JUNE 11, 2003
A REGULAR MEETING of the Board of Public Safety was held on Wednesday, June 11, 2003, in the Council Chambers.
Attending was Mayor Owen J. Quinn, Jr., members of the Board of Public Safety, Richard L. Zaharek, Robert C. Zordan, Thomas T. Telman, Jr. James E. Potter, Carolann Kennedy-Pucino, and Christopher H. Cook; Corporation Counsel Al Vasko, Police Chief Roger Janelle, Deputy Police Chief Robert Milano, Traffic Officer Robert Shopey, Deputy Fire Chief Jaye Giampaolo, and Torringford Volunteer Fire Chief Brian Cornell.
Mayor Quinn called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.
On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, the board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held May 14, 2003.
On a motion by Commissioner Pucino, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, the board voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public.
On a motion by Commissioner Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to add an item to the agenda by 2/3rds vote concerning a discussion and vote on the vehicle replacement policy. (Please refer to the end of the meeting for action taken.)
On a motion by Commissioner Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Telman, the board voted unanimously to add an item to the agenda by 2/3rds vote concerning a discussion and vote on sending the rescue vehicle out to bid. (Please refer to the end of the meeting for action taken.)
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Telman, the board voted unanimously to accept the Patrol Division and Support Services Report for May 2003.
On a motion by Commissioner Pucino, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to accept the Investigative Services Report for May 2003.
On a motion by Commissioner Telman, seconded by Commissioner Pucino, discussion took place in regard to the promotion of a Police Sergeant.
On a motion by Commissioner Telman, seconded by Commissioner Pucino, the board voted unanimously to go into Executive Session at 7:45 p.m. to discuss a Police Sergeant promotion and invited Chief Janelle and Deputy Chief Milano to attend.
On a motion by Commissioner Telman, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to reconvene into Open Session at 8:05 p.m.
On a motion by Commissioner Pucino, seconded by Commissioner Telman, the board voted unanimously to promote Detective David Wood to Sergeant effective Sunday, June 15, 2003.
Sergeant Wood was congratulated by the Mayor and the Board of Safety, and they expressed how difficult it was to choose from three exceptional candidates.
On a motion by Commissioner Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to accept the Traffic Unit Report for May 2003.
Commissioner Zordan inquired how Torrington compared to other towns concerning our rate of fines.
Officer Shopey indicated our fines were very low. Several Council members approached him recently about raising the fines. He stated they would have to evaluate what is reasonable and any change would have to go through the ordinance process.
Officer Shopey informed the board that his department would be controlling parking permits to facilitate the process starting July 1.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to accept the Traffic Officer’s recommendation to seek a permit from the State Traffic Commission to close Main Street between Water Street and Maiden Lane on Sunday, July 13, 2003, between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. for a Family Street Festival in front of the Warner Theater.
Mayor Quinn inquired whether notices were ever sent out in regard to road closings.
Officer Shopey indicated that notices were sent only to those directly affected by the closure.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Telman, the board voted unanimously to accept the Traffic Officer’s recommendation to seek a permit from the State Traffic Commission to close Main Street from Pearl Street to Water Street on Friday, August (See correction below) 25, 2003, with a rain date of Sunday, August 27, 2003, between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. for the Torringford Volunteer Fire Department Car Show.
Commissioner Potter amended his motion to change the month from August to July. Commissioner Telman seconded the motion. Unanimous.
On a motion by Commissioner Pucino, seconded by Commissioner Telman, the board voted unanimously to accept the Traffic Officer’s recommendation to seek a permit from the State Traffic Commission to close Main Street between Water Street and Mason Street on Wednesday, June 18, 2003 between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. for the Oliver Wolcott RVT School graduation at the Warner Theater.
On a motion by Commissioner Telman, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to accept the Traffic Officer’s recommendation to seek a permit from the State Traffic Commission for the 32nd annual Donors Week Road Race to be held on Sunday, August 10, 2003, beginning at 10:00 a.m.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Telman, the board
after a brief discussion, voted unanimously to deny the Traffic Officer’s recommendation to seek a permit from the State Traffic Commission to install a mid-block crosswalk on East Main Street in front of the Venetian Restaurant.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Telman, the board voted unanimously to accept the Traffic Officer’s recommendation to approve a block party for the residents of Deer Path scheduled for Saturday, July 26, 2003 from 1:00 p.m. until 12:00 a.m.
