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Agenda 02/01/2012
6:30 pm: Joint Boards of Trustees
Immed. Following: Board of Trustees Police Fire Pension Fund
Immed. Following: Board of Public Safety





**Immediately Following the Board of Trustees of the Police and Firemen's Pension Fund.

1.   Vote to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held January 4, 2012.

2.   Vote to accept the minutes of the special telephonic meeting held January 11, 2012.

3.   Vote to open the meeting to the public.

4.   Vote to accept Chief Michael Maniago’s Reports for December 2011.   

5.   Vote to accept Officer Pisarski's Report for December 2011.

6.    Discussion/vote to waive bid process for purchase of (90) new 40 cal. Glock model 22RTF2 automatic pistols for Police Department at $129.00 each, after trade-in, to be purchased from Bob's Gun Exchange, Darien, CT, to be paid for through Training Line Item #5223.

7.   Discussion/Vote to accept Police Department Traffic Enforcement Strategy.

8.   Vote to accept Fire Chief John Field’s Report dated January 25, 2012.

9.   Vote to accept Deputy Chief Gary Brunoli's Report dated January 25, 2012.

10.  Vote to accept Fire Marshal Tim Tharau's Reports for Nov. and Dec. 2011.

11.  Vote to accept Training Officer Larry Hepburn’s Report for December, 2011.  

12.  Discussion/Vote to accept the Fire Department's 2011 Annual Report.

13.  Discussion:   E-5 Status.

14.  Vote to accept the Emergency Management Director's Reports for November and December, 2011.

15.  Vote to accept the EMS Provider Activity Report for December 2011.

16.   Vote to enter Executive Session under Fire Department Personnel.

17.  Vote to consider business by Department Heads.

18.  Vote to consider business by Volunteer Fire Departments.

19.  Vote to consider business by Mayor and members of the Board of Public Safety.