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06/19/2018 BOS Meeting Minutes
Town Of Sutton
Board of Selectmen
                                                        Meeting Minutes
                                           Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 7/10/2018 by a vote of   4-0-1   
                                                                                         (Selectman Kenney abstains)            
7:00p.m. – June 19, 2018
                                       Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
      Chairman John L. Hebert, Vice Chair David Hall, Clerk Wendy Mead, Selectman Jesse Limanek (Selectman Kenney absent)
     Town Administrator James Smith & Deb Jacques, secretary  

Chairman Hebert calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance  
Public Forum: N/A

Selectman Limanek motions to accept as presented the June 5, 2018 meeting minutes, Selectman Mead 2nds passes 4-0
Selectman Limanek motions to accept as presented Executive Session Minutes from the June 5, 2018 Selectmen’s meeting, Selectman Mead seconds passes 4-0                 
**Public Hearing** Pole Hearing Rich Road- Public Hearing notice read by Selectman Mead as advertised in the 6/7/18 Millbury Sutton Chronicle.  Present from NGrid is Merrill Harvey. Selectman Mead asks if all easements have been signed, Mr. Harvey replies yes, the builder has signed them all. Hearing no other comments from the board, chairman Hebert asks for public comments, hearing none, Selectman Limanek motions to close the public hearing Vice Chair Hall seconds passes 4-0. Vice Chair Hall motions to approve pole hearing #26105955 from NGrid and Verizon New England as advertised in the June 7, 2018 Millbury Sutton Chronicle Selectman Mead seconds passes 4-0.

Summer Programs at the Library: present is Lisa Kane, Chairman of the Library Trustees and Library Director Betsy Perry. Lisa Kane states the Summer Reading program is the most important program as it keeps kids’ reading throughout the summer. Last year there were close to 700 participants. This summer there are several scheduled concerts on the common as well as story tellers and a juggler. June 26th is the kick off date. Also beginning is the Home Bound delivery program. There are 6 volunteers that have been coryied and will display a magnet on their car doors to show that are with this program. Vice Chair Hall asks how they get the word out for all the programs, they do have flyers distributed throughout the town as well as local papers covering the activities. Selectman Limanek is excited to see the Home Bound program begin. Selectman Mead agrees the Home Bound delivery is a great program that she is excited to see begin. Wendy does ask if there could be transportation provided to bring seniors to the library. TA Smith replies there is a car and driver at the Sr. Center that seniors can schedule a ride.  Chairman Hebert thanks them for coming in and updating the board and agrees the common is a great place for the activities.  

Presentation by WPI for Sewer Project:  present is Professor Paul Mathisen, Graduate Student Adam Weiss of WPI and Sewer Superintendent Don Obuchowski. TA Smith says this is review a plan to bring sewer from the Villas to the center of town. Eventually to include the School which currently costs $150,000. a year for the Waste water treatment center. If this goes forward we would take Adams work and work with an engineer to obtain stamped plans. Adam Weiss gives a power point presentation (attached to final minutes) which he has been work on since January 2018.  In his presentation he discusses sewer coming up Boston Road to the center which would allow the Town Hall which has a failing septic to tie in as well as residents along the sewer line. Due to the hills we would have to include a gravity sewer, a pump station and a force main to transport the wastewater to the existing sewer on route 146. An estimated cost to run up to the center would be 1.5 million dollars. If we include the school it would be approx. 3 million dollars. Adam offers his thanks to Prof. Mathisen, TA Smith and Don Obuchowski for giving him the opportunity to design this project. Vice Chair Hall asks what resources were accessed for this. Adam says he obtained information from MA GIS as well as flow estimates from Don Obuchowski. Dave also asks where a pump station would be pt. Adam replies there are two areas, one is town owned property the other is in an area that the town could get an easement on. Selectman Limanek says the presentation was fantastic and asks if there will be geographic wings for future expansion. Adam replies there could be future tie ins to this project. Jesse asks as far as the estimated project cost, would there be enough usage to offset. Adam replies with the school and a potential project on Boston Road there would be a significant number of users.   Adam goes on to say the soils around the town are on the low spectrum for septic systems. Selectman Mead thanks all present as well as TA Smith for facilitating this project and looks forward to seeing this project move forward.  Chairman Hebert says this would be good for the town hall as we have to pump frequently. John thanks Don for always putting his whole heart into everything he does. TA Smith will continue to keep the BOS up to date on this potential project.

