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Planning Board Minutes 02/08/12

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DATE:           February 8, 2012
TIME:                   7:05 PM

PLACE:          Town Hall Annex

ATTENDANCE:     Aldrin, Peak, Seidman, Thompson
ABSENT:         Stephenson

BILLS:          Vineyard Electronics Inc………………….$9.99   
MINUTES:                As referred in the February 1, 2011 Meeting Agenda
                        25 January 2012         M/S/C           4/0/0
                        01 February 2012        M/S/C           4/0/0


7:05 PM House Business

1) Multipurpose Theater, Tisbury Market Place, Beach Road

Board members were informed that the MV Commission had closed the hearing, and were holding the deliberations this Thursday on February 9, 2012.

2) Radio Shack, State Road

Mr. Peak indicated that Mrs. Sibley had approached him about her proposal to relocate Radio Shack at the former site of Vineyard Home Center on State Road. She wanted to schedule an appointment with the Planning Board to review her parking plan.

Board members were advised that Mrs. Sibley had called the office for an appointment, and was scheduled to meet with the Board at their next meeting in February 22, 2012.

Mr. Peak noted that Mrs. Sibley was concerned about having to remove the giant oak tree at the entrance to accommodate the water main the Tisbury Water Department was requesting, knowing that the Planning Board was keen on preserving what few trees existing on State Road.

Mr. Seidman questioned to improve the water service to the property from State Road, when Mrs. Sibley could do so from High Point Lane through Mr. Silva’s property. Mr. Peak agreed that there were other alternatives, but did not know the specifics for the Water Department’s position.

Mr. Peak thought they should consider asking Mr. LaPiana, Mr. Panek (Mass. State Highway Department) and the Water Department’s Superintendant to the meeting for a clarification or options.  Board members agreed.

3) Tisbury Farmer’s Market

Mr. Seidman informed the Board that the applicant had revised his proposal and was currently before the MV Commission with a plan to double the square footage of the rear building’s footprint.


1. Daniel Seidman
RE: 2011 Town Report

Board members were advised that the report was a work in progress. Mr. Seidman asked for suggestions, and the Board recommended adding a comment with regards to the adoption of a regulation promoting alternative energy, the installation of the photovoltaic arrays at the landfill, the discussions on creating and linking pedestrian/bike paths throughout the town, and monitoring developments throughout the town to assure that they are coordinated to the town’s advantage to the extent possible, and potential sites for a new town hall.
2. Jeffrey Robinson
RE: Upland Drive, AP 20A01.1

Mr. Peak stated that extension of Upland Drive did not appear to have been constructed to the specifications of the plan they approved for the two lots in Vineyard Haven.  He did not recall issuing the Form O Certificate, and asked for the file, given that one of the lots had been developed.

The Board Secretary noted that the Planning Board signed the Certificate of Release (Form O) on October 5, 2011, after they accepted Mr. Hoehn’s letter of the same date, attesting that the subdivision road had been constructed to the specifications of the plan.

The Planning Board endorsed the Form C Subdivision Plan on December 8, 2008, then amended on August 4, 2010. A copy of the Decision was made available to the Board.

Mr. Peak made reference to the following Conditions and Restrictions of the August 4, 2010 Decision, and read the following:

3. The applicant will also submit the specifications of the material to be used on the road and identify the name of the subdivision road on the Definitive Plan at the expiration of the 20-day appeal period.

5. As any additional residential structure implies increased traffic over the subdivision road and as waivers are granted to allow minimal compliance with the standards set forth in the Rules and Regulations for the Subdivision of Land in the Town of Tisbury, it is required that all roadway improvements as noted on the Definitive Plan (Plan No. MV 5552) be completed prior to the issuance of a building permit for any new residential structures within the subdivision.

Mr. Peak had an issue with the quality of the road’s construction, because it appeared to be of a lesser grade in relation to the existing portion of Upland Drive.  He recalled that the Board wanted the extension to appear seamless. Mr. Peak wanted to pursue the matter with Mr. Hoehn of SB&H Inc. and the Building Inspector. He wanted to discuss the meaning of the section in the Decision entitled “Reconsideration”.

3. Tisbury Planning Board
RE: February 29, 2012 Meeting

Board members recommended canceling their meeting on 29 February 2012, since there would not be quorum.  Mr. Seidman moved to cancel the Planning Board’s meeting on 29 February 2012 for lack of quorum.  Mr. Aldrin seconded the motion, which motion carried.  4/0/0


1.  MV Commission
A. February 3, 2012 Extended Schedule
B. February 9, 2012 Meeting Agenda
C. Spring 2012 CPTC Conference (03/17/12)

2. American Planning Association
Re: The Commissioner, Winter 2012

3. Massachusetts Conservation
Re: 2012 Massachusetts Land Conservation Conference


1.      MV Commission
RE: Cronig’s Market Solar Parking Canopies

PRO FORM        Meeting opened, conducted and closed in due form at 8:20 P.M.           (m/s/c  4/0/0)