To provide a fair and uniform resolution to disputes involving mailboxes damaged by city snowplows, the Public Works Department approves the following policy concerning mailboxes.
If a mailbox is struck (direct contact with the plow) by a City snowplow, the City will replace the mailbox and/or post with a standard mailbox on a 4"x4" post. Claims for "fancy" or custom-made mailboxes will be considered only when substantiated by original receipts.
All snowplow drivers shall call in any mailbox damage at the time it occurs.
If a mailbox or post is pushed over or damaged as a result of the snow or slush coming off the snowplow, it is considered a winter hazard and the City will not repair or replace the mailbox or post.
All mailboxes should be securely fastened to a sturdy post which is sufficiently anchored in the ground to resist the impact of plowed snow or slush. In accordance with current postal recommendations, the mailbox should be six to eight inches (6"- 8") from the edge of pavement or curb in order to prevent contact by the plow. The height of the bottom of the mailbox should be between 41" and 44".
All claims for mailbox damage due to direct contact with a City snowplow should be called in to the Street Department at 489-2352.