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Minutes 09/13/2006
                    BOARD OF PUBLIC SAFETY
                    SEPTEMBER 13, 2006

A   REGULAR  MEETING   of the Board of Public Safety was held on Wednesday, September 13, 2006, in the Council Chambers.

Those in attendance included Mayor Ryan J. Bingham, Commissioners of the Board of Public Safety Christopher H. Cook, Richard L. Zaharek, Douglas J. Benedetto, James E. Potter, Michael Colangelo, and Robert C. Zordan, Police Chief Robert Milano, Deputy Police Chief Michael Maniago, Traffic Officer Robert Shopey, Fire Chief John Field, Deputy Fire Chief Jaye Giampaolo, Director of Operations at Campion Ambulance Fred Rosa, Emergency Management Coordinator Thomas Vannini, Charles Marciano, Head Commissioner for Torringford Volunteer Fire Dept., Dennis Tanner, President of the Drakeville Volunteer Fire Dept. and Economic Development Coordinator Rose Ponte.  Absent included Corporation Counsel Ernestine Yuille Weaver, Burrville Volunteer Fire Chief Roger Rougeot, Torringford Volunteer Fire Chief Lawrence Dauphanais, and Drakeville Volunteer Fire Chief Aaron Picz.

        Mayor Bingham called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.   

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board, with the exception of Commissioners Benedetto and Colangelo who abstained, voted to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held July 12, 2006.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, the board, with the exception of Commissioner Cook who abstained, voted to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held August 9, 2006.

On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public.

Chief Milano and Deputy Chief Maniago presented the Outstanding Officer Award to Officer John Lemieux.  Officer Lemieux was recognized for his good attendance, helping fellow officers, for the quality of his work and overall performance.

Councilor Dalla Valle spoke on behalf of John Falcone and urged the Commissioners to reinstate the parking meter in front of his business establishment on Main Street so he could continue to lease the premises.  He alleged that the problem was more from people exiting the bank than those exiting Calhoun Street.  

Atty. Joseph Gallicchio, and Economic Development Coordinator Rose Ponte reserved the right to speak on behalf of John Falcone in regard to Calhoun Street.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board, with the exception of Commissioner Potter who opposed, voted to add item #15B to the agenda in regard to the hiring of two new firefighters.  

On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to accept Chief Milano’s Report for August 2006.

Chief Milano reported that, on occasion, his department has a number of vehicles tied up for repairs due to the fact that Equipment Maintenance is now servicing more vehicles (Board of Education and Parks & Recreation).

Chief Milano said he could look at the suggestion to put two police officers in one car at the change of a shift when they are short on vehicles, but assured the board that this was not a long term solution.  It was his belief that Equipment Maintenance personnel are doing all they can with the resources they have and eventually the city will have to take a hard look at some improvements.

Mayor Bingham discussed the matter with Mr. Michaud and was assured that it would get better once vacations were over and one retirement position was filled, however, he will continue discussing the matter with him.   

Commissioner Cook asked Chief Milano if they are having problems with dispatch.

Chief Milano indicated that the CAD System crashed on several occasions for unexpected reasons.  Sgt. Recchini was able to patch it until a vendor was summoned to do more extensive work on it.   He noted that they were at the tail end of their training on the new software which will be a more efficient set up.

On a motion by Commissioner Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to accept the Purchasing Agent’s recommendation to award the bid entitled “Police Uniforms” to the only bidder meeting all bid specifications and the city’s current supplier, New  England Uniforms of Danbury, CT for $28,746.00 for the regular bid list items and up to $10,625.00 of optional bid list items, and refer it to the City Council for approval.  (Tabled on 8/9/06.)

Chief Milano indicated that the low bidder (MHQ-Municipal Supply of Boston) did not meet the specifications of the uniforms and did not comply with the bid requirements.   It was his opinion as well as the Quarter Master that MHQ was substandard to their current supplier, New England Uniform, who has consistently been the best performer in maintaining quality uniforms and excellent service.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to authorize the use of $20,000.00 from the Capital Expenditure Account for Roof Replacement and $6,800.00 from the Capital Expenditure Account for Telephone System Upgrades toward the Building Brick Work at the Police Department and referred it to the City Council and Board of Finance.

