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Meeting Schedule Week of 08/01/2005


MON     AUG     1       Board of Trustees of the City Employees’        6:30 PM
                            Retirement Fund                                           Council Chambers

City Council & WPC Authority    Immediately Following
Board of Trustees Meeting
Council Chambers


TUES    AUG     2       Solid Waste Advisory Committee  3:30 PM
                                                                                              Room 206A

SPECIAL Board of Education      7:00 PM 355 Migeon Avenue

Democracy for America
                           Torrington/Litchfield County Candidates Forum        7:00 PM               Auditorium


WED     AUG     3       Parks & Recreation      6:00 PM Armory


THURS AUG       4       Board of Public Safety (Personnel Committee -   5:45 PM
                            Police Department)                                        Chief’s Office


FRI       AUG   5
