City of Torrington Parks Master Plan
The S/L/A/M Collaborative has been hired by the City of Torrington to develop a long-range parks master plan to guide the future development of the City's park and open space facilities. Community input is vital to developing a master plan that fulfills the needs of the Torrington community. As a member of the community, we are requesting your input with regard to your specific experience and interests in Torrington's park and recreation facilities, both now and into the future.
The objective of this phase of the master planning process is to identify the following:
* The types of park and recreational needs that exist in the community.
* The quantity of facilities needed to satisfy demand and requirements for things such as athletic fields, game courts, trails, river access, open space preservation, etc.
* Related facilities or site improvements that support or enhance the use and quality of park and recreation activities.
* Geographic considerations for distribution of park and recreational facilities.
As part of this process, we request your feedback with regards to the current quantity, condition and location of facilities as they relate to the needs and interests of you and/or your family. When practical, we also seek input regarding specific design or planning parameters of new or renovated facilities (ie size, location, quality, etc).
In order to consider your comments into the master planning process, we ask that you complete the attached questionnaire and return it to a drop box located in the main lobby at City Hall, or in the lobby of the Armory near the Park & Rec office by May 21, 2004. Alternatively, you may mail or fax a response to S/L/A/M at the following address or fax number:
The S/L/A/M Collaborative
80 Glastonbury Boulevard
Glastonbury, CT 06033
Attn Henry Thomas
Fax 860-657-3141
To download a copy of the survey, please click here. The survey is in a PDF format and requires that you have Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you need Acrobat Reader click here to download a free copy.