Chief Milano indicated these funds are to hire an Architectural Consultant to prepare the bid specifications and be Project Manager throughout the process.  

On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the board voted unanimously to authorize the use of Vehicle Replacement Contingency for a new emergency response vehicle, which will be reimbursed by Federal Grant monies, and referred it to the City Council and the Board of Finance.

Chief Milano indicated that the Emergency Response Team is operating with an old ambulance with probably 200,000 miles.  Mr. Michaud explained that keeping the vehicle on the road is problematic, expensive and past its useful life.

        Chief Milano further stated they have already been approved for a grant up                        to $42,000.00 to purchase a vehicle.  A roof air conditioner and a sizable                         generator will be added to the vehicle and still remain within that price                             range.  The vehicle will be 100% reimbursed under the Homeland                                    Security Grant.  

Commissioner Potter asked if any local vendors have been approached.

Chief Milano said he was uncertain because Mr. Michaud and Mrs. Antonelli worked on the issue.  He noted that this price is equivalent to the state bid list.  He explained that the vehicle is used twice a month for their training, to attend functions and any calls they may have.  The EIT Squad may also use the vehicle with limitations and restrictions.

Commissioner Cook indicated that this board would ask them to follow the bid process if the city was paying for the vehicle. However, because it’s being paid for through a grant, Mr. Michaud is probably working with whatever vendor they are using.

Mayor Bingham indicated that the purchase will have a net effect of zero on the budget because it’s being paid for with a grant.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the board voted unanimously to accept Officer Shopey’s recommendation to seek a permit from the State Traffic Commission to approve a 25-MPH Speed Limit on Clarence Street.

On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the board, with the exception of Commissioner Benedetto who opposed, voted to accept Officer Shopey’s recommendation that the traffic configuration on Grove Street be changed to two-way traffic when the improvements to the sidewalk and roadway infrastructure are complete.

Officer Shopey indicated they looked into the possibility of having a traffic light installed on East Elm Street during their process to get a light at the post office, and the state was not receptive to the idea, based on the lack of accident and traffic data, and because the road has been one-way for so long.   If the data changes, they will revisit the matter.

On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, a lengthy discussion took place in regard to Officer Shopey’s recommendation not to change any portion of Calhoun Street to one way, and not to return the parking space where one had once existed on Main Street, just south of its intersection with Calhoun Street.  (Tabled on 8/9/2006.)   For the complete discussion, please refer to Tape # 214.

Commissioners Cook and Colangelo agreed that removing the parking space was strictly for public safety.

Commissioner Potter wasn’t convinced that the 26 accidents that occurred in the vicinity since 2001, were directly related to a limited site line due to that particular parking space.

Officer Shopey said he met with the Department of Transportation to evaluate the matter and they will make a recommendation to the State Traffic Commission to remove all the parking spaces that exist in the area.  Their decision is based upon the criteria for the line of sight.  They took into account the roadway width, the traffic speed and count, and the location of the stop sign.   

Officer Shopey remained firm in his recommendation to remove one space but did not advocate removing all of them.  Because the Department of Transportation is involved, the ultimate decision is theirs.  Officer Shopey will be allowed to offer input during the DOT/State Traffic Commission hearing, but the city will no longer have the authority to make the decision.  

Officer Shopey said they could possibly save one or two spaces if they changed the location of where the cars stop, but it will depend on what the State Traffic Commission recognizes as the stopping location for the vehicles.  Their standard is to measure from the curb line back 15 feet, but they take into account that people don’t stop exactly where they are supposed to and they are quite consistent on Calhoun Street of being right at the curb line.   

Commissioner Zaharek suggested installing a street light or reducing the size of the sidewalks.

