SEPTEMBER 10, 2003
A REGULAR MEETING of the Board of Public Safety was held on Wednesday, September 10, 2003, in the Council Chambers.
Those in attendance included Mayor Owen J. Quinn, Jr., Commissioners Richard L. Zaharek, Robert C. Zordan, Thomas T. Telman, Jr. (arrived at 7:35), James E. Potter, Carolann Kennedy-Pucino, and Christopher H. Cook, Corporation Counsel Al Vasko, Police Chief Roger Janelle, Deputy Police Chief Robert Milano, Traffic Officer Robert Shopey, Fire Chief John Field, Deputy Fire Chief Jaye Giampaolo, and Torringford Volunteer Fire Chief Brian Cornell.
Mayor Quinn called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.
On a motion by Commissioner Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held August 19, 2003.
On a motion by Commissioner Pucino, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public.
On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Pucino, the board voted unanimously to accept the letter of retirement from Lt. Edmund LeClair, effective September 13, 2003.
Mayor Quinn and the board thanked Lt. LeClair for his years of service and wished him well in his retirement.
On a motion by Commissioner Pucino, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the board voted unanimously to accept Chief Janelle’s recommendation that the following officers be promoted from Probationary Police Officers to Patrolmen C:
Officer James Delay, effective September 16, 2003
Officer Todd Fador, effective September 23, 2003
Officer Humberto Henriques, effective September 23, 2003.
On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, the board voted unanimously to accept the Patrol and Support Services Report for August 2003.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Pucino, the board voted unanimously to accept the Investigative Services Report for July 2003.
On a motion by Commissioner Zaharek, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, the board voted unanimously to accept the Traffic Unit Report for August 2003.
On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, the board voted unanimously to accept Officer Shopey’s request for permission to seek a permit from the State Traffic Commission to close Main Street between Water Street and Mason Street on Sunday, October 26, 2003 between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. for the Downtown Merchant Street Festival.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Pucino, the board voted unanimously to accept Officer Shopey’s request for permission to seek a permit from the State Traffic Commission to post 25 MPH speed limit signs on Alice Street.
On a motion by Commissioner Telman, seconded by Commissioner Cook, a discussion took place in regard to Officer Shopey’s recommendation that five parking spaces on the west edge of Main Street, between the two driveway egresses of the St. Francis School property, be eliminated and posted by the Connecticut Department of Transportation as a “No Parking” area.
The board was concerned that this action would adversely affect the school.
Officer Shopey explained that the travel lanes were only eight feet wide and the state required no less than eleven feet. He had attempted to make the parking spaces smaller to accommodate the situation but it remained a problem for two lanes of traffic to meet. The most difficult times were when parents were dropping off and picking up children at St. Francis School.
Commissioner Zordan felt the removal of five spaces was significant.
Commissioner Pucino asked Officer Shopey where parents would park to drop off the children. She asked if loading zone signs would be better than eliminating them.
Officer Shopey indicated that parents could use Prospect Street or beyond the no parking area. The school would have the option to open part of their parking lot. He already explored the possibility of loading zones. However, the issue of the width of the street would continue to be a problem.
Commissioner Zordan inquired whether signs could specify when people could park in those spaces. He stated that Prospect Street was really not an alternative.
Commissioner Telman said the problem could be eliminated if the school opened their driveway from front to back.
Commissioner Pucino explained that their driveway was used for busses and their parking lot was their playground.
Officer Shopey indicated that the problem intensified last year when the street was paved and the state moved the centerline from where it used to be making the lanes smaller. Once the parking spaces were lined, it increased the problem.
Commissioner Potter asked if it would make a difference if the state repainted the line to where it was originally.
Officer Shopey said it might make a difference, but it still wouldn’t give us the travel lane we’re supposed to have. The other side is about 10 feet wide.
Commissioner Potter thought it would be wise to advise the school that the board was thinking about eliminating their parking spaces prior to them taking a vote.
Commissioner Pucino agreed that the school should be given time to come up with a plan of their own and forewarn parents.
Commissioner Cook inquired about the city’s liability in the event something occurred.
