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Minutes 03/12/2003
                    BOARD OF PUBLIC SAFETY
                   MARCH 12, 2003
            In the absence of Mayor Quinn, the regular meeting of the Board of Public Safety scheduled for Wednesday, March 12, 2003 was                            adjourned and rescheduled for Wednesday, March 19, 2003.

            Present were members of the Board of Public Safety, Richard L. Zaharek, Robert C. Zordan, Thomas T. Telman, Jr. James E. Potter, and                  Christopher H. Cook; Corporation Counsel Al Vasko, Police Chief Roger Janelle, Deputy Police Chief Robert Milano, Traffic Officer Robert                   Shopey, Fire Chief John Field, Deputy Fire Chief Jaye Giampaolo, Fire Marshal Timothy Taurau, and Torringford Volunteer Fire Chief Brian                 Cornell.  Absent included Commissioner Carolann Kennedy-Pucino, Drakeville Volunteer Fire Chief Aaron Picz, and Burrville Volunteer Fire                Chief Jason Noad.


         Fire Chief John Field and Fire Marshal Timothy Taurau presented awards to the winners of the Fire Prevention Poster Contest.  They
         included Lindsay LaMonica, fourth grade student at East School, Victoria Smith, fourth grade student at Vogel Wetmore School, Jimmy Ji,
         fifth grade student at East School, and Bryan Szabo, fifth grade student at East School.              

          It was noted that Lindsay LaMonica was one of the local winners for Litchfield County and her poster will be competing in the contest at the           state level.

          They were all commended for a job well done.  

          This was the only item addressed.

                         ASST. CITY CLERK