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Minutes of the Taunton Conservation Commission 12/14/15
Present: Chair Steven Turner, Commissioners Ernest Enos, Marla Isaac, Debbie Botellio, Renwick Chapman, and Luis Freitas. Vice Chair Neil Kelly arrived.
Motion to approve the minutes of November, RC, second DB, so voted.
Continued Certificate of Compliance
1. 155 Duffy Drive, Butterfield, (COC), SE73-2464 Field report states that there has still not been resolution regarding the acquisition of land that the applicant is pursuing after erecting a fence, and building concrete pads for the pool filter and propane on a neighboring property in addition to not being in compliance to zoning ordinance side setbacks. The applicant requests a continuance to the February 22, 2016 meeting anticipating that the Form A and other legal issues will have been completed by then. Motion to continue to 2/22/16, DB, second RC, so voted.
Certificate of Compliance
1. 84 Blue Grass Circle, GAF Engineering, (COC), SE73-2589 Field report states that this project was for the construction of a single family home with deck, driveway, and associated grading. The rear of the house, deck, and roof drain infiltration system fall within the 100 foot buffer zone of a BVW and 200 foot riverfront area which were delineated prior to the road build out. The septic system and majority of the house construction is outside conservation jurisdiction, while the stone wall, deck, patio, and lawn fall within the outer riverfront area and BVW buffer zone. The work has been completed in significant compliance to the order of conditions issued on 10/9/14 with the exception of lawn stabilization. On my site inspection I noticed an area in the southwest corner of
the lawn that showed signs of erosion. This corner abuts a neighboring lot but the silting did not affect the neighbor’s lot or reach the wetlands. MR recommends that this filing be continued so that the lawn becomes established, the erosion furrows eliminated, and the back corner stabilized. Motion to continue to 6/20/16, DB, second RC, so voted.
2. 1094 Bay Street, Home Plate Properties, LLC/Anderson, (COC), SE73-2611 Field report states that this project was an after the fact filing for parking lot extension and building renovation at the above address. The detention basin was installed according to plans and all areas are stable. There is a concern that the gravel area in the rear encroaches on a neighboring property and also shows signs of being “cleaned up” since my last field visit. MR spoke with the engineer about her concerns and requested an updated plan accurately displaying the current tree line. MR did not see an incursion into the adjacent wetlands, but the gravel area comes to within three feet of the wetland at flag #20. MR recommends that this gravel area be left to re-vegetate on its own. MR recommends that the TCC issue a COC for this project. Motion to approve, RC, second, DB, so voted. RC told applicant great job on the plan.
3. 108 Scadding Street, Travaglione, (COC), SE73-2507 Field report stated that this filing was for the demolition of an existing house and the construction of a new single family home, with associated driveway grading, utilities, and 20 foot high retaining wall. The de-construction and re-construction of the retaining wall was done under an RDA, DSE-933. This property has a very steep slope overall, with a small, relatively level area between the newly constructed wall and the boulder wall. Between the new wall and the proposed house is a second relatively flat area. There was no evidence of erosion or siltation into the lake or BVW. All areas within jurisdiction are stable and there is no indication of siltation into Lake Sabbatia. All work has been completed in
significant compliance to the order of conditions issued on 6/7/12. MR recommends that the TCC issue a COC for this filing. Motion to approve, DB, second MI, so voted.
1. Washington Street (RT. 140), MASSDOT, (EXT), SE73-2530 Field report states that this project is to remove and replace the existing bridge over the Mill River and widen the roadway from 36 feet to 52 feet along Washington Street between Court Street and F.R. Martin Parkway. MassDOT, the applicant of record, has requested a three year extension to the order of conditions issued on 1/17/13 as the project will not be completed prior to the original order’s expiration. MR recommends that the TCC approve and issue a three year extension for this project. Motion to approve extension to 1/17/19, DB, second RC, so voted.
2. Revolutionary Drive, MassMedicum Corp., (EXT), SE73-2529 Field report states that this project was for the construction of a 14,000 square foot, two story office building with associated grading, utilities, drainage, and storm water management structures located within the 100 foot buffer zone of a BVW. IBEW, the original applicant, has sold the property to MassMedium Corporation, who is now requesting a three extension to the order of conditions issued on 1/16/13. They are anticipating beginning construction in the next few weeks and this will give them sufficient time to finish their project. The new applicant also submitted plans depicting a much smaller building thus decreasing the overall footprint. MR recommends that the TCC approve and issue a three year
extension to expire 1/16/19. Motion to approve extension to 1/16/19, DB, second RC, so voted.
3. 202 Shores Street, Dutra, (EXT), SE73-2225 Field report states that this filing is for a duplex and associated grading on this lot. Due to economic conditions and resolution of issues with NHESP, the applicant is requesting a second three year extension to the order of conditions to expire on 12/5/18. MR recommends that the TCC approve and issue an extension to the order of conditions. All conditions remain in effect. Motion to approve extension to 12/5/18, DB, second MI, so voted.
4. Highland Street, (64-301), Dutra, (EXT), SE73-2226 Field report states that this filing is for a duplex and associated grading on this lot. Due to economic conditions and resolution of issues with NHESP, the applicant is requesting a second three year extension to the order of conditions to expire on 12/5/18. MR recommends that the TCC approve and issue an extension to the order of conditions. All conditions will remain in effect. Motion to approve extension to 12/5/18, DB, second RC, so voted.