Officer Shopey indicated that it was a state highway. Technically, they could come in anytime to remove the parking spaces.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Pucino, the board voted unanimously to table Officer Shopey’s recommendation. The motion was tabled until next month in order to give Officer Shopey a chance to advise the school administration of this board’s intention.
On a motion by Commissioner Pucino, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to accept Chief Field’s report for August 2003.
On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the board voted unanimously, after a brief discussion, to accept Deputy Chief Giampaolo’s report for August 2003.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, the board voted unanimously to accept the Fire Marshal’s and the Training Officer’s report for August 2003.
On a motion by Commissioner Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to accept the Incident Report for August 2003.
On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, a discussion took place in regard to the bid entitled “Firefighter Badges, Lapel Pins & Name Tags.”
Commissioner Potter didn’t feel it was the Purchasing Agent’s place to state that she had reservations regarding the need for the entire Fire Department to be issued replacement badges.
Deputy Chief Giampaolo indicated that funds were appropriated last year for these items. He explained how he had submitted several purchase orders for the items utilizing the same vendor that the Purchasing Agent recommended and that she had lumped them together, requiring a bid. He inquired at what point did they get to spend their budgeted funds without having to justify each and every item. He was attempting to make the entire department uniform.
On the same motion, the board voted unanimously to accept the Purchasing Agent’s recommendation to award the “Firefighter Badges, Lapel Pins & Name Tags” bid to the low bidder, New England Uniforms, of Danbury, Ct. and referred it to the City Council for their approval.
A discussion took place in regard to the financial justification for the purchase of a rescue vehicle and its presentation to the City Council and the Board of Finance.
Chief Field made a presentation on the matter. (Written presentation attached to the minutes - please refer to Tape 171 for complete details.) The purpose of the presentation was to provide this board with the information that he would bring before the City Council and the Board of Finance and to hear any comments, questions or concerns from this board.
Chief Field indicated that he would take this plan to the City Council at his earliest convenience.
No action was required.
On a motion by Commissioner Pucino, seconded by Commissioner Potter, a discussion took place in regard to the acquisition of decontamination equipment from the Office of Homeland Security.
Chief Field stated the State Office of Emergency Management & Homeland Security informed him that the city would be receiving a decontamination trailer in two to three weeks, and by the end of the year the city will be receiving a tractor to pull the trailer. This equipment cost the city nothing other than taking over ownership of registration, insurance and housing the unit. The city is expected to receive more than $300,000.00 worth of equipment, not only for the Fire Department, but for the Police Department and Campion Ambulance as well, and, when the vehicle is here it’s ours to use for whatever we want. Three meters have already been received as well as some self-contained breathing apparatus. Chief Field pointed out that the Memorandum of Understanding specified that the trailer would be
delivered to anyone in the state in need of the unit. Since the driver of the trailer requires a certain type of driver’s license, it is their current plan to have Public Works employees drive the unit.
Thirty-four of these trailers will be made available throughout the state. Torrington was chosen because it is a hospital town.
Chief Field will continue to update the board on this equipment.
Commissioner Telman inquired about the life expectancy of this trailer and how any replacement would be handled in the future.
Chief Field indicated that the State Office of Emergency Management & Homeland Security was attempting to establish funding to overturn the equipment and to eliminate any responsibility for the towns to replace the units.
He pointed out that Homeland Security was conducting an Assessment Program and that he and Officer Vannini were working diligently to properly fill out the assessment forms in order to get all the funding and / or equipment that may be available in the future.
Commissioner Potter suggested that perhaps Chief Field could ask Homeland Security to maintain the unit as far as winterizing is concerned.
Chief Janelle informed the board that originally the trailer was merely going to be dropped off. It was then that he, Chief Field, and several other people met with Congressman Larson and expressed the need for a vehicle to tow the trailer.
No action was required.
On a motion by Commissioner Pucino, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to consider business presented by Department Heads.
Chief Janelle stated that he had presented the board with a written report on Funston Avenue.
Commissioner Zordan pointed out that the board had not been invited to any meetings with the residents of Funston Avenue as requested.
Chief Janelle apologized for missing that request.
Deputy Chief Milano stated Lt. LeClair was a steady rock that set a great moral tone for the department to follow. He was dedicated not only to the department but to the community as well, and would be a void that was going to be hard to fill.
