

Those in attendance included Mayor Ryan J. Bingham,  members of the Board of Public Safety Christopher H. Cook, Richard L. Zaharek Douglas J. Benedetto, James E. Potter, and Michael Colangelo, Corporation Counsel Ernestine Yuille Weaver, Police Chief Robert Milano, Deputy Police Chief Michael Maniago, Traffic Officer Robert Shopey, Fire Chief John Field, Fire Marshal Timothy Taurau, Emergency Management Coordinator Thomas Vannini, Representative from the Drakeville Volunteer Fire Department Dennis Tanner, Torringford Volunteer Fire Chief Lawrence Dauphanais and Personnel Director Thomas Gritt.  Absent were Commissioner Robert C. Zordan, Deputy Fire Chief Jaye Giampaolo, Burrville Volunteer Fire Chief Roger Rougeot, and Director of Operations at Campion Ambulance Fred Rosa. 

        Mayor Bingham called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held January 10, 2007.

The following 4th and 5th grade students from Vogel Wetmore School were presented with awards for winning the 2006-2007 Fire Prevention Poster Contest in the City of Torrington:
Courtney Parson
Rennee Shields
Jennifer Borja
Hailey Ross

Representatives from the Accident Investigation Team Lt. Emanuel, Sgt Calabrese, and Officer Fadoir presented a plaque to Chief Dauphanais and volunteers from the Torringford Volunteer Fire Department in appreciation for their assistance during recent accidents.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public.

Alan Bakunis, 21 Miller Street, reported parking problems at Red Mountain Avenue and North Elm Street caused by pizza delivery personnel from the Rainbow Restaurant who park two feet away from the curb because of snow accumulation.  He noted that the owners and employees of the restaurant are parking all day in front of 15 minute parking signs.   He also stated that there’s a sign near the Torrington Phone Store that says “No Parking Beyond This Sign” that’s posted right in front of someone’s driveway.

Officer Shopey said he would check the signs in the morning.  He noted that the area has been on the list in the past for enforcement.

Bill Fitch, Red Mountain Avenue, agreed with Mr. Bakunis that parking near the
Rainbow Restaurant was creating a dangerous situation.  

Mr. Fitch also inquired whether on street parking could be allowed during mild, winter weather for teenagers who own vehicles and have no place to park.

Chief Milano stated that on street parking in the winter would be contrary to the city ordinance.  Keeping vehicles off the road in winter months is a matter of convenience from an enforcement and snow plowing standpoint.  Discretion is used during the holiday season to allow for visitor parking unless a storm is in progress.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the
board voted unanimously to move the next item to the present time:  Vote to go into
executive session under Personnel: Fire Department / New Hires. 

On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to go into executive session at 7:15 p.m. under Personnel - Fire Department in regard to new hires.  Personnel Director Thomas Gritt was invited to attend.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to reconvene into open session at 8:05 p.m.

Commissioner Potter made a motion to add an item to the agenda by 2/3rds vote in regard to making conditional job offers.  Commissioner Colangelo seconded the motion.  The board voted in favor of the motion, with the exception of Commissioner Benedetto who opposed. On a 4-1 vote, the motion carried.

Commissioner Potter made a motion to authorize the Personnel Director to give conditional job offers to Daniel McCue and Aaron Picz.  Commissioner Cook seconded the motion.  

On a roll call vote, Commissioners Potter, Zaharek, and Cook voted in favor of the motion.  Commissioners Colangelo and Benedetto opposed.  On a 3-2 vote, the motion carried.

Commissioner Colangelo made a motion to discuss the temporary abolition of a Detective Division position previously held by Detective Humberto Henriques.  Commissioner Potter seconded the motion.  

Chief Milano explained that Detective Henriques left the department for a job with the Connecticut State Police therefore vacating a position.  Two other detective positions are in the budget but have never been occupied.  According to the terms of the contract, the board is required to declare any position which was occupied by an individual and vacated either ”vacant” or “open” within 60 days and fill it within 90 days.

Chief Milano said he couldn’t afford to lose anyone else from patrol at this point in time, so he is requesting the board to vacate the position.  He noted that the position is budgeted and can be filled at a later date, along with the other two vacancies.

Commissioner Colangelo said Chief Milano had made great strides during the past year and hated to see anything taken away from the department.  He asked if it was possible to take the Police MIS person, put him in rotation, and have City Hall MIS help with computer support.

Mayor Bingham said he would have to discuss the matter with Bill Hoffman, the city’s IT Director.

Chief Milano noted that there were two different ranks involved, which could cause Union issues, however, he would research the matter if directed to do so.  Any promotion will require a test because the list has expired.  If someone is moved, overtime will be impacted.
Chief Milano indicated that filling the position would most likely take longer than what is required by the contract , but he could speak with the Union on the matter.   The Union’s decision would ultimately be affected by the board’s vote this evening.

