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04/17/2018 BOS Meeting Minutes
Town Of Sutton
Board of Selectmen
                                                        Meeting Minutes
                                           Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 5/2/2018 by a vote of   3-0-1   
                                                                                         (Hebert abstains, absent from 4/17 meeting)            
7:00p.m. – April 17, 2018
                                       Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
      Chairman Jesse Limanek, Clerk David Hall and Selectman Michael Kenney (Vice Chair Hebert absent)  
      Town Administrator James Smith & Deb Jacques, secretary  

Chairman Limanek calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance  
Public Forum: N/A

Selectman Hall motions to accept as presented the April 3, 2018 meeting minutes, selectman Kenney 2nds passes 3-0   
Eagle Scout recognition for Samuel Hearn read by Selectman Hall
Arbor day Proclamation read by Selectman Hall
**Public Hearing** Lot 1 Rich Road Chapter 61A as read by Selectman Hall: TA Smith states the boards suggested the BOS not exercise its rights of first refusal and pass over. Present is James King, owner of the property which is located on Rich Road. Mr. King states Brian Houlihan, the purchaser was originally from Sutton and would like to move back to town. Mr. King would like to use the money for his son’s college fund. Selectman Hall and Kenney both state they have no issues, Chairman Limanek states this is a win win the community gets a new neighbor. Hearing no more comments or concerns, Selectman Hall motions to close the Public Hearing, Selectman Kenney seconds passes 3-0. Selectman Kenney motions to not exercise the town’s option under MGL Chapter 61A for property located at Lot 1 Rich Road - Map #29 Parcel 24 (5.70 acres), Selectman Hall seconds passes 3-0

Request to increase the Capital Stabilization fund by 2.5%: TA Smith states this is an annual request. This would allow the Town to increase the FY18 override figure of $608,040 to $ $623,241. Selectman Hall states the long term goal of this fund is to be able to purchase large items without a debt over ride. Without this account items that are needed can become a budget crisis. Selectman Kenney says it is great to be able to write a check and not worry about where the funds are coming from. Chairman Limanek says this was a brilliant idea as it alleviates the need for an override. Selectman Hall motions to authorize the Assessor’s Office to increase the Capital Stabilization Fund by an additional 2.5% increase to the FY2018 override figure of $608,040 to $623,241, Selectman Kenney seconds passes 3-0

Final FY19 Budget presentation: TA Smith gives a power point presentation showing the final FY19 budget. TA Smith states there has been health care plan design changes, contract negotiations, as well as some budget changes to the schools. The total budget for FY19 is $32,404,527. which is 1.63% over the FY18 budget. This budget shows the 3 schools are costing more than the total revenue coming in to the town this year. We worked hard to reduce the operating costs but BVT showed 11 extra students ($243,000.) as well as Norfolk Aggie having 5 extra students ($92,000.). Health care costs started with a 9.5% increase but after plan design changes which include a High Deductible plan we reduced it to 5.2%. The Police Station project is under construction and should be complete by January 2019. The Roadway Stabilization fund will be on the election ballot as it is an override question ($300,000.). The bottom line is we now have a balanced budget. We have applied for a Green Community grant ($243,000.)  which will all go into the school, we have a solid stabilization fund ($2,057,000.) OPEB ($1,024,000.) We need to continue to make sure our expenses do not exceed our revenues. Selectman Hall says excellent presentation, Dave asks how the employees are handling the insurance changes, TA Smith states very well. There have been IAC meetings which have been very supportive. The employees are trying to understand the different plans. Selectman Kenney says the changes are out of our control. Mike questions the new HSA account, can it be rolled over, and is it tax free. Chairman Limanek discusses the circuit breaker increase as well as the expenses and the debt. Jesse also asks TA Smith if he planned on any operational expenses in the current budget. At Smith replied there is a small amount in there but until the station is complete and operational we do not know the full operational costs. Jesse states he appreciates the willingness of employees and the dialogue taking place regarding health insurance. This budget speaks to living within our means, it is a very frugal budget.    
Review the Draft May Town Meeting & Election Warrant: TA Smith reviewed each article. The first 10 articles are the normal May town meeting questions, the articles that may be confusing and need clarification. Articles 15, 16, 17 & 18 all related to marijuana, 22, 23 and 24 are amendments to the Zoning Bylaw Solar Photovoltaic overlay district. Selectman Hall feels if Planning Director Jen Hager gives a mini presentation prior to the marijuana articles it may help attendees understand the articles better. Chairman Limanek feels the moderator Ken Stuart should be updated with these articles.

Approve the Roadway Improvement Stabilization override question to be placed on the May Election Ballot: TA Smith says this must be voted on tonight to be placed on the Election Ballot. This is a debt override and will result in an increase of approx. $74.00 on the average tax bill. Selectman Hall is in favor of this but he wants residents to know if they vote for this their taxes will go up. This will be a dedicated fund for road work only. Selectman Kenney is also in favor of and says we are not receiving help at the state level we need to do this to correct the problem. Chairman Limanek says we are not going to be bailed out by the state, Chapter 90 funds are going backwards this is not a perfect solution but we are pushing forward. Selectman Hall motions to approve the following question to be placed on the May 22, 2018 Annual Town Election ballot:
Question 1:  Shall the Town of Sutton be allowed to assess an additional $300,000 in real estate and personal property taxes for the purpose of funding a special purpose stabilization fund, to be known as the Roadway Improvement Stabilization Fund, for the purpose of funding roadway repair and improvement projects, as well as the payment of debt service related to such projects, for the fiscal year beginning July first, two thousand and eighteen? Selectman Kenney seconds passes 3-0~

TA Update:
  • Ray Plante has officially resigned from the BOS effective April 11. He is relocating to Texas and we wish him well.
  • Goddard Lodge rehab- Gen Con bids were opened on April 12 @ 10am. The winning bidder is Collette Contracting  with a bid of $445,500 (this includes the elec sub bid) We currently have $409,000. and we have added $90,000. In capital funds to do this project.
  • Milling and paving of the M route- Mass DOT District 3 has begun this, it is approx. 4 miles of roadway improvement costing roughly $2 million at no cost to the town.
  • 126 Mendon Road- RFP to be opened April 26 @ 11am
  • Communication Towers and fiber lines- Wilks water tower is currently being prepared for construction to put a 100’ monopole up. At the same time we are working at the Manchaug communication Tower. Once completed we will begin to run fiber lines from the town hall to each tower.
  • Blackstone Street Bridge rehab underway now.
Announcements/Round Table:
        Selectmen Hall, Kenney and Limanek all extend well wishes to Ray Plante and thank him for the time on the board.

  • Selectman Kenney asks the status on the cell tower on Town Farm Road- TA smith replies that NGrid (Kevin Shaughnessy) reported that the pole should be up this week.
  • Chairman Limanek thanks all involved in this past weekend’s meat raffle at the Dudley Gendron to benefit the Grafton Canteen truck that needs some updates. This truck goes to the fires and provides drinks as well as food for the fire fighters.
  • Chairman Limanek reads the needs for the Sutton Food Pantry.

Selectman Hall motions to adjourn the meeting, selectman Kenney 2nds passes 3-0

Meeting adjourned 9:15 pm