Chief Field indicated that he had heard nothing further on the FEMA grant for communication equipment.
He stated that the Northend Community Association had approached the Fire Department for permission to do some landscaping at the North End Station at no cost to the city.
Mayor Quinn suggested running the proposal by Kim Barbieri, who is a licensed landscaper / architect.
The board commended the Northend Community Association.
Chief Field stated that the Local Emergency Planning Committee has approved the contingency plan and that it would be forwarded to the State Emergency Response Commission. A full-scale emergency response exercise is scheduled for October 4.
Chief Field invited anyone willing to participate in the Fire Department Blood Drive scheduled for September 26.
Deputy Chief Giampaolo recognized Firefighters’ Union Local 1567 for their outstanding effort in raising $15,000.00 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. That amount represented 1/10th of the monies raised across the country.
Torringford Volunteer Fire Chief Brian Cornell reported being affected by their recent increase for trash collection and inquired whether a waiver may be given to the volunteer departments.
Mayor Quinn had a suggestion he could share with Torringford.
Chief Cornell stated that Torringford was charged $394.00 for police department overtime during their recent Car Show and inquired whether those charges could be waived next year.
Chief Cornell also reported that training would take place this Saturday with the help of the Training Officer at the Fire Department. The session would involve putting twenty-one new drivers through a 2Q class for driving fire apparatus in the City’s volunteer departments. He commended the city for furnishing the Training Officer; however, Motor Vehicle Inspectors were being paid $62.00 an hour to administer the test.
Chief Cornell stated that Torringford recently accepted two new members. Several firefighters were continuing their Firefighter I course and the Black Helmet process was a continual process.
Lastly, Chief Cornell stated that anyone wishing to dunk him in the dunking tank was invited to attend the Food Drive for FISH at Price Choppers on September 27.
On a motion by Commissioner Pucino, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, the board voted unanimously to consider business presented by Mayor Quinn and members of the Board of Public Safety.
Commissioner Zordan thanked Chief Janelle for taking care of the problem on Funston Avenue and thanked Chief Field for his presentation.
Commissioner Telman commended the Fire Department for raising $15,000.00 for Muscular Dystrophy.
Commissioner Potter stated that Chief Cornell was merely looking for direction to address his concerns since this board didn’t hold the purse strings.
Mayor Quinn said he had invited Chief Cornell to talk about those issues.
Commissioner Pucino reported that she received several complaints about people speeding on Wadhams Avenue and Victoria Street especially after 5:00 p.m., and asked Officer Shopey to check into it.
She asked Officer Shopey if his department would be painting lines, particularly on Hospital Hill. She noted that the site line at the crest of the hill (Aetna, Wyoming) was very poor.
Officer Shopey stated that painting would depend upon the weather and Kennedy Drive would be first.
Commissioner Pucino reported that Highland Avenue has now become three lanes due to having no line in the middle of the road.
Officer Shopey stated that there were no future plans to paint lines on Highland Avenue because Engineering was considering narrowing that road.
Commissioner Cook commended Officer Hayes and others for a great pancake breakfast.
Mayor Quinn congratulated Lt. Meyer on his promotion and wished him well in leading his fellow firefighters.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, the board voted unanimously to go into Executive Session under Personnel, Police Department at 8:46 p.m. Chief Janelle and Deputy Chief Milano were invited.
On a motion by Christopher Cook, seconded by Robert Zordan, the board went into Open Session at 9:08 p.m.
On a motion by Thomas Telman, seconded by Carolann Kennedy-Pucino, the board moved to appoint Sgt. Todd Schaller to the position of Lieutenant effective September 17, 2003.
On a motion by James Potter, seconded by Thomas Telman, the board moved to appoint Officer Wayne Newkirk to the position of Sergeant effective September 17, 2003.
On a motion by Christopher Cook, seconded by Richard Zaharek, the board moved to promote Officer Richard Good to the position of Detective effective September 17, 2003.
On a motion by James Potter, seconded by Thomas Telman, the board moved to set a Special Board of Public Safety meeting for September 17, 2003 to officially swear-in the above officers to their new positions in the Police Department.
On a motion by Thomas Telman, seconded by Robert Zordan, the board adjourned at 9:12 p.m.
Acting Recording Secretary