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Awards to be Presented at Heritage Day
Awards to be presented at this year’s heritage Day Celebration

Mayor Owen J. Quinn is calling on more of the City’s ethnic communities to take part in the Aug. 13, Heritage Day celebration and for the first time organizers will present awards to groups with the best ethnic food and traditional dishes.

With dozens of groups already signed up for the daylong event, Mayor Quinn said he wants to see the City’s German, Greek, Polish, Asian, African American, Irish and other ethnic communities participate.

“This is really a day about people celebrating their culture, their food and where they and their family came from,” Mayor Quinn said. “It’s a way to celebrate our roots and I really want to see people selling their traditional food and showing pride in their culture.”

So far several groups like UNICO, La Via Latina, the some of the City’s Lebanese residents have signed on as well as others, City officials reported.

“I’m calling on people to step up and really show their pride by dressing in traditional garb and cooking grandma’s favorite dish,” Mayor Quinn said. “We need to tell and show the younger generation of Torringtonians why this City’s diverse background and history is special and important.”

The City is offering free booth space at the event.  An organizational meeting has been scheduled for June 16, 2005, 6-8 p.m., at the Armory on South Main Street.  Anyone wishing to participate should call the Mayor’s Office at 489-2228 or Parks Superintendent John Timm at 489-2385.