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Minutes of the Taunton Conservation Commission March 28, 2011
Present: Chair Brian Marques, Vice Chair Neil Kelly, Ernest Enos, Debra Botellio, Steven Turner, and Renwick Chapman. Marla Isaac was absent.
Motion to approve the minutes of 3/14/11, DB, second RC, so voted. ST voted present.
Motion to go out of the regular order of business to hear public meetings-MA Coastal Railroad, DB, second RC, so voted.
Public Meeting
1. MA Coastal Railroad Right of Way, (RDA), DSE-1006 Field report states this project is for vegetation control along railroad right of way from High Street to Longmeadow Road. No work will be done in resource areas. The railroad right of way crosses the Taunton River tree times (at Summer St., behind Prospect St., and at Dean St..), and the Mill River once (between High St. and Summer Street). There is a wetland system on both sides of the track at Longmeadow road. These areas are designated as “No Spray Zones” (yellow on the map). The remaining railroad right of way is a one-year interval “Limited Spray Zone”. The applicant states that the vegetation control will conform to guidelines set forth in the Massachusetts Rights-of-Way Management
Regulations (333 CMR 11.00) and the preface to the Wetlands Protection Act (310 CMR 10.00). This means that no herbicides will be applied on or within 10-100 feet of any wetland, tributary, or river. MR recommends that the TCC issue a negative determination for this project and to include the attached special conditions. Brendan Amy was present to explain the project and answer any questions from the commission. Motion to close the hearing and issue a negative determination with special conditions 1 & 2, RC, second DB, so voted.
Motion to return to the regular order of business, DB, second RC, so voted.
(NK out)
Continued Certificate of Compliance
1. 470 Lothrop Street, Colonial Estates, (COC), SE73-2313 Field report states that this project was for the construction of a 14-unit expansion to an existing Mobile Home Park with roadway, detention basin, and grading. MR re-visited the site on 3/18/11. All work has been completed in significant compliance to the order of conditions issued on 2/2/08. One concern MR had is in regard to snow storage/removal. MR noticed that during snow clearing that snow had been pushed into the wetland at the end of the circle, just to the right of the rock wall. This is prohibited practice. The snow must remain on the edge of pavement near the detention basin or trucked out. MR recommends that the TCC issue this COC with the stipulation that snow storage remain on the pavement
or trucked out during snow events. A copy of the Operations and Management Plan should also be submitted to the Conservation office prior to the release of the COC. Motion to approve with stipulations as outlined by the Conservation Agent, DB, second RC, so voted.
(NK back)
Certificate of Compliance
1. 52 Cotuit Road, DeSantis, (COC), SE73-1624 Field report states this project was for the construction of a 2-car garage with breezeway. All work was completed in significant compliance with the order of conditions that was issued on 5/10/02. All areas are stable. There are no roof drains and none was required under the order. MR recommends that the TCC issue a COC for this project. Motion to issue a COC for this project, DB, second RC, so voted.
(NK out)
Continued Public Meetings
1. 80 Diniz Drive, Turner, (RDA), DSE-1005 Motion to approve the flags, ST, second DB, so voted. Motion to close the hearing and issue a negative determination with conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 18, & 19, ST, second DB, so voted.
(NK back)
Continued Public Hearings
1. 97 Ingell Street, Cooperative Production Inc., (NOI), SE73-2452 Motion to continue to 4/25/11, DB, second ST, so voted.
Other Business
1. Silver City Baptist Church. Request to use Boyden on 4/24/11 at 7am. The date is free. Motion to approve this request, DB, second RC, so voted.
2. Friends of Taunton Animal Care Facility. Request to use Boyden on 6/12/11. The date is free. Motion to approve request, DB, second RC, so voted.
3. Letter to congratulate BM on his MACC Certification.
4. Letter from Juanita Gallagher. Letter lists her top concerns with issues in the city, there are more but these are of top concern to her. TCC did go over the letter and discuss the concerns. It was decided to invite her to a meeting. Motion to ask MR to send a letter to Juanita Gallagher, asking her to attend the meeting on 4/25/11 to discuss her letter regarding her concerns with local issues, request she bring in any proof such as pictures, and also cc Robert Newhall and Councilor Sherry Costa-Hanlon, and invite Old Colony Scrap here that night to discuss any issues at that site, DB, second ST, so voted. Motion to have MR get a ruling from Jody Fiore on MR going onto private property to inspect for violations, issuing enforcement orders, etc, DB, second ST, so voted.
5. Industrial Park. Where all the trees were cleared, is that a wetland? MR said not a wetland.
6. Land off King James Blvd. 84 acre parcel changing from open space to conservation land, no maintenance required. Motion to approve sending the letter to the Committee on Public Properties, DB, second RC, so voted.
7. $25,000 from the bank for 147 Winthrop St. Motion to send this back to Law Dept., TCC asked for $30,000 and insist on this amount, if the bank has refused this then the TCC wants substantial proof that is was requested and there was a good attempt to get the amount of $30,000, DB, second EE, so voted.
8. Motion to send a letter to Dick Paulson and the Sheriff’s Department Work Group thanking them for all their work at Boyden, DB, second RC, so voted. BM will get the address. Also AMC-Appalachian Mountain Club helped out at Boyden. ST informed BM that Jen Bastille at Human Services has a Juvenile Program that is looking for work to do around the city, so please keep them in mind if help is needed.
Motion to adjourn, DB, second NK, so voted. Meeting ended at 7:34 p.m.
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