On the same motion, the board voted unanimously to oppose the motion to abolish the Detective Division position previously held by Detective Humberto Henriques.  

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to accept Chief Milano’s Report for January 2007.
Commissioner Benedetto requested that more information be furnished on Chief Milano’s report i.e, an update on the building, incidents covered by the AIT and CERT, grants that may be available, etc.

Chief Milano reported that the fingerprinting company is working out fine, and that he was asked to allow people from surrounding towns to be fingerprinted by them for $5.00 each.  It will become an income producer for the department.

Chief Milano also reported that the CERT vehicle arrived without a ladder.   Mike Michaud is in the process of returning the vehicle to have the ladder installed.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board, with the exception of Commissioner Colangelo who abstained, voted to accept Chief Field’s Report for January 2007.
Commissioner Benedetto inquired about the average response times for the EMS Rescue, specifically the one for District 1 which was 1 hour, 24 minutes and 30 seconds.

Chief Field indicated that there was a flaw in their new software program and that it will be addressed.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to accept Deputy Chief Giampaolo’s Report for January 2007.  
In regard to the F550 vehicle, Chief Field stated that this is the NW Regional HazMat vehicle which will be housed in Torrington, however, the agreement has not been finalized on how it’s going to work.  It’s their intention to utilize the vehicle in the same manner they utilize the TAC Unit, but he needs to talk with Fleet Manager, Mike Michaud, to make certain he has sufficient funds to maintain it.  It can be used for an emergency, but it’s not for every day use.

Chief Field reported that the bathroom at the Northend Firehouse was completely renovated using comp time in order to save taxpayer’s money.  The entire investment from outside contractors would have cost between $30,000 to $40,000.  He commended the firefighters for doing an excellent job.

Commissioner Benedetto was concerned over liability issues that may arise should a firefighter get injured while doing carpentry work.  In addition, he felt the work should go out to bid to local companies so they could make an accurate comparison.

Chief Field indicated that the bathroom renovations has taken 203 hours of comp time at various rates, averaging $24.00 an hour.   Outside plumbers average $70.00 an hour, electricians $54.00 an hour, floor covering is $13.00 per sf, and carpentry is $50.00 an hour.  

Commissioner Potter noted that Chief Field had budgeted the renovation project during the last budget season, but the Council cut the amount by asking Chief Field to solicit firefighters to do the job because they had the talent to perform the project.

On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to accept the Fire Marshal’s Report for January 2007.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to accept the Training Officer’s Report for January 2007.

On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to accept the Incident Report for January 2007.

On a motion by Commissioner Zaharek, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to accept the EMS Provider Activity Report from Campion for January 2007. (The report was not available to insert in the packets, however, they were handed out at the beginning of the meeting.)

Commissioner Benedetto stated that he had some questions for Mr. Rosa, however, he was not present to answer them.

On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Potter, a brief discussion took place in regard to the  Emergency Management Coordinator’s Report for January 2007.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the board voted unanimously to table the Emergency Management Coordinator’s Report for January 2007, because it was not available.

        BUS: DEPT HEADS #1540
On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to consider business by Department Heads.  

Representative from the Drakeville Volunteer Fire Department Dennis Tanner said his department would like the city to consider resurfacing Marshal Lake Road because their fire trucks are taking a beating.

Mayor Bingham said part of Marshal Lake road was on the schedule for this spring.  He would look into it and get back to Mr. Tanner.

On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to consider business by Mayor Bingham and members of the Board of Public Safety.

Commissioner Benedetto inquired about the increase in response time by Torrington Police and its proposed resolution.

Chief Milano stated that the newspaper article that reported an increase in response time was a very small portion of what he was trying to convey.  Response time is only one example of issues they are dealing with due to reduced manpower levels.  They have prioritized their work load based upon the seriousness of the call.   Some calls are left for the next shift to handle.  Shift commanders and supervisors are making judgement calls as to the order in which calls are being answered.  The resolution includes meeting with the Board of Safety’s subcommittee, as they have with Mayor Bingham, to discuss recruitment and retention issues prior to the budget season.  He noted that the Strategic Hiring Plan and the Patrol Operation Plan are long term plans that were developed as a blueprint that goes along with the ability to hire and retain.

Commissioner Colangelo asked Chief Milano if he will be presenting a formal five year plan. It was his belief that they should have a plan in place in the event they are unable to reach the manpower level of 85.  

Chief Milano believed his organizational structure would be a five year plan.  As a department head, he didn’t want to face the possibility of not reaching the manpower level of 85, but Commissioner Colangelo’s concern in having a contingency plan was legitimate.  He said it will be done.

