P.O. BOX 602
(508) 696-4270
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DATE: September 19, 2012
TIME: 7:00 PM
PLACE: Town Hall Annex
BILLS: Postage…………………………..$238.00
ATTENDANCE: Aldrin, Peak and Thompson
ABSENT: Seidman and Stephenson
MINUTES: As referred in the September 05, 2012 Meeting Agenda
22 August 2012 Deferred
05 September 2012 Deferred
7:00 PM Debbie Marlin dba Yellow Dog Gallery, 95 Beach Road Re: Proposal for an Art Gallery
Ms. Marlin, a nationally known artist indicated that she was interested in purchasing the aforementioned property to use as her primary residence and upscale art gallery because of its proximity to the harbor. She explained that she could use the harbor and lagoon as the background for future commissioned products and as the primary theme in her works of art. She noted that the water was inspirational and it was her ‘muse”.
Board members were provided with several samples of her artwork for their review, reflecting her affinity for the sea and the island’s mascot i.e. Labrador.
Mr. Peak noted that the properties in the Waterfront Commercial District have been governed by a strictly regulated bylaw since 1996, for the purpose of preserving the area’s character, and existing nautical uses. If not for the restrictive regulations, there was a good possibility that the properties would have been developed for high income purposes. He acknowledged that there were occasions where the regulations have been an issue and counterproductive. It’s been an issue the Planning Board has had difficulty addressing.
Relative to the proposal, Mr. Peak did not believe the gallery was permitted in the Waterside Management District. Ms. Marlin inquired if she would be allowed to operate her gallery if part of the proposal included the use of the dock or a canoe in her commissioned artwork. Mr. Peak could not respond and offered to look into the proposal for a response. He wanted to assist her, as long as they stayed within the regulations. He also wanted an opportunity to speak with the Building Inspector.
Ms. Marlin noted that Mr. Barwick had approached the Planning Board years ago to inquire if she could use the Vineyard Scripts building for her gallery, and was advised that she could utilize the front retail space for maritime artwork. Mr. Peak understood that the building in question was split between the two management areas, so that a portion could have legitimately been used as a gallery.
Ms. Marlin inquired if she could rent the apartment without utilizing the commercial space. Mr. Peak replied in the affirmative.
Mr. Breth, the proprietor of Martha’s Bicycle wanted to comment that the area would benefit from the gallery. The type of use would be an asset to the area.
7:25 PM Public Hearing (cont.): Special Permit for T-Mobile Northeast LLC, AP 22A11. High Point Lane
Attendance: None
The continuation of the public hearing was duly opened at 7:25 PM. Mr. Peak, Planning Board Co-Chairman read the revised notice into the minutes and advised the Board that they could not conduct the hearing for lack of quorum.
Board members were informed that the applicant was contacted and advised that the Planning Board would be continuing the hearing until September 26, 2012, when all five (5) board members would be available to hearing the application. Mr. Aldrin advised the Board that he would not be available on September 26, 2012 because he was attending a school trip with his pupils.
Board members were asked to check their schedules for October 3, 2012. Those present confirmed that they would be available. The Board Secretary has been in contact with Mr. Seidman, and thought he would be as well. Mr. Stephenson was to be contacted and asked about October 3rd.
Board members recommended continuing the hearing until October 3, 2012, and advising the applicant of their situation. Mr. Peak entertained a motion to continue the public hearing until October 3, 2012 at 7:15 PM. Mr. Aldrin so moved. Mr. Thompson seconded the motion, which motion carried. 3/0/0
Mr. Peak entertained a motion to close the Board’s meeting at 7:29 PM. Mr. Aldrin so moved. And Mr. Thompson seconded the motion. 3/0/0
1. Tisbury Conservation Commission
A. Public Hearing Notice – Carly Simon, AP 55A10 (install. of a well/portion of a driveway)
B. Public Hearing Notice – Eleanor H White, AP 31A6.1 (screened porch and wooden fence)
C. Public Hearing Notice – Eve C. Weinstein, AP 3B01 (landscaping/ construction of a stone wall)
D. Public Hearing Notice – Mink Meadows Association, AP 30A03 (phragmites eradication)
2. MV Commission
A. Information Meeting Notice – Skiff Ave. Reconstruction and Beach Road SUP
B. MVC DRI Site Design and Landscape Policy
C. 14 September 2012 Extended Schedule
D.20 September 2012 Meeting Agenda
3. West Tisbury Planning Board
RE: Hearing Notice - ZBL Amendment
1. Hearing Notice
Re: Public Hearing - Vineyard Pizza, AP 09B17
PRO FORM Meeting opened, conducted and closed in due form at 7:29 P.M. (m/s/c 3/0/0)