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Update from Mayor's Task Force on Blight
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The City of Torrington, Office of the Mayor and the Mayor’s Task Force on Blight is proud to announce that two more of the Dirty Dozen have been removed from the list.  The locations are 17 Britton Avenue and Old Winsted Road.  Work is continuing as the City of Torrington is winning its fight against blight.  

To update you, of the Dirty Dozen currently being pursued -

229 Church Street - owner Charles and James Rhoades and 155 Park Avenue - owner Wilfred Reil, Jr. are in foreclosure.

Arrest warrants are prepared and ready to be issued for 521-523 Harwinton Avenue - owner, Enoch Little; Two properties on Fenna Street owned by RKX, LLC (Peter Andrighetti, agent) and property on Hoerle Blvd owned by Michael Joseph.

139 Wall Street is scheduled to be sold and close this week with the new owner submitting a schedule for clean up.  In a similar situation 12 Grove Street sold at a tax sale and since has been undergoing reconstruction and should soon be off the list as well.

Other properties are progressing slowly.

The Mayor’s Task Force on Blight is working on other properties in order to remove unsightly or neglected properties from our neighborhoods and downtown that may not meet the strict standard for blight.  Other properties we are working on are the Old Firehouse, Yankee Pedlar and 126/128 High Street which is proceeding in court.       

Other properties that were next to be scheduled for the Dirty Dozen and informed of their status have taken appropriate action to avoid being placed on the list: one owner demolished his dilapidated property on Brightwood Ave. Another has just been approved for a demolition permit for their building on Riccardone Avenue.

The Task Force has voted to determine the properties who would take the now vacant spaces on the Dirty Dozen list.  The new locations are:

        194 Linton Street, owner - Edward Bushy Jr. of Torrington, and
        193 Linton Street, owner - Edward Bushy Jr. of Torrington
194 Linton Street is a residential property that has been neglected and has a yard full of junk, cars and debris.  Since it is inhabited by the owner it does not meet the blight criteria but can be pursued under the zoning regulations and Housing Court.

193 Linton Street is an abandoned house that has no electric, no water and no heat.  The building exterior is deteriorating.  This meets the criteria of blight and will be pursued under the Blight Ordinance.

The newly designated blighted property(s) owner will be invited to the next Blight Task Force meeting scheduled for 2/18 to encourage positive action to remove his properties from the Dirty Dozen.  

From the start of the Task Force in November 2002, nine properties have been removed from the Dirty Dozen list by meeting minimum standards outlined in the Blight Ordinance, Building Code, Fire Code and Zoning Regulations.  This is an ongoing battle that the City feels is necessary to instill pride in our neighborhoods, community and town and make Torrington a better place to live.