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State Releases Possible Courthouse Locations
The State of Connecticut released the following list of potential sites that were submitted in response to a Department of Public Works' Request for Proposal (RFP) that met the minimal site requirements as set forth in the RFP:

Nickerson Site - Intersection of Winsted Road and Burr Mountain Road
Timken Site - 59 Field Street and adjacent parcel across Clark Street
O&G Site - Intersection of Kennedy Drive and Alvord Park Road
Nidec Site - 100 Franklin Drive
Ricci Site - 341 and 371 Pinewoods Road
Main Street Site - 408, 422, 432, 442, 452, 456 Main Street and Grove Street
Kelley Site - 136 Water Street and adjacent municipal parking lot at the intersection of John Street and Church/ Mason Street.

The project consists of the construction of the Litchfield Judicial District Courthouse with associated improvements in Torrington.  The approximate 160,000 square foot new Courthouse is proposed to consolidate and house the Civil, Criminal, Family, and Juvenile Matters Divisions of the Litchfield Judicial District.

There will be a Public Scoping Meeting for this project on March 23, 2005 from 7:00-9:00 PM at the Torrington City Hall Auditorium.

The public may submit written comments regarding the Courthouse projects until March 28, 2005.  

Written comments should be sent to:

Joseph McMahon, Director of Facilities
Judicial Branch
90 Washington Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Fax 860-706-5093

For questions about the public meeting or about the scoping of the project, contact:

David Wlodkowski, Project Manager
Department of Public Works
165 Capitol Avenue, Room 460
Hartford, CT 06106
Ph 860-713-5934
Fax 860-713-7270

Please click here to view the full notice as published in the Environmental Monitor, the official site for project information under the CT Environmental Policy Act.