On a motion by Commissioner Telman, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to accept the recommendations of the Purchasing Agent and the Traffic Officer to waive the bid process and purchase a used, 2002 Chevrolet cargo van from Capuano GMC for $15,800.00 to be used by the Traffic Unit and referred it to the City Council.
During the discussion, Officer Shopey indicated that the new vehicle would replace the 1985 van presently used by the traffic unit. The proposed vehicle had 24,000 miles on it, with 13,000 miles remaining on the extended warranty.
On a motion by Commissioner Pucino, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, the board after a brief discussion, voted unanimously to accept the recommendations listed in Officer Shopey’s memo dated June 4, 2003 in regard to Oliver Wolcott Technical School in order to eliminate the problems on a short term and long term basis. (See memo attached to the minutes.)
It was noted that Mr. Cushman, Director of OWTS, was doing all he could to remedy the situation and trying his very best to be a good neighbor.
On a motion by Commissioner Telman, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the board voted unanimously to accept Chief Field’s report for May 2003.
On a motion by Commissioner Telman, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the board voted unanimously to accept Deputy Chief Giampaolo’s report for May 2003.
Deputy Giampaolo reported that the A/C on the ladder truck has been a problem since its delivery and has never been rectified. He is working with representatives from
American LaFrance on the matter since they were responsible for the problem.
Deputy Chief Giampaolo also reported that the repeater and duplexer at the hospital malfunctions just about every week. The repeater at West Pearl Road was fifteen years old when they bought it fifteen years ago and is no longer functioning. Delivery on the new unit is expected in a week.
He also reported that the Fire Department has raised $5,500.00 from their Golf Tournament.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, the board voted unanimously to accept the Fire Marshal’s and Training Officer’s report for May 2003.
On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to accept the Incident Report for May 2003.
On a motion by Commissioner Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Telman, a discussion took place in regard to the vehicle replacement policy.
Commissioner Pucino pointed out that the plan said “It anticipates that injuries are possible to personnel working on or around this vehicle.” She asked Deputy Chief Giampaolo if they should be instructing the Fire Department to take Rescue Eight off line. t was her intent to eliminate any possibility of the board being accused of having the Fire Department use a vehicle that they shouldn’t be using.
Deputy Chief Giampaolo explained that Rescue Eight was to be dealt with as a stop gap measure. It
was a used vehicle and only slated to be in service for three years and it has outlived its usefulness.
He questioned whether it was unsafe at this point. Anything could happen when you’re dealing with
emergency response vehicles or vehicles that aren’t specifically designed for a certain purpose.
Rescue eight wasn’t designed to respond to emergencies. It was put together with the notion that it
would serve as a big tool box, and, as the department grew with the different disciplines, they
continued to add equipment to the vehicle. Rescue eight was rusting and it certainly was not a
vehicle by which the Fire Department could respond to an emergency in an expedient manner,
however, it was not an immediate safety issue. Since they couldn’t forecast the future, the Fire
Department felt it was a priority to replace that vehicle and to begin to change the operations of the
department in order to operate more efficiently and more expeditiously.
Commissioner Zordan inquired whether the board could leave it at the discretion of either Deputy Chief Giampaolo or Mr. Michaud as to whether the vehicle was road worthy or not.
Deputy Chief Giampaolo said “Absolutely.” He stated that putting a vehicle down is a management call. Vehicle Maintenance people are the experts and they dictate to the Fire Department whether a vehicle is safe and can be driven on the streets. Firefighters inspect these vehicles on a daily basis and any issues of safety are brought forward immediately. He stated that it was their job to forecast plans and they couldn’t wait until vehicles fell apart in the middle of the street to ask for an immediate replacement. Rescue eight has already exceeded their expectations.
Commissioner Pucino inquired how the department was planning to use the new rescue truck to tow.
Deputy Chief Giampaolo indicated that he would present the board with an operational policy.
Commissioner Telman pointed out that the plan had been extended from 2010 to 2017 and the number of pumpers had been reduced from seven to three in that time period. He inquired whether they would be cutting themselves short.
Deputy Chief Giampaolo indicated that three were more than adequate. Engine two is a 1989 and Engine Five is a 1986. They have a twenty-year life expectancy if they are maintained properly.
Commissioner Zordan stated that it looked like their budget for vehicle replacement could even be reduced, and that might free up some funds for the volunteers.
Deputy Chief Giampaolo agreed that a reduction in the budget might be possible. He felt it was something they should sit down with and explore.
