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Planning Board Minutes 02/19/2014

P.O. BOX 602
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DATE:           February 19, 2014
TIME:                   7:10 PM

PLACE:          Town Hall Annex

ATTENDANCE:     Doble, Peak, Seidman, Stephenson, and Thompson

BILLS:          Citizen Planner Training Collaborative …$120.00

MINUTES:                As referred in the 12 February 2014 Meeting Agenda
                        12 February 2014        M/S/C           4/0/0


1. March 15, 2014 CPTC Annual Conference
RE: Daniel Seidman & Cheryl Doble attending

Board members were advised that D. Seidman and C. Doble had been registered to attend the annual conference on the 15th of March.  Mr. Seidman signed on to attend three conference sessions, as did Mrs. Doble.

2. Stop & Shop
A. Proposal for expansion
B. Municipal Parking Lot
C. Request for Legal Counsel re: questions regarding easements, etc.

Mr. Peak approached Mr. Grande to inquire if he had contacted town counsel to inquire about the easements and memorandums of understanding the town had negotiated with Stop & Shop over the past years.

Mr. Grand advised Mr. Peak that he did not have the opportunity, but agreed to forward Mr. Peak’s questions to town counsel.  Mr. Peak planned to formulate his questions and submit them by the end of the week.

Mr. Peak provided the Board a copy of the easements, and memorandums currently registered at the Registry of Deeds for the municipal parking lot. A second was to be prepared for Mr. Seidman, as requested.

3. Tisbury Schoo1
RE: Options

Mr. Peak noted that he had not received copies of the School Committee’s meeting minutes and asked the board secretary if the Planning Board had been receiving copies. The board secretary replied in the negative, and offered to contact Ms. Lipke.   

Mr. Peak noted that he had not been attending the school committee’s meetings on Tuesdays at 8:30 AM because the hour conflicted with his work schedule.  

Mrs. Loberg was of the impression that the school committee was interested in relocating to a new location. It was noted that the site on West Spring Street was not viable.  Mrs. Loberg inquired about the funding.

Mr. Peak explained that the MSBA’s (Massachusetts School Buildings Agency) grant was open to the entire Commonwealth and designed for new constructions. The School Committee had to file a Statement of Interest by April 11, 2014 as a first step in the application process.  He understood the MSBA’s application process could take as long as two years, so that the School Committee may have to re-apply annually, until they received notice of their acceptance. Upon receipt of a notice, the School Committee then had to approach the town for funds ($500,000.00) to conduct a feasibility study that the  MSBA conducts for a determination on need. If they were accepted, the town had 120 days to fund the project.

Mr. Stephenson noted that the Planning Board preferred to see the school stay at its current location, but thought it was necessary to hire a consultant to study the current location’s attributes.  Without the information it was difficult to compare the site with alternate locations.

Mr. Seidman thought the school’s space needs could be addressed by expanding the back end of the building out into the parking lot and adding a second floor. He did not believe the town would support the expense for a new building.  Following additional discussions, the Board agreed that the subject warranted further dialogue with the school committee, and analysis.

1. Patricia Carlet
RE:  Consideration for position of Associate Member

Mr. Peak read Ms. Carlet’s letter into the record of the minutes. C Doble expressed an interest in running for Mr. Aldrin’s position on the Board, since he did not intend to run for re-election.

2. Martha’s Vineyard Commission
A. 14 February 2014 Extended Meeting Schedule
B. 20 February 2014 Meeting Agenda
C.  District of Critical Planning Concern Qualifications (Excerpts)
D. Vote to accept proposed DCPC for Consideration

3. Quinlan Publishing
RE: Zoning Bulletin, 10 February 2014

PRO FORM        Meeting opened, conducted and closed in due form at 8:20 P.M.   
                        (m/s/c  4/0/0)          
Respectfully submitted;
Patricia V. Harris, Secretary

APPROVAL:       Approved and accepted as official minutes;

______________          _________________________
Date                    L. Anthony Peak