Officer Shopey said a street light was not feasible because it would be to close to the light on Farley Place.   He did not discuss the possibility of reducing the size of the sidewalks with anyone.  However, he was aware that the standards in regard to sidewalks for Building Code recently changed to accommodate two wheelchairs, and they will have to meet the specifications for parking as well. He could look into reducing the size of the sidewalk.

Officer Shopey stated that pulling back from our request to the Department of Transportation to investigate the matter is not possible because the liability has now shifted into the state’s hands.  He reiterated that the city has the ability to furnish input during the hearing process.  He would be willing to testify that the city would like to leave some of the parking spaces intact, and to provide safety to the public exiting the roadway.

Commissioner Zordan suggested making Calhoun Street a one-way.

Officer Shopey said he contacted both businesses and residents of the two  homes on Calhoun street, and they were opposed to making Calhoun a one-way street.  

Commissioner Potter suggested making it a right turn on red off Calhoun Street and Deputy Chief Giampaolo suggested a right turn only.

Officer Shopey indicated that the site problem would still exist from the south.

Commissioner Potter inquired if it would be feasible to move all the parking spaces down by half a space, closer to Zeller’s Tire.  

Officer Shopey said he would look into that.  

Commissioner Zaharek suggested making it possible to enter Calhoun from Main Street, but have no exit out.

Officer Shopey said this would be an enforcement nightmare and it would be a problem for vehicles wanting to turn around.  He noted that the 30 minute parking on one side of Calhoun and the 15 minute loading zone on the other reduces the area even further for anyone having to turn around.   

Commissioner Cook said he didn’t think they should reinstate the parking space if the state already agreed with Officer Shopey that there is a problem.

Mayor Bingham said that perhaps he could speak with Father Larry at St. Maron’s Church.  He also stated that the city will be getting some funding in 2007 for Gateway improvements in the north end at Lawrence Square which could create some parking.  

Officer Shopey reported that the city has funds available from the sale of St. Maron’s parking lot for future parking additions and/or improvements in the north end.  

On behalf of Mr. Falcone, Rose Ponte, the city’s Economic Development Coordinator and Atty. Joseph Gallicchio spoke in favor of reinstating the parking space on Main Street.
Mrs. Ponte stated that Mr. Falcone has been in business in Torrington for more than 51 years and leases five different businesses in the area in question.  She asked the board what type of safety issue may come about when the building is left vacant because Mr. Falcone can’t find tenants.  She furnished the board with a memo written by Martin Connor, the City Planner for Torrington, noting how Mr. Falcone turned an eyesore into a jewel but was afraid of the consequences if his tenants had no place for their customers to park.   (See letter attached to the official minutes.)  Mrs. Ponte urged the board to find a solution and to consider what Mr. Falcone has done for the city.  

Atty. Gallicchio said he couldn’t believe this city would not have 90% of the say with regard to the State of Connecticut’s threat to remove all the parking meters.   It was his belief that an appropriate plea from the city would prevent them from ever removing all the parking meters.

Atty. Gallicchio was convinced that the confusion in the area was caused by the bank and not from vehicles exiting Calhoun Street.  It was his hope that the board wouldn’t fall for the state’s threat to remove all the meters and agree to remove just one.  Mr. Falcone’s business needs to be protected by keeping all meters intact.

Commissioner Cook continued to abide by Officer Shopey’s recommendation to remove one parking space in order to increase the site line for the sake of public safety.

Officer Shopey said he would inform the board when the hearing is scheduled and invited all of them to attend.

Commissioner Zordan quickly reviewed the accident reports and stated that 4 out of 26 were directly related to the site line.  

Mayor Bingham stated that there was an appeal process the city could follow if it wasn’t satisfied with the results of the hearing.

Mayor Bingham said the board was only dealing with the one parking space at this time and it was his belief that all board members were opposed to the state’s suggestion to remove all of the parking spaces.  If all spaces are removed, the matter will come back to this board to start an appeal process.  