For the record with regard to the rescue vehicle, Mayor Quinn said he had denied that it was part of the existing fleet, that it should be treated as a new piece of equipment. Chief Field complied with that. The report would have to go before the City Council and the Board of Finance for further scrutiny.
Mayor Quinn stated that they were still in the process of having an actuarial completed.
He wanted everyone to understand that, as much as they were moving forward with the plan, considerable work remained to be done.
Commissioner Potter asked if the person conducting the actuarial study was using the new plan or the original one.
Mayor Quinn stated that there was some confusion about that, non-the-less, it complied with what they wanted to do and he had added the rescue as a new piece of equipment. The intention was to get a bid, see what that looked like and make some final judgements as they moved forward.
Commissioner Telman inquired how the rescue could have been included as a new piece of equipment if the department had been using it for ten years.
Mayor Quinn said it was because it wasn’t included in the plan.
Commissioner Pucino stated the reason it wasn’t in the plan was because it was donated and not purchased by the city. Once it’s no longer useful someone will have to decide whether to replace it or not.
Commissioner Potter made note that the city also had an incident command bus and a SERT van that were donated.
Commissioner Pucino stated that those vehicles would fall under the same category as the rescue. They would have to go out to bid as new pieces of equipment since they were not listed for replacement. Once a replacement is purchased, it would be included in the plan.
Commissioner Zordan felt those vehicles should be part of the fleet if they were being used.
Deputy Chief Giampaolo explained that Rescue Eight originated from the initiative of the firefighters and administrators to avoid coming before the boards asking for funds. He said “I question whether it was never in the plan. I know that, certainly we have questions about liability, so we acknowledge the fact that it’s in the fleet. We acknowledge the fact through responsibility issues that we operate with the rescue vehicle.” The administration for the Fire Department felt there was certainly a need for this vehicle. He indicated that he and Chief Field had changed the plan from the one that was in place when he and Chief Field took over to something different than the seven pumpers by 2009. He couldn’t understand why a vehicle couldn’t be inserted into the
changes, or, they should have remained with the original plan where they planned to purchase a new pumper by the year 2004.
Commissioner Telman stated that these plans will have to be tailored to their needs at some point in the future. He inquired about the process to add the rescue to the inventory.
Mayor Quinn stated that the plan would move onto the City Council and the Board of Finance.
Commissioner Telman said “So, bid specifications cannot go out until after this has been approved by everybody?”
Mayor Quinn said “Correct.”
Commissioner Telman stated, to the best of his recollection, he indicated that a vehicle usage policy was set up by the Board of Public Safety, voted on and passed by the City Council. He asked, “Has any vehicle replacement policy that we’re adhering to apparently now been brought forth to City Council and voted on and approved?”
Corp. Counsel Vasko indicated that this board would be voting on the Fire Department’s vehicle replacement plan.
Commissioner Telman asked if it had to be brought to City Council.
Corp. Counsel said he thought it did need to go to the City Council, but he didn’t know if that had occurred yet.
Mayor Quinn said, “I don’t believe that has. With representatives of the City Council, Board of Finance and everyone to finally have some formalized way of doing this.”
Corp. Counsel Vasko stated that Commissioner Zordan’s requests to 1) accept the vehicle replacement plan for the Fire Department and 2) to prepare bid specifications to go out to bid for a rescue vehicle, weren’t necessarily part of the policy.
Commissioner Telman feared that their actions might be moot because they didn’t know what the policy is.
Commissioner Zordan said they shouldn’t worry about the policy, just whether or not they have a plan they can live with.
Commissioner Pucino said they should decide whether or not they like the plan and it would go to the next step from there.
Commissioner Potter pointed out that the Fire Department is required to fill out forms for a policy that doesn’t exist. Commissioner Telman was asking whether or not it had been voted on by the City Council.
Mayor Quinn said, “We got them all together, Board of Finance, everyone else, and we said, ‘In the light of not having a policy, this is what we should do so that we’re all on the same page’, so it’s an administrative function that I did with those people in conjunction. I don’t know that it needs a policy. What we needed to do is make sure that what we have is, when the street department has to buy a purchase, police department, fire department, that they all play by the same rules.”
Commissioner Telman agreed, however, he said he kept hearing about this policy and had yet to see it and he just wanted to know what it was.
Mayor Quinn said “Well, that’s what we did when we had all the people in the room, trying to come up with a way that we could make sense because everybody was purchasing things differently. We put it down in black and white and then I gave it . . . (sentence unfinished.)
