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Minutes of the Taunton Conservation Commission October 18, 2010
Present: Ernest Enos, Debra Botellio, Brian Marques, Renny Chapman, Marla Isaac, Neil Kelly,
Steve Turner
Motion to approve minutes of September 27, 2010, DB, second MI, so voted.
Certificate of Compliance
- 8A & 8B Hern Ave., (COC), SE 73-2268 FR read. MR reports all work done in significant compliance to Order of Conditions and lawn is stable. MR recommends that the Taunton Conservation Commission issue a Certificate of Compliance. Motion to issue a COC, RC, second DB, so voted.
- Lot 43 – Constitution Drive, (COC) SE 73-2149 Field report states that this project was for the construction of a commercial building with associated parking, grading, drainage, and utilities. All work was done in significant compliance to the Order of Conditions and all areas are stable. MR recommends that the Taunton Conservation Commission issue a Certificate of Compliance for this project. Motion to approve and issue a COC, MI, second RC, so voted.
- 79 N. Walker St., (COC), SE 73-2415 Field report was read and stated that all work was done in significant compliance to the Order of Conditions. All lawn areas are stabilized, roof drains go from the single family home into drywells, and there is no indication of siltation into the adjacent pond or wetland. MR recommends the Taunton conservation Commission issue a Certificate of Compliance. Motion to issue COC, RC, second, MI, so voted.
- 63 Baker Road East, (COC), SE 73-2353 Field report stated that this project was for the construction of a duplex with decks, utilities, driveways, and associated grading. The finished work is a single family home with a smaller footprint than originally proposed and in significant compliance to the original Order of Conditions issued on September 11, 2008. The smaller footprint in addition to the razing of the pre-existing greenhouse and garage created additional pervious ground as well as structures being further removed from the wetland. The property is on city water and sewer and roof drains are connected to drywells. All lawn areas are stable and there is no indication of siltation into the wetland. The silt fence, hay bales and stakes can be removed. MR recommends that the Taunton Conservation
Commission issue a Certificate of Compliance. Motion to issue a COC, DB, second EE, so voted.
- 395 Norton Avenue, (COC), SE 73-2293 Field report stated that this project was for the construction of a single family home with driveway and utilities within 100 feet of a bordering vegetated wetland. The property is on the east side of Norton Avenue just past the sewer lift station at the corner of Norton Avenue and Old Norton Avenue. All work has been completed in significant compliance to the Order of Conditions issued on September 25, 2007. All lawn areas are stabilized, roof drains go into drywells, and there is no indication of siltation into the adjacent wetland. The siltation barrier can be taken down. New owners to be informed that no grass clippings are to be dumped within the buffer zone. They must either use a mulching lawnmower, or bag and bring clippings to the dump. This information must be
sent to the new owners. MR recommends that the Taunton Conservation Commission issue a Certificate of Compliance. Motion to issue a COC, RC, second DB, so voted.
Cont. Public Hearings
- 11 Prince Henry Drive, (NOI), SE 73-2445 Letter from Applicant requesting a continuance. Motion to continue to November 15, 2010, DB, second RC, so voted.
Public Hearings
NK arrives
- Tremont Street, (ANRAD), SE 73-2449 Motion to open hearing, DB, second MI. This filing is for the verification of a wetland delineation performed by Walter Hewitson on August 2, 2010. MR agreed with the placement of the flags and recommended that the Taunton Conservation Commission approve flags 2-54 with flag 1 for reference purposes only, and issue an Order of Resource Area Delineation (ORAD). Motion to approve delineation and issue ORAD and close hearing, DB, second RC, so voted.
- Burt Street, (NOI), SE 73-2451 Motion to open hearing, DB, MI. Field report stated that this project is for the construction of a single family home with septic System, driveway and utilities, and associated grading within 100 feet of a bordering vegetated wetland. The property is on the east side of Burt Street adjacent to #140 Burt Street. Wetland delineation was approved and an ORAD issued to the Applicant on July 1, 2010. The plan originally submitted showed a 36’ x 26’ house. The Applicant submitted a revised plan showing a 44’ x 26’ house earlier this week. The house dimension expanded on the south side of the proposed house, furthest from the wetland, and did not bump it closer to the wetland. A siltation barrier is depicted at least 25 feet from the wetland and is marked
as the limit of work. The closest work will be grading at 27 feet from the wetland. The contractor should make sure the integrity of the siltation barrier is maintained; especially work so close to the barrier. The plan shows a concrete washout area and dewatering area outside the 100’ buffer zone. The house will be 48 feet from the wetland at the left rear corner. The septic reserve area will be 55 feet from the wetland. The house will be on city water, with the line running from the street and under the proposed driveway into the house. The proposed work meets setbacks for zoning and Board of Health regulations. The work as proposed should not negatively impact the adjacent wetland nor should the direction of sheeting during storms change. Grading is done so that stormwater runs toward the wetland to the northeast. Roof run-off will go into drywells. MR recommends that the Taunton Conservation Commission approve the project and issue an Order of Conditions with additional
Special Conditions. Motion to issue and Order of Conditions with SC 1-5, 8, 9, 15-17, 19, 21, 23-27, 28- extend haybale line 30 feet to flag #3 and close hearing, DB, second EE, so voted.
