Wednesday, March 2, 2016
6:30 p.m.
1. Awards or Pinning Ceremonies
Fire Prevention Poster Contest Winners.
2. Vote to accept the minutes of the Regular meeting held January 6, 2016.
3. Vote to accept the minutes of the Special Telephonic meeting held February 3, 2016.
4. Vote to open the meeting to the public.
5. Vote to accept Firefighters Ball and Preuss as regular members of the Torrington Fire Department having successfully completed their first year probationary period.
6. Vote to accept Police Chief Maniago’s Reports for December 2015 & January 2016.
7. Vote to accept Officer Pisarski's Traffic Operations Unit Reports for December 2015 & January 2016.
8. Vote to accept Fire Chief Brunoli's Reports.
9. Vote to accept Deputy Fire Chief Pepler's Reports.
10. Vote to accept Training Officer Tripp's Reports.
11. Vote to accept Emergency Management Reports.
12. Vote to accept Fire Marshal Bascetta’s Reports.
13. Vote to accept EMS Provider Activity Report for the months of December 2015 & January 2016.
14. Vote to consider business by Volunteer Fire Departments.
15. Vote to consider business by Department Heads.
16. Vote to consider business by Mayor and members of the Board of Public Safety.
17. Adjournment.