Commissioner Telman said his only concern was that this board wasn’t invited, with the exception of Commissioner Potter who attended one meeting, and to this day they are still wondering where they are going.
Commissioner Potter asked Corp. Counsel Vasko if it was an actual policy, was it something that had to be voted on by the Council or the Board of Public Safety.
Corp. Counsel Vasko said “If it’s going to be an actual citywide policy when it’s completely finalized, it should be voted on by City Council.”
VOTE #1970
The board voted unanimously to accept the Vehicle Replacement Plan as presented to them. (Major apparatus.)
During discussion, Commissioner Potter stated that the Chief had included a recommendation that a monetary amount be distributed to each of the volunteer departments for vehicle replacement and he wondered if that should be addressed
now or later.
Commissioner Telman supported the Chief’s recommendation, however, he thought it would have to be looked at later because they would need the actuarial.
Mayor Quinn said “And in budgetary times, between actuarial and budget.”
On a motion by Commissioner Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to have the Fire Department proceed with the bid process for the rescue vehicle.
Commissioner Zordan asked the fire department to concentrate on getting prices for the items that were necessary noting that items could be added to the truck at a later time.
Mayor Quinn agreed. Price was a major concern.
Lt. Brunoli stated that the specs for the rescue vehicle were ready to present to Purchasing and that they had pared it down as much as possible.
On a motion by Commissioner Telman, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to consider business presented by Department Heads.
Chief Janelle recognized Wal-Mart for their donation of 100 helmets to the Police Department to be distributed to children who ride bicycles. They have also donated $1,000.00 for the DARE Program and awarded the Police Department with a grant of up to $500.00 to purchase photography equipment to use by their AI Team.
Chief Janelle reported that Northeast Utilities had offered to donate a 1999 Ford Expedition to the Community Relations Office.
The board gave Chief Janelle permission to accept the donation from Northeast Utilities.
Chief Janelle also reported that Officer Shopey was made aware of a grant that was available to the Police Department to purchase a vehicle for the Traffic Bureau. It’s an 80/20 grant, whereby the state will pay 80% of the cost of the vehicle and the city will pay 20%. Because the grant had to be submitted by the end of June, he asked the board for permission to process the grant application. The city will be purchasing an SUV to replace the current Bronco being used by Officer Shopey.
Officer Shopey indicated that they would be looking at something larger than the Bronco, perhaps an Expedition or a Chevy Suburban, because they needed more space.
On a motion by Commissioner Telman, seconded by Commissioner Pucino, the board voted unanimously to add the item to the Agenda.
On a motion by Commissioner Telman, seconded by Commissioner Pucino, the board voted unanimously to give Chief Janelle permission to apply for the 80/20 grant to purchase a vehicle.
Chief Janelle reported that a vacancy for Detective had resulted from Detective Wood’s promotion to Sergeant. He asked for the board’s permission to administer an exam for Detective as soon as possible.
On a motion by Commissioner Telman, seconded by Commissioner Pucino, the board voted unanimously to give Chief Janelle permission to administer an exam for Detective position in the Police Department.
Deputy Chief Giampaolo publicly thanked the Board of Public Safety, the City Council and Mayor Quinn for supporting the Fire Department budget. He assured the board that they would work closely with Mr. Dickinson to improve the operations of the department and that this board would be apprized of ongoing conversations and discussions on the matter.
Mayor Quinn requested adding an item to the agenda by 2/3rds vote in regard to a street
closure for a downtown festival.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, the board voted unanimously to add the item to the agenda by 2/3rds vote.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Telman, the board voted unanimously to approve the closing of Main Street between Water and Mason Streets on Sunday, July 20th for a Downtown Festival.
Torringford Volunteer Fire Chief Brian Cornell had nothing to report.
On a motion by Commissioner Pucino, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the board voted unanimously to consider business presented by Mayor Quinn and members of the Board of Public Safety.
Commissioner Telman reported that a black Mercedes continued to park in a No Parking zone on Volkman Lane.
Chief Janelle would address that situation in the morning.
Commissioner Potter indicated that he was interested in the plans that Finance Board member Roger Dickinson had to improve the operations of the Fire Department. He expressed his concern that Mr. Dickinson was going about it in the wrong way by not including the Board of Public Safety since this board set policies and procedures for the Fire Department. He should be starting his discussions with this board at the very least, and let them know his intentions.
On a motion by Commissioner Pucino, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, the board voted unanimously to adjourn at 9:20 p.m.