- 366 Prospect Hill Street, (NOI), SE 73-2401 Motion to open hearing DB, MI. Bill Buckley representing Applicant, Joe Lynch. Wants to present project prior to the Commission continuing due to more information needs to be shared and finalized with Peer Reviewer. This project is for a 14-house subdivision on a 26-acre lot, 22 acres to be set aside for open space.
BM: you call this road a driveway? BB: Yes, it’s not a road, and will be maintained by the condo association.
DB: approval from city for the sewer? BB: Yes. Each home will have its own well. Groundwater is 2-4 feet down.
There are stormwater issues, neighbor concerns. The groundwater is very high – all homes will have walk-out basements.
Snow Storage.
RC: test pits – need to get them done. Need to add 2 more test pits.
ST: urge you to speak with residents. BB: we did a site walk with neighbors.
NK: Will basin size change? BB: we are 50’ away, but may change somewhat.
BM: Confused…regarding standards…2 N/A, pg#4, standard 1. BB: May pick up outlet to let that amount infiltrate.
RC: is it an infiltration or detention basin. BB: Infiltration but not in calculations of the standard.
Basin changing? BB: No, just tweaks inside basin.
Abutter Mike Velozo: I have water around me…when we get a lot of rain; we get a lot of water. Can a fence be put up between the subdivision and the wetland?
RC: total waste of time and money.
Peer Reviewer from Woodard & Curran will be at next meeting.
Motion to continue to Nov. 15, DB, second RC, so moved.
- 14 E. Whitehill St. Christine Levesque and Derrick Perry. Cut trees within buffer zone of BVW, right at edge of BVW. Also cleaned out a lot of tires, car gas tank, futon frame. Had it hauled away and can give TCC a receipt if necessary. Letter from Rev. Gregory Wheaton, Liberty Christian Church in support of the work that was done without malice – did not intentionally go in and cut trees. The trees had fallen and were leaning on others and presented a safety hazard. MR discussed what she found that day and that she told Derrick and his uncle to continue with the clean-up. It could be considered a violation but MR could see what they had cleaned out of the wetland.
Motion to dismiss violation and work with Michele to get paperwork filled out, ST, second DB, so voted.
Suggested adding another Jersey barrier at the end of E. Whitehill St. at Vernon St. and one at the end of Mineral and E. Whitehill. MR to talk with DPW.
Other Business
- 1561 Glebe Street. Rick & Doreen Nielson, homeowners, Richard Nielson, Sr.
Seems that water was increased and the Neilsons are totally frustrated over no action again. Politics seems to be the problem. Motion: Issue a violation to the Town of Rehoboth, ST, second NK, so voted. RC absolutely positive that the amount of stormwater to land adjacent to the Neilson has been increased. This is definitely a violation of the WPA.
- Boyden. MI, DB, and RC visited Boyden and looked at the problem along the slope facing the river. Mesh will not help the situation. Slope is collapsing and the picnic area could be compromised. The hill is settling and cracking…in some point in time there may be a total failure and will continue to collapse. Scope of work – looking at $100-200,000
MR to contact local colleges and look for anyone looking for community service to write grants for us, ST, second DB, so voted.
RC: concern – no idea how likely bank could go – could affect the picnic area
DB: move fence back and post as unsafe area.
Motion to ask Parks & Rec to move fence back – DB to show MR, DB, second ST, so voted.
- Gas auger – Motion to ask P&R if they have the gas auger, DB, second ST, so voted.
- DPW. Problem on Mineral St. Need Emergency Cert signed so that DPW can do the culvert work. There is a sinkhole where the metal plate is. The culvert needs to be replaced. Need to ensure that no additional water flows, though, because of downstream abutters. Motion to approve Emer. Cert, DB, NK, so voted.
- 2011 Meeting Schedule. ST: Why not here? I like it here. Another option is the room at the DPW – why not there? 6pm is pushing it.
A lot of time was spent searching for a location that would be consistent. It also took 2 weeks just to ensure this location for tonight. There has been a lot of friction between City Hall and School Dept.
BM: Is this building owned by the City?
DB: Anybody using a building – has to pay overtime if past the agreed upon time.
Motion to table the discussion of meeting location to next meeting, ST, second DB, so voted.
Motion to approve Meeting Schedule for 2011, RC, second DB, 2:4 not carried.
Motion to wait two weeks to vote on schedule, ST, second DB, so voted.
- Sign to post at Sharpe property was approved. Need to get them made, ST, second NK, so voted.
- Approved expenditure from filing fee account to pay registration fee for MR to attend AMWS annual meeting, DB, second MI, so voted.
- Taunton River Watershed Study public presentation on Thursday at 9:30 am in Lakeville.
- BM talked about the Opening Ceremony for the N Walker St property, now known as Westville Conservation Area. Thanked all that helped including Kelley Whitmore of the Trustees of Reservations and David McGowan of the Nature Conservancy. Had around 30 people including local and state officials.
- Fence at Boyden. Completed 300 feet of fence. Have a total of 1800 feet of fence to put in. This Saturday we will have another work party out there installing fence. Will use gas powered augers. Have rented one. Need to find out if P&R has the other.
Motion to adjourn, ST, second NK, so voted. Meeting ended at 9:10p.m.
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