DECEMBER 18, 2002
A REGULAR MEETING of the Board of Public Safety was held on Wednesday, December 18, 2002, from the adjourned meeting scheduled for December 11, 2002. It was held in the Council Chambers.
Attending was Mayor Owen J. Quinn, Jr., members of the Board of Public Safety, Richard L. Zaharek, Thomas T. Telman, Jr. James E. Potter, Carolann Kennedy-Pucino, Christopher H. Cook, Corporation Counsel Al Vasko, Police Chief Roger Janelle, Deputy Police Chief Robert Milano, Fire Chief John Field, Deputy Fire Chief Jaye Giampaolo, and Torringford Volunteer Fire Chief Brian Cornell. Absent were Commissioner Robert C. Zordan, Traffic Officer Robert Shopey, Drakeville Volunteer Fire Chief Aaron Picz, and Burrville Volunteer Fire Chief Jason Noad.
Mayor Quinn called the meeting to order at 7:39 P.M.
On a motion by Commissioner Pucino, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to accept the following minutes:
Special meeting held October 9, 2002.
Regular meeting held October 9, 2002.
Regular meeting held November 13, 2002.
On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Telman, the board voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public.
On a motion by Commissioner Telman, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the board voted unanimously to accept Chief Janelle’s recommendation to promote Officer Keith Dablain from Probationary Patrolman to Patrolman as a regular member of the Police Department effective December 10, 2002.
Police Chief Janelle requested adding the Crime Watch Captain of the Year Award to the agenda by 2/3rds vote.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Pucino, the board voted unanimously to add the item to the agenda.
Chief Janelle, on behalf of the Torrington Police Department and the Neighborhood Block Watch, recognized Maryann Hilpert as the recipient of the Crimewatch Captain of the Year Award. Ms. Hilpert received the honor because of her dedication and leadership to the organization.
There was no public participation.
On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to accept the Patrol Division and Support Services Report for November 2002.
On a motion by Commissioner Telman, seconded by Commissioner Pucino, the board voted unanimously to accept the Investigative Services Report for November 2002.
On a motion by Commissioner Telman, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to accept the Purchasing Agent’s recommendation to award the Bid for a “Hostage Negotiation Phone” to Rescue-Phone, Inc. of Crofton, MD for $5,000.00, and to refer it to the City Council.
During a discussion, Chief Janelle explained that this telephone was fabricated in a protective box that the ERT would use in a hostage situation. The phone would have a direct line to the command center, would block out all incoming calls, and could withstand being thrown about.
Chief Janelle indicated that $2,500.00 had been allocated in each of the last two budget years to fund this expense. He noted that an original bid came in at more than $7,000.00 and was sent out for rebid. Apparently, Rescue-Phone, Inc. didn’t get the bid specs the first time.
On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Pucino, the board voted unanimously to accept Chief Field’s Report for November 2002.
On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the board voted unanimously to accept Deputy Chief Giampaolo’s report for November 2002.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Pucino, the board voted unanimously to accept the Fire Marshal and Training Officer’s report for November 2002.
On a motion by Commissioner Pucino, seconded by Commissioner Telman, the board voted unanimously to accept the Incident Report for November 2002.
On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Potter, a discussion took place in regard to the Purchasing Agent’s recommendation to award the bid for the “fifty-eight Trench Coats for Firefighters” to Mag & Son of New Britain, CT for $7,076.00.
Commissioner Telman inquired whether the Fire Department presently had trench coats.
Deputy Chief Giampaolo indicated that the department had previously been issued reefer coats, however, they had not been replaced since 1985. Traditionally, firefighters responded to funerals wearing dress uniforms with nothing over them to protect them from the elements.
Commissioner Potter indicated that funds had already been approved in the budget process for this item.
Commissioner Telman stated that he understands their needs to a point, but in light of projected hard budget times, he thought they could spend $7,000.00 on something other than coats that would only be used occasionally.
Deputy Chief Giampaolo noted that they would wear them quite often, and reiterated the fact that this item had already passed the budget process.
Chief Field stated that the trench coats would be a cost saving measure in the long run because they would keep their dress uniforms from being exposed to the weather.
Commissioner Pucino inquired whether they would have any markings on them.
Deputy Chief Giampaolo stated that they would have the traditional Fire Department silver and gold buttons and the epaulets would have the rank insignia.