VOTE #2800
Commissioners Cook and Colangelo voted in favor of the motion.  Commissioners Zordan, Potter, and Zaharek opposed the motion.  Commissioner Benedetto abstained.  On a 2-3-1 vote, the motion failed.   The parking space which was recently removed will be reinstated.  No formal action was taken on making Calhoun Street a one-way.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to accept Officer Shopey’s Monthly Communication letter for August 2006.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the board voted unanimously to accept Chief Field’s Report for August 2006.

On a motion by Commissioner Zaharek, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, the board voted unanimously to accept Deputy Chief Giampaolo’s Report for August 2006.

On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to accept the Training Officer’s Report for August 2006.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to accept the Fire Marshal’s Report for August  2006.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo,  the board voted unanimously to accept the Incident Report for August 2006.

A lengthy discussion took place in regard to the hiring of two new firefighters.  For complete details, please refer to tape #214.   For the motion, see tape #2, #600.

Commissioner Benedetto said they should act on this motion and authorize Personnel to move forward with the testing.

Commissioner Potter felt the board should wait until Chief Field’s presents his Master Plan in October.

Commissioner Colangelo felt the matter was an economic issue due to the overtime caused by having to fill in from four to six bodies.

Commissioner Potter indicated that the city was saving $15,000.00 a year for each of the two firefighters not presently being replaced, even with the overtime being considered.
Chief Field indicated that the Fire Department was budgeted for three new positions.  A discussion took place during the budget process to either pay the overtime or hire new personnel and the board voted to hire the personnel.  Since then there have been negotiations with the contract and new things have come about: i.e., response objectives, staffing, etc.

Mayor Bingham insisted that he will have no problem hiring new firefighters if the city is compromised in safety, and that’s the bottom line. The Fire Chief cannot tell him that the city is being compromised in fire safety and he is saving the taxpayers money by not hiring two firemen at this time.   

Commissioner Zaharek asked Chief Field if he was able to safely keep up with operational mandates on a day to day basis at this time. Chief Field stated, “We are performing operationally just fine the way we are right at the moment.”

Commissioner Cook felt that hiring two new firefighters would cut down on overtime, on the wear and tear of the firefighters, and keep pensions down.  He thought they should keep in mind that the hiring process is a lengthy procedure.

Chief Field explained that he initially provided Mayor Bingham with data stating that the city was saving $15,000.00 per person by not hiring two additional firefighters.  However, since a third position has become vacant and several injuries have occurred, he didn’t have new data to determine how much, if any, the city was saving.  The deeper we get into losing personnel, the more expensive it’s going to be in overtime.  

Mayor Bingham thought Commissioner Benedetto should have asked to have this matter placed on the agenda during the last regular meeting instead of adding it to this agenda by 2/3rds vote.  That would have given them time to prepare and a chance to ask the Personnel Director to attend the meeting.

Commissioner Colangelo said he thought they were merely asking to move forward with the process of hiring, which would set the wheels in motion and at the same time give the chief time to formulate his plan.

Mayor Bingham couldn’t see the point of testing people if they weren’t going to hire them.

Commissioner Potter didn’t think there was any doubt that eventually they were going to fill the vacant positions.  He thought they could authorize the chief to move forward with the testing process and create a list of candidates.  

Chief Field stated that the Mayor authorizes the personnel department to go through the process of hiring once he signs the requisition to move forward with the testing process.

Commissioner Zaharek asked “To hire when?”

        Mayor Bingham said, after the requisition is signed it’s however long the process       takes and the extension of the letter goes to the Personnel Director.  The process usually takes 4 to 5 months.  The city would set itself up for a liability claim if it didn’t extend a letter to a candidate after the process has been completed.

Commissioner Cook said a vote to start the process would be to hire two new firefighters and not merely to complete the paperwork.  Perhaps they might have to revisit the matter again in four months and hire another two.

Chief Field stated that the last list of candidates has expired.  The initiation of the hiring process will create a new list which will be good for two years.  The four to five months includes sending them to recruit school, etc, and they will actually be on a truck by then.

