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Minutes of the Taunton Conservation Commission February 08, 2016
Present: Chair Steven Turner, Vice Chair Neil Kelly, Commissioners Luis Freitas, Ernest Enos, Renwick Chapman, and Marla Isaac.
Absent: Commissioner Debra Botellio
Public Hearing
- 17 Fisher Street, COT/Golf Commission, (NOI), SE73-2626 Field report states that this NOI was re-opened to address compensatory storage that was not sufficiently addressed and which is a concern of DEP. An additional concern is the potential vernal pool (called “ponding area” on the plan) and whether work will fall within the 100 foot buffer zone. On 2/1/16, DEP, Southeast Regional Office held a meeting regarding this project. In attendance were Jim Mahala, DEP, Gary Makuch, DEP, Mark Slusarz, COT Engineer, Gil Alegi, Golf Course, Jim Rezendes, Golf Course, and MR. Mr. Alegi presented the group with plans drawn up by Silva Engineering depicting the elevation by elevation flood storage loss and the resulting compensatory storage in graphs and in specific locations on the
plan. The depiction and information was clear and concise and met the requirements under WPA (310. CMR 10.57(4)(a)1.). Mr. Makuch and Mr. Mahala were pleased with the revised plans regarding compensatory storage and Mr. Slusarz is also in agreement with the revised plans. As for the potential vernal pool- MR is unsure if any work falls within 100 feet of the pool, but this could easily be remedied by inserting a special condition stating that the PVP will be assessed by MR in the spring to determine if it is a vernal pool. If it is determined to be a vernal pool, then any work that may fall within 100 feet should be moved outside the buffer zone and a revised plan submitted. MR recommends that the TCC approve this filing and issue an order of conditions to include the attached special conditions. Gill Alegi and members of the Golf Course were present, as well as some abutters. Mark Slusarz, City Engineer, had his letter read into the
record. Everything Mark listed as a concern had been revised after it was sent. MI states all concerns discussed by Slusarz have been corrected. MI asked if a letter from NHESP has been received yet? Has a plan been submitted to them? MR they did, they are waiting for the Order of Conditions from TCC before they proceed. Gill Alegi also said the Bureau of Water and DEP are all waiting for TCC decision. A letter from TRWA was read into the record. It voiced their concerns regarding the turtle habitat, water usage for the new tees, and chemicals that will be used on the new grass and its effects on the water quality in the Three Mile River. Gill Alegi said he has been working with Misty from DEP and all the other agencies. They are all on board and things will get done there the correct way. They met with DEP and will continue working with them, relocated pond adjacent to second fairway, concern regarding the potential
for the vernal pool, they need to wait until spring. Then they will go out there with MR. MR said she doesn’t even know if critters are even using it. In the fall it did not look as though it was being used, will check in spring. There is space to work there if it is a vernal pool. Gill also mentioned the fact that since the new bridges have been put in on Fisher Street, etc there has been less flooding in the area. MR hasn’t seen flooding there since 2010. All areas in the floodplain have been taken care of, did calculations for lost storage regarding fill and storage put in to take care of it. Whatever they put it, they will do compensatory to cover. ST they are doing even more than needed. DEP was happy with relocation of pond. They will continue to work with all boards and commissions involved and Jason Buffington and MR on this project. The language will outline everything from all the boards,
commissions, etc and it will be in there and followed. In the contract, whoever gets it, it will be stated expansion to start in first year and done in 3 years. City will recover the money in the long run, 20-25 year contract will give them time to recover. MR TRWA concerns on nutrient mitigation? Gill stated they hire a licensed applicator, they make decisions based on what Gill tells them. They do not put the sprinklers on every night, they take samples, spray a couple times per week. Fungus can grow, greens can be lost, so there must be a plan followed. Usually it is every two weeks, but it may not go exactly 14 days if something comes up. It could be 12 for example, they have to stay on top of it. A fungus growing there can be devastating to a golf course. MR it is maintained on the course and wouldn’t be likely to make it to the BVW much less the river. Pumps are working, brand new metering device was
installed in November. It was installed so late in the fall they haven’t had a chance to monitor it yet. They only pump when need water, not every month. RC volume shown on plan with grading, is that the volume that it holds? Gill said yes. RC wants a special condition stating that limit of work along north and west side be on top of slopeline shown on the grading plan. MR and ST said the limit of work is the siltation barrier. NK does agree with Gill’s plan but can the notation just be added? Sure. Abutters/Public Input: Councilor Dan Dermody 149 Berkley Street spoke for the expansion of the golf course. He said Gill Alegi came on board and has done an amazing job getting it to where it is today. Joe Callahan TRWA spoke. TRWA does not oppose the project. The elevated nitrogen levels are a concern in that area. Maybe a turtle protection plan to educate the employees, out of bounds markers,
signs, etc. to make everyone more aware. ST signs along there so people are aware seems like a good idea. MR part of the agreement regarding turtle habitat, the enhancement along Westville Conservation Area. MI still turtles at the golf course though and they need to be protected. MR said golfers are aware but what does Gill think? MR maybe signs inside the clubhouse? MI signage can’t hurt, let them know they are protected and not to be removed. LF stated Gill has put in so many hours putting this all together and he should be commended for all his hard work. Gill said in order to attract golfers they need to make it attractive. Abutter Dan Rapoza 42 Davis Street is in favor of the expansion. He said he moved there in 1976 and it was in bad shape, there has been such a great change. He is very much in favor. Abutter Susan Davis of Davis Street is in favor. Her son has been working there and using the
course since he was in middle school. They have done an amazing job. Motion to approve with special conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 19, 21, 25, 26, 27, and 28- the PVP will be assessed in the spring to determine if it is a vernal pool. If so any work proposed within the 100 foot buffer should be moved outside the buffer zone and a revised plan submitted prior to construction., 29-ensure limit of work along the North and West sides of the proposed pond at tee #2 be at the top of the slope shown on the grading plan and to ensure there is no intrusion into the wetland, NK, second LF, so voted.
Other Business
- Casino Filings Upcoming. Need to add an extra meeting either end of March or beginning of April. Motion to add meeting on March 28, 2016, NK, second MI, so voted.
- Boyden. Anyone want to represent the TCC at Friends of Boyden? Marla agreed for now.
Motion to adjourn, NK, second LF, so voted. Meeting ended at 7:45pm.
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