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Board of Assessors Minutes 01/30/2014
Meeting started @3:08 pm with Board Members:  David Dandridge (absent), Angela Cywinski, Roy Cutrer, Chairperson, Anne Marie Cywinski, Asst. Assessor, present

                 3:45 Chuck Hughes, President / Nathan Mayhew Seminars

BILLS:  Board approved the following bills:

               Appellate Tax Board Cases Hearing(s)
                Michael Field                           4D/9
                     Windswept Point LLC                        1G/9
                    Elliott Family LLC                         2H/7

NEW BUSINESS:                           
       Assessors Notice for FY 2015

                     Town Clerk Campaign Finance Report

ABUTTER LIST(S):                
                       Donald                          7L/6    
                       Maddox                          26A/1   
                       WMVY                            19A/23

OPEN DISCUSSION(S):  Anne Marie Cywinski represents:

  • Kenneth Cole property is being assessed incorrectly, the  parcel originally shown as 1.67acres was adjusted to 1.4 acres after conversations with Ron Mechur and submission to Cartographics.
Assessment reduction of $39, 900.,  adjusted tax amount of $334.76
  • Results of ATB,  Town of Tisbury -v- Knowles/ Windswept LLC, found in favor of appellate and reduce original value from $5,415,100 to 4,790,700. resulting in a difference of $624,400.
Giving an additional 10% off the land value originally at 20% off for the bulkhead and erosion, now at 30% off bringing the value difference to $624,400
Reduction resulting in an abatement $5151.49  incl. CPA  tax yr. 2012
Asst. Assessor Anne Marie Cywinski questions carrying forward ATB decision for 2014.

  • Elliott family and Knowles did not realize that you have to file for each year and is not automatically applied to each coming year.
Elliott Family LLC original Assessment at $7,700,300.
ATB fair cash value of $6,327,900 decided.  Commissioner reduced land value by 20%, for 2012. Assessors Office  already reduced value by $84,400 due to repairs.  Assessment was reduced $1,288,000.  (plus the 84,400) equals the adjusted Fair cash value of $6,327,900.

Christa Riley, managing partner of the Elliott Family LLC filed an application based on 2012 ATB decision for 2014 (20% reduction, bringing the value to $6,501,900., includes increase due to custom pricing of homes going up by $25 per sq. ft.).

Value decreased $1,286,800, taxes decreased to $10,796.25

Further discussion as to whether this property is actually waterfront (the community beach has been eliminated) per Roy.

The Board should make the decision whether to carry the ATB adjustment forward for 2014.  
All Members are in agreement.

  • Albert Allen at 200 Skiff Avenue has applied for multiple Exemptions.
Mary Sullivan is handling all his affairs, and he does not have a driver’s license as required for the Residential Exemption.  Board Members dispute this.

Assistant Assessor Anne Marie holding off on elderly exemption until income is verified, he does not file income tax.

  • Nathan Mayhew Seminar – Nathan Mayhew has brought themselves into full compliance with the Attorney General Public Charities Division.
Per Assistant Assessor Anne Marie they did meet the eligibility date  of the July 1stand must have been in full compliance as of this date.

Nathan Mayhew Seminars were owners of record as of January 1, 2013, however the compliance deadline of July 1st was not met.
Angela has pointed out that they were not occupying the property at the time.

Mr. Hughes did not find out the tax situation until the closing of the Flam sale.

The small unit is called the Fannie Blair House and the larger is the main house
The larger house held MV Creative Workshop, a teachers workshop and Fannie Blair House has a church group, dance group, and mens meditation  group meeting there regularly.

Parcel “A” 5600 sq. ft. was to conveyed to the Flams (abutter).  
Closed on the property November 1st, 2013  with an escrow withholding.

A second mortgage was noticed just before final closing, no payments were made to Thomas Goethals the holder of the note.
Ellen Kaplan secured the note for $90,000 with the NMS houses.
Mr. Goethals accepted a $50,000. payout to discharge the mortgage.

Current tax bill is for $6356.93 + CPA 190.74 = 65476.67, with an education classification.

Per Mr. Hughes, two years ago property was in disrepair, owners were the Nathan Mayhew Seminars, he joined the board at that time.  Events were utilizing the building even when the building was in disrepair.  

Seeking a retroactive reinstatement of the (501c)3 with the federal government.
They have started deactivating this organization and a merger is in process with another non-profit (MVCS).

2004 was the last year of full compliance. This year is the first year back on the tax rolls with the last 3ABC filing in 2009.

Per Mr. Hughes, they are working with the Attorney General, if approved MVCS will occupy the main building by March 1st.

Angela asks if you can change the classification to mixed use 50/50.
Angela suggests the Fannie Blair House and parking be classified as educational and the main building be classified as residential.  

Anne Marie says this may change the assessment but not the taxes, because the commercial and residential tax rate are different.
Angela suggests a portion of the lot will be exempt and the remainder be residentially classified

Mr. Hughes spoke with Sheldon Hackney seeking advice on how to bring the center back.  
MVCS came to the rescue with suggestions of the Island Grown Schools and ACE programs.

