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Planning Board Minutes 08062008

P.O. BOX 602
(508) 696-4270


DATE:                   August 6, 2008  

TIME:                   7:05 P.M.

PLACE:                  Town Hall Annex

PRESENT:                        Douglas, Duart, Peak and Stephenson
ABSENT:                 Aldrin

BILLS:  Patricia Harris...................................$843.80
        Maciel Lock and Key………………$  60.00
        Lancaster Typewriter……………….$ 95.00
MEETING MINUTES:        As referred in the 30 July 2008 Meeting Agenda
23 July 2008    Deferred
30 July 2008    Deferred

7:05 PM Douglas Hoehn and Jim Hanelin Re: Potential Form A/C for the Hanelin property on the corner of Edgartown-VH Road and Border Road, AP 16A23.4            
Mr. Hoehn submitted two potential Form A proposals for the Board’s review noting that the Hanelin’s property was one of the four lots created back in the 1980’s within the Island Road District in violation of the restriction for one curb cut.  At present the property owners for three of the lots were being allowed one curb cut by the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Hanelin family, the property owners of the fourth lot have opted for a separate arrangement to accommodate all of the familial interests in the parcel of land.

Mr. Hoehn submitted a sketch proposing two (2) lots and a second sketch proposing three (3) lots.  All lots within both proposals either met or exceeded the dimensional requirements for the R50 Zoning District. The purpose for the informal discussions was to solicit the Planning Board’s opinion about the adequacy of the private dirt road identified as Border Road for access and frontage.

Jim Hanelin added that he was thinking about severing the dogleg leading to Lagoon Pond from the proposed third lot, so that it could be reserved for parking and access to the lagoon. But these plans were subject to change.
Mr. Duart inquired about the width of Border Road.  Mr. Hoehn replied it was a nine  (9) ft. wide right-of-way that ran through the property.

Mr. Peak noted that the Planning Board had endorsed a Form A plan for an abutter i.e. Wendy Cullen with the condition that the applicant had to make a few improvements to Border Road before they signed the plan.

Mr. Hoehn believed his clients would be willing to make the necessary improvements to the road to make it adequate enough to meet the Board’s minimum requirements. Mr. Hanelin agreed.  Mr. Hanelin inquired if the improvements were limited to the stretch of road that was being used for frontage.  Mr. Peak replied in the affirmative.

Mr. Peak inquired if Border Road did in fact serve as frontage, because the sketched plans made it appear as if the road straddled the lots.  Mr. Hoehn replied in the affirmative.  Questions arose with regards to the improvements the Planning Board expected of the applicant.  

Following some discussions the Mr. Peak recommended a site visit of the parcel, and the Board agreed to meet on Tuesday, 12 August 2008 at 4:30 PM at Border Road.  Mr. Hoehn agreed to meet with the Board on Tuesday to answer any questions.

1. Tisbury Board of Selectmen
RE: Potential Subjects for the August 13th Meeting (Peak)

Mr. Stephenson volunteered to attend the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on August 12, 2008 on the Board’s behalf, if Mr. Peak could not attend. He explained that he had to attend the meeting to discuss the Tisbury Energy Committee’s data tower’s results, and other town business, and did not mind representing the Planning Board.  Mr. Peak accepted, and thanked Mr. Stephenson.

Mr. Stephenson mentioned that he was asked to support the Emergency Services Building Committee (ESBC hereinafter) in the presentation of their consultant’s recommendation.  He advised the Planning Board that the ESBC’s consultant confirmed that the Town Hall Annex site could accommodate the new fire station. Armed with the consultant’s analysis, they wanted to ask the Board of Selectmen to hold a Special Town Meeting in the fall to have the site designated for that purpose and to appropriate funds for the station’s design.  

Mr. Peak noted that the Cabinet Meeting had been postponed one week, and could be used as a forum by which to inform the department heads of the ESBC’s progress, the pending special town meeting, and the need to restrict the number of warrant articles.