Commissioner Benedetto made a motion to hire two new firefighters.  Commissioner Cook seconded the motion.   Commissioners Cook, Zaharek, and Benedetto voted in favor of the motion.  Commissioners Potter, Colangelo, and Zordan opposed.  On a 3-3 tie vote, Mayor Bingham voted to oppose.  The motion failed.

Mayor Bingham said he would bring this matter back on next month’s agenda with lots of preparation.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to consider business in Section B.

On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to hear a report from Chief Field on the internal investigation in regard to the accident which occurred concerning Engine 3 and Firefighter Phil Hearn.

On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to accept the EMS Provider Activity Report for  August 2006.  

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, the board voted unanimously to accept the Emergency Management Coordinator’s Report for  August 2006.

On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to consider business by Department Heads.
Chief Field informed the board that the Lieutenant’s promotional exam has been rescheduled to November.

Deputy Chief Field stated that the performance evaluation on their rescue tools will be performed on September 27th.   He invited the board to attend.   He reported that the average trade-in price for the old tools was approximately $6,000.00.

Deputy Chief Maniago informed the board that the Emergency Response Team will be participating in the CT. SWAT Challenge next week.

Director of Operations at Campion Ambulance Fred Rosa reported that Campion is now using the disposable Airway Pressure Units and that the device is working well.

Dennis Tanner, Drakeville Volunteer Fire Department reported having their annual physicals done in August.  Two more people have completed Firefighter I and they will potentially be adding two more black helmet people to their force, bringing the number the 13.   His department will be attending the State Convention Parade on Sunday.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to consider business by Mayor Bingham and members of the Board of Public Safety.

Commissioner Benedetto asked why no one on this board was called to a certain incident.

Chief Field indicated that the incident was slated for executive session.

Commissioner Zaharek asked Chief Milano how many more cruisers he felt would bring his department to optimum level, when considering the hiring of new personnel in the future.

Chief Milano said three, two of which would be four-wheel drive units.

Commissioner Cook indicated that the same questions keep being asked in regard to vehicle replacement and fire apparatus during the Fire Service Coordination Committee meetings.

Commissioner Potter stated that this board budgeted $25,000.00 in a newly created line item during budget season to specifically help the volunteers purchase vehicles.   He reported that a Memorandum of Understanding was being written up to let the volunteers know how to tap into these funds.  As it stands, the volunteers won’t be involved in a vehicle replacement plan or a rotation plan but will have that line item specifically for vehicles.

Mayor Bingham added, these funds were completely separate from the city’s vehicle replacement policy and fund, which is currently being revamped.

Commissioner Cook said this board sent the wrong message when they voted to reinstall the parking space on Main Street at the intersection of Calhoun, especially since this board already acknowledged there was a problem and the state agreed.   

Commissioner Potter said he received several complaints about Torringford excessively using their sirens during an alarm in the middle of the night.  

Commissioner Potter strongly believed this board should give the appointed leaders of the community an opportunity to present a full plan to justify and legitimize the hiring of new personnel in the Fire Department.

Commissioner Colangelo inquired what the notification policy was to neighbors when a convicted sexual predator moved into a neighborhood.

Chief Milano said there is no formal notification to the neighbors except for the fact that it is public information.

Commissioner Colangelo commended Lt. Schaller for the good work he’s been doing.

Commissioner Zordan said he trusted Officer Shopey’s recommendations and truly believed making Calhoun Street a one-way would resolve the matter once and for all.

Mayor Bingham reported that he, as well as the Council, would not stand in the way of accessing funds from Vehicle Replacement should an emergency arise. In the meantime, actuaries are taking a look at the Vehicle Replacement Plan and will go out to bid in the near future.

Mayor Bingham said he appreciated the open discussions this board was having.  The passion expressed by board members shows how much they care about their city.  He hoped they continue being open to new ideas and discussions.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to go into executive session under Department Security, Police Department, inviting Lt. Schaller into the session, and also under Personnel for the Fire Department.

               ASST. CITY CLERK

        On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to reconvene into Open Session.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to adjourn.

Ernestine Yuille Weaver
Corporation Counsel