Commissioner Potter inquired whether there would be enough markings to discourage the firefighters from using them as an everyday overcoat.
Deputy Chief Giampaolo indicated that the buttons were quite distinguishable and that limiting the insignia kept the costs down.
Chief Field stated that $9,000.00 has been allocated in the budget process for trench coats, and that Deputy Chief Giampaolo was able get the cost down so they could purchase them at $7,000.00.
VOTE #560
The board voted 4-1 to accept the Purchasing Agent’s recommendation to award the bid for the fifty-eight Trench Coats for Firefighters to Mag & Son of New Britain, Ct. for $7,076.00, and to refer it to the City Council. Commissioner Telman opposed the motion.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to initiate the information gathering process for a combined emergency services dispatch.
During a discussion, Chief Field informed the board that the four chiefs met to discuss the possibility of a combined dispatch service between the Fire and Police Departments, and, since they felt it was doable, they were requesting the board’s permission to move forward with the fact-finding process.
On a motion by Commissioner Pucino, seconded by Commissioner Cook, a discussion took place on the City Council’s decision to deny the request for the Fire Marshal’s vehicle to be listed as a Category A vehicle.
Mayor Quinn reviewed what had taken place thus far. At this time, the Fire Marshal’s vehicle was included in Category B. He said it was his belief that the Board of Public Safety agreed with the Department Heads that the Fire Marshal’s vehicle was a Category A usage and that this issue was solely under the purview of the Board of Public Safety.
Commissioner Potter thought Chief Field could impress upon the Fire Marshal that his vehicle was not to be used for business related to other towns. He also noted, that the city emblem had been placed on the Fire Marshal’s vehicle and requested that emblems be placed on the other two vehicles as well.
Chief Field indicated that he brought this matter before the Board of Safety again because he felt it was imperative for the Fire Marshal’s vehicle to be in Category A, even if stipulations were required.
Commissioner Zaharek inquired whether Category A allowed the Fire Marshall the use of the vehicle for personal use.
Chief Field stated that Category A did allow for personal use as long as the user kept track of the mileage, etc. The personal use needed to be tracked and reported to the Comptroller for tax purposes.
Commissioner Potter said he didn’t think the Fire Marshal should use the vehicle to go back and forth to the Fire School for his instruction classes. Commissioner Potter inquired whether it would make sense to keep the vehicle that carried the major equipment at the fire station and have the Fire Marshal take a secondary vehicle.
Commissioner Pucino thought Category A would be fine for the Fire Marshal as long as he kept a log.
Mayor Quinn added that the equipment in the vehicle should not be used for other municipalities as well.
Mayor Quinn noted that no further action was necessary because the previous action by the Board of Safety took precedent over the City Council’s action.
On a motion by Commissioner Pucino, seconded by Commissioner Cook, a discussion took place in regard to the First Responder Supplemental application. (Tabled 8/14/02, 10/9/02, & 11/13/02.)
Chief Field stated that he and the Union had a draft copy of the agreement and they were waiting for suggestions, questions or comments from all involved.
Mayor Quinn pointed out that Item #2 were what people were looking for, that it wasn’t a change in working conditions. He hoped the Commissioners would review the draft and refer any possible concerns to Corp. Counsel. He thought this was a step in the right direction to make certain the city had a seamless approach to emergency services.
Chief Field indicated that additional wording was necessary as far as normal response was concerned. As stated in previous discussions, the Fire Department will not be going outside their realm of normal response, which is to assist Campion Ambulance when called upon. Their main focus at this time is to address the liability issues. There were questions from the Union in terms of changing working conditions, so additional wording may be added addressing normal response, but the present normal response is not going to change.
Mayor Quinn stated that the agreement would formalize what had been the practice.
The matter will be on next month’s agenda.
On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Potter, a discussion took place in regard to the Discrimination and Harassment Policy for the Fire Department.
At Corp. Counsel Vasko’s request, Commissioner Pucino made a motion to table any discussion on the draft of the Discrimination and Harassment Policy for the Fire Department. Commissioner Telman seconded the motion. Unanimous. (Tabled on 11/13/02.)
On a motion by Commissioner Pucino, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to consider business presented by Department Heads.
Chief Janelle requested adding an executive session under Security to the agenda by 2/3rds vote.
On a motion by Commissioner Pucino, seconded by Commissioner Telman, the board voted unanimously to add the executive session to the agenda.