Mr. Stephenson informed the Board that Mr. LaPiana thought that they should include an article to designate a site at the DPW complex for the Town Hall Annex’s temporary quarters.  Mr. Peak thought it would be somewhat precipitous to do so without looking into renting space, or taking the Town Hall Annex departments’ opinions into consideration.

Mrs. Loberg questioned whether the Planning Board might consider offering the town a choice of three potential options at the special town meeting, since they were still looking into other alternatives.  Mr. Stephenson was not sure about the recommendation, because he did not want the jeopardize the other viable strategies that were being offered as part of their analysis, such as converting the tennis courts on Center Street for a new municipal building where they could combine all of the town hall and town hall annex departments.  

All agreed that they had to include some plans for the Town Hall Annex departments, and Mr. Peak thought they should offer the option to rent or to construct a new structure that could be used for other municipal offices, along with a couple of scenarios by which to achieve either recommendation.

Additional discussions ensued, and Mr. Stephenson thought they should still nonetheless reserve the area on the town owned parcel of land.  Mrs. Loberg inquired about the timing, and about the sense of urgency in designating a site for a separate municipal.  Mr. Duart replied that they had to make some accommodations for the Town Hall Annex personnel, and did not think they should delay the designation.

Board members discussed the need for an evaluation of the town’s needs relative to fire fighting equipment, personnel and the size of the facility. Mr. Peak asked Mr. Stephenson to ask the Fire Chief’s opinions about the department’s existing and future needs, and the kind of impact the regionalization of the emergency services may have on the department’s infrastructure.

Mr. Douglas noted that he had always thought the project should have been referred to the MV Commission as a DRI. It is a recommendation he’d like to make once again, because of the scope of the project, and the potential for regionalizing the service. Mr. Stephenson questioned whether the MV Commission would be able to assist, when the subject really required a change in government.

2. Connector Road

Mr. Stephenson reported that Mr. LaPiana planned to submit articles at special town meeting to ask the town to accept the agreements the DPW negotiated with abutting property owners to get the connector road completed.  Without Nstar’s and IFP’s easements the connector road would not exist.

3. Dredging Spoils - Deferred

4. Owen Little Way

Mr. Stephenson indicated that Mrs. Barrow urged the Planning Board to discuss the town’s proposal with the VH Yacht Club’s Board of Directors.  He also thought that the Planning Board or representative should be present at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting with the Yacht Club’s representatives.

Mr. Peak recommended discussing the subject during next week’s executive session with the Board of Selectmen.

5.      Veteran’s Park

Mr. Stephenson informed the Board that Mr. LaPiana insists there are deed restrictions on the property that prohibit the Planning Board’s recommendation for a road.  Mr. LaPiana did however think he could designate approximately 30 ft for a road within the playing field.

Mr. Peak mentioned that Rachel Orr, his partner was given photocopies of the town’s file to research any deeded restrictions, if in there were any. He further noted that he understood that deeded restrictions had a limited lifetime, i.e. 30 years.

6.      Planning Board’s 13 August 2008 Meeting
Mr. Douglas asked the Board if they had decided on the subjects they wanted to discuss with the Board of Selectmen.

Mr. Stephenson itemized the following topics:
A) Veterans Park – permissible uses, and service road
B) Executive Session - Owen Little Way (beach)
C) Car Rental Agencies within the context of the Downtown & Waterfront areas, and
D) Union Street.

Mr. Peak deferred to the Board’s July 30, 2008 minutes, which noted that Mr. Israel recommended continuing their joint session to discuss Master Planning.


1. MV Commission
A.      1 August 2008 Extended Schedule
B.      7 August 2008 Meeting Notice
C.      Op-Ed re Island Plan Built Environment Forum – Aug. 4, 2008 @7:30PM/Union Chapel, Kennebec Ave.

PRO FORM        Meeting opened, conducted and closed in due form at 8:45 P.M.           (m/s/c  4/0/0)          
Respectfully submitted;
Patricia V. Harris, Secretary

APPROVAL:       Approved and accepted as official minutes;

______________  _________________________
Date                    L. Anthony Peak