Chief Milano explained that recruitment is a difficult drawn out process.   Generally speaking, departments receive half of the applications they received in the past for various reasons.  Some city management organizations refer to the lack of qualified applicants as a “Public Sector Crisis.”

Chief Milano explained that the board had a split vote when he attempted to relieve some of the police work load in regard to parking lot accidents. Torrington has enjoyed an “above and beyond, full service” police department.

Commissioner Benedetto felt the city should be aggressive in hiring more certified officers.  He suggested offering incentives to our officers to help recruit certified officers.  He also suggested more aggressive contract negotiations.

Chief Milano said he would like to give a week’s comp time to anyone within the department who successfully recruits a new officer who lasts throughout their probation period.   

Commissioner Zaharek said the public will have to be educated in terms of increasing the budget in order to maintain services.  The bottom line is money.

Commissioner Potter felt the entire board should be involved in contract negotiations.

Commissioner Colangelo noted that during the December 14th meeting, he inquired about the Falcone situation.   Officer Shopey stated that the hearing had been moved to January.   On December 12th, Mayor Bingham wrote a letter on the matter but didn’t mention the letter during their meeting on December 14th.

Mayor Bingham said it probably just slipped his mind.   He apologized if it offended Commissioner Colangelo.

Commissioner Colangelo stated that contingency plans usually mean doing business in a different way, and not necessarily cut services.  ( He was speaking in regard to a contingency plan in case the Police Department’s manpower level doesn’t reach 85).

Commissioner Potter asked if it was possible to talk with legislators about restricting phone numbers that are close in nature to 911, to help alleviate accidental 911 calls.

Chief Milano indicated that he, Deputy Chief Maniago and area chiefs are meeting with legislators at Wolcott Tech on Friday. Although he thought it would be nearly impossible, he could make that suggestion.

Commissioner Potter thanked Chief Milano and Marianne Barbieri from the Crime Watch Program for setting up the seminar on sex offenders.  It was a very interesting and informative presentation.

Commissioner Potter commended Chris Peppler and Steve Rousseau for their recognition by the Elks.

He thanked Deputy Chief Maniago for his presentation on the long range restructuring plan, and asked if they were any steps within the plan that they could start immediately.

Chief Milano said they could start working on six out of the seven steps at the present time.  Cost was the factor of instituting the patrol operation plan, due to staffing difficulties.

Commissioner Potter inquired about the present dispatchers.  

Chief Milano said “We’ve lost two part timers.  We have two full timers, one working days, one working evenings.  We have part time coverage on the week-end.  Some of the week-end hours are filled by full timers working overtime because it’s cheaper to do that than it is to hire a police officer at an overtime rate to do that job.”   He noted that 40+ applications were received for the hiring of new dispatchers.  The next budget has allotted for two full timers on days, two full timers on evenings and has increased the number of hours being covered on week-ends, and one full timer for the midnight shift.

In the hope of getting civilian dispatchers for the Fire Department in the near future, Commissioner Potter asked if police dispatchers could spend several hours a day or week at fire headquarters to learn their dispatching practices.   

Chief Milano said it would be possible, but he’d rather have the dispatchers spend the extra hours at fire headquarters over and above the hours they are currently working at the police department because he has a limited number of dispatchers.

Commissioner Potter stated that it would be at least two years, maybe three, before the new dispatch center is up and running.  He asked Chief Milano to get cost estimates from whoever takes care of their radio systems on moving one of the consoles presently at the fire department to the police department to be used for fire dispatch until the new communications center is operational.  

Also, Commissioner Potter requested that dispatch from both, the fire and police department, be regarded as a separate department in the upcoming budget.

From a training standpoint, Chief Milano said it was doable.  He was certain they could incorporate the fire department as a continuation of the outline without a problem.   They will work toward using plain language dispatching instead of signals to make it easier for everyone.

On another matter, Commissioner Potter asked Chief Field if he could get in touch with our state legislators or federal government to get funding for storage buildings that can house the equipment they give us funds to purchase.    
Commissioner Potter noted that the board still had to schedule a meeting to discuss Chief Field’s Long Range Plan.  

Commissioner Potter thanked Purchasing Agent Charlene Antonelli for scheduling three consultants to make presentations on communication systems.  He thought it was shameful not to have full presentation by this board during these two meetings, and for some members to walk out in the middle of a presentation.  He also expressed his disappointment that special meetings are difficult to schedule because of a lack of quorum.

Commissioners Colangelo and Cook indicated that family emergencies take precedence, and that their attendance as Commissioners is excellent.

Commissioner Benedetto requested that Deputy Chief Maniago submit a report in the future.

Mayor Bingham commended this board for being the eyes and ears of the city to insure its safety.  He hoped the board could continue to work together to resolve some of the issues at hand.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to adjourn 9:10 p.m.  

                          CITY CLERK