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3.14.11 Conservation Commission Minutes
Minutes of the Taunton Conservation Commission March 14, 2011

Present: Chair Brian Marques, Vice Chair Neil Kelly, Commissioners Marla Isaac and Renwick Chapman.
Absent:  Commissioners Debra Botellio, Ernest Enos, and Steven Turner.

Motion to approve the minutes of February 28, 2011, MI, second NK, so voted.

Certificate of Compliance
1. 37 Cotuit road, Whittemore, (COC), SE73-1556  Field report states that this project was for the construction of a 24’x24’ garage with an 8’ breezeway.  All work was completed in significant compliance to the order of conditions issued on 7-24-01.  All areas are stable and roof drains run into dry wells.  MR recommends that the TCC issue a COC for this project.  Motion to approve MI, second RC, so voted.  

(NK out)
Continued Public Meetings
1. 80 Diniz Drive, Turner, (RDA), DSE-1005  Field report not read, did not have a quorum.  Motion to continue to 3-28-11, MI, second RC, so voted.  

(NK back in)

Continued Public Hearings
1. Richmond Street, COT-DPW, (NOI), SE73-2465  Field report states that this project is for the proposed emergency replacement of an existing dry stone masonry culvert that crosses Richmond Street.  The resource areas were delineated by Wetland Stragegies, Inc. on 11-1-10.  A forested wetland on the west side of Richmond Street was delineated using flags 1A through 20A.  Flags 1B through 8B delineated a wetland along the east side of Richmond Street.  A small wetland section southeast of the stream was delineated using flags 1C through 6C.  The stream was delineated on each bank using series TOB 1A-TOB 6A, TOB 1B-TOB 7B, TOB 1C-TOB 7C, and TOB 1D-8D.  MR is in agreement with the placement of the flags and recommends that the TCC approve the delineation stated above for reference purposes only.  A DEP site visit was scheduled for 3-9-11.  Both Mike Zavalia from BETA Group and MR were there.  The rep from DEP did not have the meeting marked down so was not there.  They did speak to him on the phone, though.  He did not have any issues with the work but they should wait for his recommendations as a formality.  The work was completed as an emergency repair because of the sinkhole that developed and the complaints from drivers in the area.  Impact to the resource area was approximately 100 square feet of bank that was rip rapped for stability.   There is an area within the wetland that was also rip rapped that will need to be removed so that a small inlet can join the larger stream.  This was installed while snow was still on the ground and the inlet was not noticed at that time.  All other work seems to be within the parameters of the proposed work.  MR recommends that the TCC approve this work and issue an order of conditions pending the results of the DEP response, and to include the attached special conditions.  Representative from BETA Group, Mike Zavalia was present.  Motion to approve the line as delineated, MI, second RC, so voted.  BM asked if this was done and inlet blocked, why is this not a violation.  MR said its not a violation, it had to be done but there are so many little inlets there and with snow cover it was impossible to see.  This needed to be done as an emergency because of the sinkhole.  Mark gave a description of the work that was done out there.  They had originally tried a metal plate over the sinkhole but that wasn’t working.  The original stone box was replaced with plastic pipes.  When the rip rap was put in, they went a couple feet more than what was needed.  When the restoration is done, that will be corrected.  Motion to close the hearing and issue an order of conditions with special conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 21, 25, 26, 27, and 28-water quality cert from DEP prior to issue of this, MI, second RC, so voted.  

Other Business
1. Dave Cabral re: Roundtable Lane.  The TCC did listen to his concerns.  He was told which boards he could go to with the concerns.  Unfortunately, the whole project is out of TCC jurisdiction so there was nothing the TCC could do to help or inform Mr. Cabral.  He thanked the Commission for their time.  
2. Sustainability Conference @ Wheaton.  BM, MI, MR, and RC are all attending.  MR will notify conference with the attendees.  
3. BM would like to have the commissioners look over the by-laws.  They need to be reviewed and maybe some changes will be made.  He wants them looked over and for the commissioners to come back ready to discuss them under other business at the meeting on 4-11-11.  BM wants it put under other business listed as discussion/review of 25 foot buffer by-law, COT Section 2, Definitions, Ordinance 16 30-38-Exemptions to the 25 foot minimum WPZ, under #2 definitions.  He would like to talk about, specifically, WPZ-Exemptions to the 25 foot minimum WPZ and the hardships.  MR would like to give input and she will check with legal on this.  

Motion to adjourn, MI, second RC, so voted.  Meeting ended at 8pm.