Amendment for lease agreement for Town Farm Road: TA Smith states Wireless Edge is requesting an amendment (#5) for the cell tower located at 154 Town Farm Road. They would like to increase the monopole by 10 feet to 160 feet. This is to accommodate AT & T to come in to town. Vice Chair Hall states the 10 foot addition will be imperceptible. Having a second carrier will be great for the residents plus a little added revenue. Selectman Limanek asks if the extension will exceed the height recently changed in ZBA. TA Smith replies no it was increased to 195’ for another business in town, this will be at 160’. Jesse also asks if additional carriers wish to come in will the monopole have to be extended, TA Smith says there are spots for additional carriers, AT & & requested the extension.  Selectman Mead says this is a win win win for the town and everyone in it, Wendy agrees that we really won’t notice a 10 foot extension. Selectman Limanek motions to approve and sign Amendment #5 for the lease agreement for a monopole extension at 154 Town Farm Road with Wireless Edge, Vice Chair Hall seconds passes 4-0

Approval of 3 year Police Union Contract: TA smith states this was discussed during Executive Session previously. This contract will run from July 1, 2018-June 30, 2021. There is a 2.5% increase for each year as well as a $1,000. Increase in stipends. We will not consider bring back the Quinn for newer hires so this increase will encourage the officers to further their education. The increase will be rolled in to the weekly payroll which will reflect in their salary as well as pension. All agree this is a positive benefit.  Vice Chair Hall appreciates the Union working with the Town. Each year the increase in health insurance makes it difficult. Selectman Limanek says insurance premiums are an ongoing problem with plan design changes constantly changing. Under MGL, the TA has the authority to make needed changes but it is always done in a collaborative effort. Regarding the increase in educational benefits, that would mean better trained, better educated officers. Selectman Mead was not here for the Exec. Session but does know the insurance is always a tremendous burden. Wendy applauds both sides for what looks like a fair and equitable contract, she is also happy with the educational incentives.  Chairman Hebert thanks Jim for all his work and effort in this contract and boosting the moral of the employees. Selectman Limanek motions to approve as presented the 3 year contract agreement between the Town of Sutton and The Sutton Police Union from July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2021, selectman Mead seconds passes 4-0
TA Update:
  • Boiler Replacement at Elem School going out to bid June 20th. $140,000. Is in the capital plan and we also have an application in with Green communities. Bids are due in July 19th.
  • The Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Grant- Sutton received $15000. To complete a community resiliency planning process for vulnerability and strengths of our community as the climate changes. Thanks to Doreen Defazio and Lee Dillard Adams.
  • Communication Tower behind the Town Hall was increased over the weekend by 20 feet. This will help with public safety communications.
  • Town Hall annual cookout is Tuesday June 26 11:30-12:30. TA Smith is requesting to close town hall
  • BOS goals & Objectives meeting- usually takes place within month of July, how is July 31st?  
  • Army Band Concert June 30th: special thanks to Selectman Limanek for arranging this.
Announcements/Round Table:
  • Chairman Hebert is happy to say the solar powered stop signs are up at the intersection by the new police station
Special thankyou to Tom Donnelly with MA DOT for work on the M Route. John reads the aquatic treatment schedule for Singletary Lake. Treatment will be June 21st, there will be no boating or swimming that day.   
  • Selectman Limanek reads the needs for the Mike Chizy Food Pantry. Jesse also reads an email sent to him by Andrew DeWolfe (who could not be at tonight’s meeting) regarding the possibility of having a food truck go to Marion’s Camp.     

 Vice Chair Hall motions to adjourn Selectman Limanek seconds passes 4-0 meeting adjourned 8:30pm