5. Highland Street, (64-302), Dutra, (EXT), SE73-2227 Field report states that this filing is for a duplex and associated grading on this lot. Due to economic conditions and resolution of issues with NHESP, the applicant is requesting a second three year extension to the order of conditions to expire on 12/5/18. MR recommends that the TCC approve and issue an extension to the order of conditions. All conditions remain in effect. Motion to approve extension to 12/5/18, DB, second RC, so voted.
(NK arrived)
Public Hearing
1. 17 Fisher Street, COT-Golf Commission, (NOI), SE73-2626 This NOI is being filed by the City inn order to expand the golf course from a nine hole to an 18 hole facility. The BVWs and MAHW line along the Three Mile River were delineated by Walter Hewitson in May of 2004 and the flags were re-flagged by Earth Services Corp in December of 2015. The area is also an NHESP designated area. MR reviewed the delineation on 12/9/15 and agree with the placement of the flags. Not all flags were still in the field but there was a sufficient number to determine the integrity of the depiction on the engineered plans. The flag series are: BVW-WF1-WF57; BVW-WFA1-WFA123; and MAHW-WFM1-WFM264. Holes 5 through 9 will remain the same. Hole #1 will become #10, #2 will become
#12, #3 will be #13, and #4 will be #14. The new fairways and greens near resource areas will be #1 (near Series A), #2 (near Series A), and #3 (near WF 1-57 Series). Hole #1 will be situated within a small portion of the floodplain and 100 foot buffer zone of the BVW. The area affected will be fairway and pervious. The current cart path will be abandoned and relocated farther from the wetland area and remain gravel. Hole #2 and #3 will fall within the 100 foot buffer zone to BVW and the floodplain. All work will be fairway and pervious. A new retention pond will also be within the third fairway and will capture runoff from the existing ditch, including silt and nutrients, thus capturing and retreating them before they enter the Three Mile River. A second withdrawal pipe will be located just north of the current pipe and will flow to an additional irrigation pond. The Golf Course Commission has been working closely with NHESP
and has arranged to care for the Westville Conservation Area on North Walker Street and create turtle habitat there as well. The work as proposed for this project stays as far away as possible from the resource areas and accommodations have been made for permanent changes within the NHESP designated area. In addition, the additional pond will help to decrease the nutrient loading of the Three Mile River. As of today, MR has not received a letter from NHESP. MR recommends either continuing this hearing to January 11th, or approving it with special conditions, and holding the order of contitions until we receive the letter from NHESP. Motion to open the hearing, DB, second RC, so voted. Present Gill Alegi-project manager, Jim Resendes assisting project manager, Golf Course Commission-Rick Robillard, Tom Clark, Warren Offley. They filed with MEPA, new DEP # received, NHESP verbal approval so far. Working with Misty, a wetland
sr biologist with NHESP. DB would like to see something on plan stating that golf course is responsible for fields on North Walker Street for 5 years, part of proposal. RC impressed with this plan, put silt barrier as limit of work. RC asked when construction to start? There are many other steps to take and they won’t even advertise until September. Motion to approve with conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 19, 21, 25, 26, and 27, hold until NHESP letter is received, NK, second LF, so voted.
2. Briggs Street, Hopgood/Clarewood Homes, Inc., (NOI), SE73-2625 Field report states that this project is for the construction of a single family home with deck, utilities, and associated grading on the north side of Briggs Street. There is a BVW along the northern rear property line and a locally jurisdictional ILSF in the front of Lot #6. The BVW was delineated by Walter Hewitson on 6/14/15 (flags 1-22) and by Earth Services Corp on 8/14/15 (flags 23-26) and approved under RDA (DSE-1118) on 10/19/15. This lot straddles the original lot line between lot 77-361 and 77-0362 and a plan showing both original lots with proposed new lots is in the file for clarification of the location. A siltation barrier is depicted as the limit of work and is at least 28 feet from the edge of
the wetland. Grading falls within 53 feet of the BVW while the edge of the deck is 56 feet away. Dewatering and concrete washout areas are in the front of the property and outside the 100 foot buffer zone. The work as depicted should not negatively impact the BVW or adjacent properties. MR recommends that the TCC approve this project and issue an order of conditions to include the attached special conditions. MR also recommends that the wetland line be re-approved as follows: flags FL4, and FL17-FL26, with flags FL1-FL3, and FL5-FL16 for reference purposes only. Karen and Paul Patnaude present. RC bring hay bales along to the lot line with property on the right and stop. Motion to approve with conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 16, 17, 19, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, NK, second RC, so voted. Abutters concerned with what is going on, will more trees be cleared close to their property, water on their property. Paul Braga and Marta Grant,
Briggs street. If facing this lot, their house is on the right.
Other Business
1. Letter for payment of MSMCP dues to reimburse MR. Motion to approve, DB, second MI, so voted.
2. Sign Conflict of Interest receipt.
3. Discuss Boyden Refuge. Motion to continue to 1/11/16, DB, second MI, so voted.
Motion to adjourn, DB, second MI, so voted. Meeting ended at 7:45pm.
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