CPA money was applied for and granted, but some funds were later given back.
New plumbing, wiring, kitchen has been removed, new furnace, and new cosmetics.
Alan Fortes was a pleasure to deal with.

A document has been signed allowing the town to use the lot for park purposes.
Anne Marie will talk with Jay Grande and get particulars.

A squatter occupied the residence illegally.

Final recommendations will need to be presented to the board once again.  It is suggested that 3rd qtr. should be paid and if need be an abatement could be filed later.

  • Total of 6 CPA exemptions granted for residents, not many townspeople know to file.     
  • Owners in tax title parcels are still eligible for exemptions, per the Dept. of Revenue
  • Campaign finance report signed per the Town Accountant.
  • 2015 Finance Committee asking for a 0 % increase – Anne Marie budget increased by $225 due to postage increase and post card mail out.

CHAPTERLAND APPROVAL(S):                None
Clarence A Barnes III   
Kenneth Cole                                            59B/9   

Kontje Reid Milne                                        27A /31.19

                  FY 2014        RE-02                                                   $9,644.29
                 FY 2014        RE-03                                                   $3,531.70
               FY 2014  Reversal of RE14-01/  RE14-04                   $115.97

               Mary Yancey      26A/ 19.1
               James L Hale     24A/ 57
               David G Drew                                                                  25A /9
               Richard Ridel                                                                   25C/ 29.4
               Bruce Montrose                                                               24D/ 11.1
               Arthur D Smith                                                                39B/ 2.14 13
               Lara Dario                                                                        23A/ 57
               Kimberly Biggs                                                                26D/ 35.3
               Bibi’s Baby & Kids LLC                                                  #26444
               Thomas M & Larissa M Flynn                                         16A/ 19
               David C Wilson & Ulrike Wartner                                   8M/ 9
               Albert W Allen III                                                             9A/29
               Meredith B Gallo                                                              4D/6
               Sheila & James DeMarco                                                 6F/ 8.1

               Erik N Peckar                                                                   12C /11

                 FY 2014        PP14-01                                                   $489.19

               Mary Yancey      26A/ 19.1
               James L Hale     24A/ 57
               David G Drew                                                                  25A /9
               Richard Ridel                                                                   25C/ 29.4
               Bruce Montrose                                                               24D/ 11.1
               Erik N Peckar                                                                  12C /11
                Lara Dario                                                                       23A/ 57
               Kimberly Biggs                                                                26D/ 35.3
                A Bowdoin Van Riper                                                    5H/17
               Thomas M & Larissa M Flynn                                        16A/ 19
                Albert W Allen III                                                          9A/29
               Sheila & James DeMarco                                                6F/ 8.1

STATUTORY EXEMPTION APPROVAL(S):                                  
     17D  -          Judith Araujo      
    22     -          Agnes Rice                                          8G/ 2
                         Woodrow Williams                                 16C/2.11
                         Bruce Yauney                                     25D/3
                         Jo Ann Murphy                                            24A/49
                         Shirley Kennedy                                  8P/5
                         Anthony Schepici                                 25A/19.1
                         David M Espindle                                 15B/3
                         William Kingsbury                                50A/2.2      
    37A   -           Yvette Canha                                         5M/5
   41C   -           Doreena Brouillette                                  22C/3
                         Marcia Merrill                                           5L/6
                         Grace Oliver                                     26A/35               
                         Rita Meyer                                       21B/7
                         Thomas Norton                                            26A/33
                         Mildred M Dias                                   53A/2
                         Edward Colligan                                  12G/3
                         Helen Alwardt                                            5A/3
                         Fonnie Austin                                            5D/3
                         George & Florine Rogers                          8E/6
                         Sandra C Searle                                  15E/2
                         Barbara Entwistle                                12G/7
                         Clarence Bannister                               8P/2
                         Anthony Guyther                                  8G/3
                          Albert W Allen III                               9A/29  -  unaddressed

   41A  -            None      

                          Virginia G Maciel                               26A/15

                        S Lorraine Parish                                 8D/14


MOTOR VEHICLE APPROVAL(S):              None


VESSEL ABATEMENT(S):                    None  


Additional Signature Signoff(s):

REAL ESTATE COMMITMENT(S):              None            


CPA COMMITMENT(S):                      None

VESSEL COMMITMENT(S):                   None

MOTOR VEHICLE COMMITMENT(S):                    
                 Calendar Year 2014                    Comm.  1                        $582,440.00
                 Calendar Year 2013                    Comm.  7                        $    3,319.00

Board Correspondence for Review / Approval:

Minutes Of:  January 30, 2014   Meeting adjourned 4:36 pm

Respectfully submitted:  Ann Marie Cywinski, MAAO
                             Assistant Assessor 

The Board of Assessor’s MSC to accept the meeting minutes as presented.

Approval:  _______________________________    Date: