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Special Town Meeting _ Mon., Jan 9th 7PM


To the Constable of the TOWN OF TOLLAND in the County of Hampden GREETING

        IN THE NAME OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town, qualified to vote in elections to meet at the PUBLIC SAFETY COMPLEX in said TOWN OF TOLLAND on MONDAY, the ninth (9) day of January next at 7:00 o’clock in the afternoon, for the following purpose:

ARTICLE 1  To see if the town will vote to appropriate and transfer from Free Cash the sum of $10,322.26 to cover a Chapter 90 deficit concerning materials used on Burt Hill Road.

ARTICLE 2  To see if the town will vote to appropriate and transfer from Free Cash the sum of $17,118.51 to cover a Board of Health deficit.

ARTICLE 3  To see if the town will vote to appropriate and transfer from Free Cash the sum of $7,807.95 for Assessors Revaluation.

ARTICLE 4  To see if the town will vote to appropriate and transfer from Free Cash the sum of $2,615.70 for the cleaning and floor refinishing at the Tolland Town Hall and Public Safety Complex.

ARTICLE 5  To see if the town will vote to appropriate and transfer from Free Cash the sum of $15,000.00  for the purchase and installation of fire/smoke alarms at the Tolland Town Hall, Tolland Public Library, Public Safety Complex and the Department of Public Works.

And you are directed to serve this Warrant, by posting true and attested copies thereof at FOUR PUBLIC PLACES in said Town FOURTEEN (14) DAYS at least before the time of holding said meeting.

HEREOF FAIL NOT, and make due return of this Warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, at or before the time of holding said meeting. Given under our hands this ninetieth (19) day of December in the year of our Lord two thousand sixteen.


Eric R. Munson, Jr.
Steven DellaGiustina  
Thomas Paine