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Minutes of the Taunton Conservation Commission October 1, 2012
Present: Chair Brian Marques, Vice Chair Steven Turner, Commissioners Ernest Enos, Marla Isaac, Debra Botellio, Neil Kelly, and Renwick Chapman.
Motion to approve the minutes of 9/10/12, ST, second DB, so voted. RC will abstain, was not present at meeting.
Certificate of Compliance
1. 1700 Somerset Avenue, Bairos, ALE Realty Trust, (COC), SE73-2231 Field report states that this project was for the construction of a single family home, deck, utilities, and associated grading, within the riverfront area of the Three Mile River and BVW. All work has been completed in significant compliance to the order of conditions issued on 4/19/07. Although the dimensions of the deck were increased from 12 x 14 yo 14 x 17, this was a minor change. The lawn is stable, although there are still a few bare patches where the new seed hasn’t taken. These areas are close to the house and pose no significant problem to the wetland or river. MR recommends that the TCC issue a COC for this project. Motion to approve, DB, second MI, so voted.
2. 30 Robert W. Boyden Road, David Dev., LLC/Scott Berry, (COC), SE73-1644 Field report states that the project was for the construction of two commercial buildings, one with a 48,000 square foot area, and one at 28,750 square feet, associated parking, access drives, utilities, grading and wetland replication. All work has been done in significant compliance to the order of conditions issued on 10/1/02, and amended on 10/5/04, and 6/8/05. The buildings are slightly further from the wetlands than proposed. Catch basins are in good shape, as are the detention basins. The inverts will probably need to be cleaned within the next year. The wetland replication areas have more than 75% wetland species, meeting the criteria for replications. MR recommends that the TCC
issue a COC for this project. Motion to approve, DB, second MI, so voted.
Public Meetings
1. 1780 County Street, Rex, (RDA), DSE-1044 Field report states that this project is for the placement of a 10’ x 14’ pre-fabricated metal shed 35 feet from a wetland with an intermittent stream running within it. The house was built in 1900 and the applicant is grandfathered under zoning for rear setback of 20 feet rather than current 30-foot setback for Rural Residential Area. The shed will be placed on blocks and not on a foundation. The applicant will be using a gravel base and any fertilizers and combustibles will be placed in plastic containers to prevent seepage. The project as presented will not negatively impact the adjacent wetland, therefore MR recommends that the TCC approve the project and issue a negative determination to include the attached special
conditions. Present Annette Rex, the applicant/homeowner. Motion to open the hearing, DB, second RC, so voted. DB stated that if not for MR’s plan, the commission would not have enough details from the plan that was submitted. MR shed will be on blocks and materials stored properly so not an issue as far as the wetlands. And it is grandfathered in as far as the wetlands and zoning. RC feels not enough info to vote, he needs a plan with details, contours. MR did go out and do measurements. Motion to approve with special conditions 1, and 2, ST, second NK, vote taken with show of hands, 4 in favor-ST, NK, EE, and MI. Opposed RC and DB, motion carries. Motion to close the hearing, MI, second NK, so voted.
Continued Public Hearings
1. 437 Whittenton Street, Murphy/Jefferson Dev. Partners, LLC, (ANRAD), SE73-2517 Motion to continue to November 5, 2012, ST, second DB, so voted.
2. 223 Fremont Street, Teager/ForeKicks, (NOI), SE73-2519 Present Rich Riccio for the applicant and for TCC, Amy Ball and Rich Claytor from H&W. There was discussion had over the review letter done by the Amy and Rich Claytor. They still have a few issues to work out with Mr. Riccio regarding the project. The items that came up with issues were discussed. It was decided by the TCC that the peer reviewers and the applicant’s engineer need to meet and work out the last few issues and come back before TCC with everything settled. Motion to continue to October 15, 2012, ST, second NK, so voted.
Public Hearings
1. 68 Dunbar Street, (NOI), SE73-2521 This filing is for a septic system repair within 100 feet of a BVW. This wetland was delineated by Walter Hewitson on 5/4/12. The wetland runs along the back of the lot and is marked with 4 pink flags, 1-4WH. MR reviewed the line and recommends that the TCC approve the delineation, flags 1WH to 4WH for reference purposes only. The current septic tank will be drained, filled and abandoned, with the new septic tank placed to the west of the concrete deck around the pool. The leaching field will be between the retention wall and existing concrete pad in the rear of the property and will consist of 6 rows of 7 infiltration Quick4 Standard Chambers. A siltation barrier is depicted at least 27 feet off the wetland and will be the
limit of work. Grading will be within 39 feet of the wetland edge. The work as presented will not negatively impact the resource area, therefore MR recommends that the TCC approve this project and issue an order of conditions to include the attached special conditions. Motion to open the hearing, DB, second ST, so voted. Motion to continue to 10/15/12, ST, second DB, so voted.
2. John Hancock Road, (ANRAD), SE73-2520 Field report states that this filing is for the approval of wetland resource areas at John Hancock road, Map 23, Lot 90. This property is located in the Myles Standish Industrial Park. The wetlands were delineated by BSC Group on 9/4/12. MR reviewed the wetland lines with Paul from BSC Group on 9/24/12. MR was in agreement with the placement of flags for both wetlands and recommends that the TCC approve the delineation and issue an ORAD for the following: Flags A105, A111, B120 to B126, B130 to B132, with A100 to A104, A106 to A110, A112 to A115, B100 to B119, B127 to B129, and B133 to B136 for reference purposes only. Motion to open the hearing, DB, second ST, so voted. Motion to issue ANRAD, ST, second NK, so voted.
Motion to close the hearing, DB, second NK, so voted.
Other Business
1. Boyden. Wayne Walkden had a leaking tank removed. Pam from Friends of Boyden did not show tonight, she had wanted to discuss some Boyden issues. Police Department is working with MR on surveillance cameras.
2. Arlington Street. Fines are still ongoing.
3. 107 Woodview Drive. Steve Antunes Kenyon homeowner spoke with MR, had to do an emergency tree removal. They were dangerous and leaning towards neighbors home. MR told him to go ahead and do it and not to file due to emergency.
4. Cranberry Growers Informational Meeting. Just an FYI for the TCC that it will be taking place if they want to attend.
Motion to adjourn, ST, second DB, so voted. Meeting ended at 8:05pm.
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