Chief Field thanked the three volunteer departments and Campion Ambulance for their assistance in handling approximately 180 calls in a three-day period during the recent ice storm.
Torringford Volunteer Fire Chief Brian Cornell informed the board that their latest fund raising effort to sell Christmas trees was very successful.
Chief Cornell inquired whether the firehouse could have a sign installed that would direct the public not to block their entrance.
Mayor Quinn said he would work with Officer Shopey and Chief Cornell to see what could be done.
Chief Cornell inquired into the possibility of his department obtaining a used police cruiser.
Mayor Quinn said Chief Cornell would get a response and it would be shared with the Board of Public Safety.
On a motion by Commissioner Pucino, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to consider business presented by Mayor Quinn and members of the Board of Public Safety.
Commissioner Pucino commended both departments for a job well done during the ice storm.
Commissioner Telman inquired about the vehicle replacement plan.
Commissioner Potter asked that a committee be formed, including several members of the Board of Public Safety, to develop a concrete policy for the Fire Department to get the equipment it needs, and to review the Police Department’s needs. He said it was his understanding that people involved in purchasing city vehicles didn’t feel there was a policy in place because such a policy was never voted on.
Chief Janelle’s recollection of the way things transpired was that the vehicle replacement concept was brought to this board as well as to the City Council, and approved by both boards. The actual replacement schedule was formulated by the two chiefs, Mike Michaud, and former Mayor Gryniuk, who sat in as a facilitator. It was his understanding from Mr. Michaud that he was assisting in formalizing a policy so that both departments would have something tangible because nothing was ever written on how the policy would be followed, etc.
Mayor Quinn noted that Chief Janelle was correct. He indicated that there was no policy on how to use the Vehicle Replacement Account, which discrepancies existed on how departments approached the subject, and that there were issues with the Fire Department, specifically that the allocation for a rescue truck or for pumpers being turned over to volunteers had not been included in the plan. As a result, it seemed to everyone that pro-active policy was needed to specify the need for new equipment and how it was going to be purchased. Consequently, Mayor Quinn had met with department heads, Commissioner Potter, members of the City Council and the Board of Finance, so that all three boards could understand how the policy was being used.
Commissioner Potter had suggested that Mayor Quinn meet with members of the Board of Safety and the chiefs to come up with a plan to purchase vehicles. Mayor Quinn would also reconvene members of the Board of Public Safety to discuss the issues of volunteer roll out, if possible, and under what circumstances and how much it would cost, etc., and review the Fire Department’s current inventory to see if any changes were needed.
Commissioner Potter commended the Police and Fire Departments, as well as the volunteers, for their work during the ice storm.
In regard to the City’s Accident Investigation Committee mentioned on Chief Field’s report, Commissioner Potter thought it was unnecessary for the Personnel Director to develop policy regarding accidents with city-owned vehicles since both departments already had policies in place. Commissioner Pucino agreed.
Mayor Quinn noted that the Police & Fire Departments’ policy was used as a model.
Chief Janelle said he sat on that committee and indicated that there was nothing in the new policy they were drafting that contradicted the Police Department’s policy. It only enhanced their policy. The Board of Safety will be receiving a copy of the draft once it’s completed. The committee will review the supervisors’ actions, whether they are disciplinary or otherwise and make recommendations.
Commissioner Potter also requested that both chiefs review their lock out dispatching policy.
Mayor Quinn commended both departments for their efforts during the ice storm. He noted that he had called upon the Chief Elected Officials of Litchfield County and some of Hartford County to collectively file an application with the federal government in an effort to recapture the extraordinary expenditures related to the ice storm. They felt they had a better chance to recover those costs collectively than for each town to attempt it on its own. He reported that the FEMA representative said the City of Torrington’s report was the best he had ever seen in thirty years as a field operator and that was a testament to the Board of Public Safety, and to the hard work and professionalism of both departments, department heads, and volunteers in the city.
Mayor Quinn thanked the Police Department for their effort with their Criminal Justice program at the high school.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Pucino, the board went into an executive session under Security, Police Department, at 8:53 p.m.
On a motion by James Potter, seconded by Thomas Telman, the board went into an open session at 9:02 p.m.
On a motion by James Potter, seconded by Thomas Telman, the board adjourned at 9:02 p.m.
Acting Recording Secretary