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Minutes of the Taunton Conservation Commission April 11, 1011
Present: Chair Brian Marques, Vice Chair Neil Kelly, Commissioners Marla Isaac, Debra Botellio, Ernest Enos, Renwick Chapman, and Steven Turner.
Motion to approve the minutes of March 28, 2011, DB, second EE, so voted.
(RC arrived at 6:32pm and had to step down for the COC)
Certificate of Compliance
1. 60 Hereford Hill Road, Moor, (COC), SE73-1573 The field report stated that this project was for the construction of a garage with living space within the 100-foot buffer zone of a BVW, and was issued an order of conditions on 10-11-01. In addition to this work under the order, a deck and above-ground pool have also been constructed within the buffer zone. MR does not know whether building permits were drawn for the deck or pool, but during her inspection she found no issues regarding the adjacent wetlands. The work was done in significant compliance to the order of conditions, and all yard areas are stable. MR recommends that the TCC issue a COC for the garage as well as the deck and above-ground pool. Motion to approve the COC, DB, second NK, so voted.
(RC back in)
Public Meetings
1. 165 Redwood Drive, Livingstone, (RDA), DSE-1007 The field report stated that this project is for the construction of a garage attached to the north side of the existing home. The wetlands are within 75 feet of a wetland which is located at the base of a well-defined slope. The wetlands have not been flagged, but MR did measure distance from the wetland to the proposed garage location. The garage will be erected on an area that is now lawn and driveway and will not create a negative effect on the wetlands located behind the house. A siltation barrier is shown on the plan and a small degree of leveling will be required. MR recommends that the TCC approve this project and issue a negative determination to include the attached special conditions. Motion to open the
hearing, DB, second RC, so voted. RC asked how many feet from the silt fence to the spot where the garage will be? MR said approximately 75 feet. Motion to close the meeting and issue a negative determination with special conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 18, RC, second DB, so voted.
Public Hearings
1. 60 Hodges Ave., MA Dept. of Mental Health, (NOI), SE73-2466 A field report was read stating that this project is for the removal of the dam located on the grounds of Mass State Hospital for the purpose of restoring natural river processes and aquatic habitat on the Mill river, and restoring the former impoundment to floodplain forest with stream passing through it. The wetland inventory was completed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on 5-21-07 and wetland delineation was completed by Massachusetts Riverways Program biologists. Wetland systems within the project area include: red maple forested swamp, arrow alum and water willow emergent wetlands within the impoundment area, riverine system, and seasonally flooded areas to the southeast of the impoundment.
The project will involve the removal of an eight-foot high dam with a 5.2 acre impoundment and restore connectivity and aquatic habitat in the lower Mill River. This will restore fish passage for native dioramas fish and other native aquatic species, improve stream and riparian habitat and improve water quality. Temporary and permanent impacts are as follows:
-bank: temporary = 1,090 feet; permanent =+ 160 feet;
-BVW: temporary = .9ac; permanent =+2.6ac.;
-BLSF: temporary = 3.8 ac; permanent =-2.7ac.;
-Land Under Water = 5.8 ac.; permanent =-3.6 ac.;
-Riverfront Area: temporary = 17.6 ac; permanent =-3.7 ac.
Additional work on site includes the excavation and reshaping of the accumulated sediment within the current impoundment area. Once excavated, a new streambed will be dug; pools and riffles will be constructed; large woody debris will be installed to stabilize banks and create habitat; and native vegetation will be planted within the newly created floodplain and riparian zones. Motion to open the hearing, DB, second MI, so voted. The commission had some questions on what would happen as these changes were made, what effects this would have on wildlife and the habitat currently out there. Motion to approve with special conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 21, 25, 25, 27, 28, 29, and 30, DB, second MI, so voted. Vote was taken: In Favor: RC, MI, DB, BM Opposed: NK, ST, EE. Motion
carries 4-3. Abutters came forward with their questions and concerns. Abutters were as follows:
1. James ? 7 Hopewell St.
2. John and Ann Haggerty 32 Green St.
And also present and addressing the abutters:
1. Caroline Lemaire- Taunton River Watershed Alliance
2. Priscilla Chapman- Taunton River Watershed Alliance
3. Bill Nepolitano
As ST stated, you are here telling these residents it will look nice, etc. but as RC said once it’s done, you can’t take it back.
Other Business
1. Sub-committee. Sub-Committee consists of DB, NK, and RC. Motion to have general discussion on changing the by-laws and fees on May 9, 2011, no votes will be taking until after 30 days, this is only a general discussion about the by-laws and fees, DB, second MI, so voted.
(ST out)
2. Neighborhood Corp. Motion to have DPW repair drain (missing cover) in front of the playground, DB, second MI, so voted. Motion to have Larry get 3 bids, submit them to BM, and BM will get to work on getting the PO’s approved to get this work done, DB, second MI, so voted. Motion to ask Marilyn to clear invasive species, trim vegetation along fence, maybe she could use the Sheriff’s Work Crew for this, DB, second MI, so voted.
3. Request for use of Boyden on 4-17-11 by America’s Best Defense, for an Easter egg hunt. Motion to approve, DB, second RC, so voted.
4. Event: Putting Stormwater In Its Place. MR asking who’s going.
5. Email from Sherry Costa Hanlon. Motion to have MR work with Sherry Costa Hanlon to put this on the agenda for sometime in May, ST, second DB, so voted.
6. Letter thanking Sheriff Hodgeson
7. Letter to Old Colony Scrap
8. Letter to Juanita Gallagher
9. Complaint on Tremont St. MR will be going out to check on complaint of digging along brook
10. Issues behind Powhatten Drive. ATVs, tree cutting, all near 335 Staples St. Mr went out to check, there is cutting within 100 ft and signs of ATVs.
Motion to adjourn, DB, second NK, so voted.
Meeting ended at 8:11p.m.
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