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10/03/2017 BOS Meeting Minutes

                                           Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on    10/17/2017 by a vote of   4-0
                                                                                                    Selectman Plante absent
7:00p.m. – October 3, 2017
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
      Chairman Jesse Limanek, Vice Chair John Hebert, Clerk David Hall and Selectmen Michael Kenney & Ray Plante Jr.      
      Town Administrator James Smith & Deb Jacques, secretary  
Chairman Limanek calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for the Las Vegas shootings

Selectman Hall motions to accept as presented the September 19, 2017 meeting minutes, Selectman Kenney seconds passes 3-0-2
                                                                                                       Vice Chair Hebert & Selectman Plante absent from 9/19/17 meeting

Waters Farm Days: present is the Robert Chauvin, the new president for Waters Farm and board member Pam Farnum. Robert states Waters Farm had a great year with many events such as tractor pulling, dinners and a movie night. The Crobak Barn project ended the 1st stage of dismantling, the 2nd phase will begin after Farm Days. There will be a large area at Farm Days designated with activities for children. Pam Farnum says Waters Farm holds traditional old fashioned events. In addition to the usual events at Farm Days, there will be a petting zoo, the Fire Dept. (explorers) will provide a smoke house and there will be interaction with a blacksmith.  Both Pam and David say none of this could happen without the volunteers and the residents in town. The BOS all agree Waters Farm Days is always a great event, this is a terrific event rain or shine.
Public Forum:  N/A
**Public Hearing** Pole Hearing Selectman Hall reads the Public Hearing notice as run in the Sept. 14th Millbury Sutton Chronicle. Present from NGrid is James Varney. This is to provide underground electricity for street lights at 65 Gilmore Drive (Life Song Church). Hearing no concerns, Selectman Hall motions to close the Public Hearing. Selectman Hall motions to approve pole hearing #22944456 from NGrid as advertised in the September 14, 2017 Millbury Sutton Chronicle, Vice Chair Hebert seconds passes 5-0

Consent to Assignment-net metering- TA Smith says this is the final issue with the net metering agreement. This allows the financers to assign to another owner should ECOS have financial issues. Hearing no concerns, Selectman Kenney motions to authorize the Chairman to sign the Consent to Assignment for the Net Metering agreement between the Town of Sutton and Spencer Meadow Solar, Vice Chair Hebert seconds passes 5-0

Fall town Meeting Warrant: TA Smith reviews the warrant, among the articles is a request to establish a Commission on Disability, the request to authorize a member form the BOS to be appointed to the Library Building Committee, 2 questions to complete the prohibition on recreational marijuana, and Article #15 is the question for a debt over ride for the library project. Selectman Hall mentions the Finance hearing held last week, if people have time watch it. It was a lively meeting. Selectman Kenney asked if the 2 questions on Marijuana voided out what was previously voted in town, are we unprotected? TA Smith replies no the moratorium is in effect until next fall. Selectman Plante questions guidance from the state regarding the marijuana laws, TA Smith says they are still working on it. Selectman Plante motions to approve and sign the Fall Town Meeting Warrant as presented, Selectman Kenney seconds passes 5-0

Town Administrator Evaluation: This is the annual evaluation of the Town Administrator as read by Selectman Hall (copy attached). The overall average for TA Smith is 96.12 out of 100. Vice Chair Hebert says it is an honor to fill this evaluation out, a lot of time and thought goes into this. We see the ups and downs you deal with through the year, we are proud to have you. Selectman Hall offers congratulations, he goes on to say this is well deserved. Dave feels one of Jims greatest strengths is the cultivation of the staff, Jim has developed loyalty and respect and also to deal with the BOS, that is 5 different personalities and he balances them very well. Selectman Kenney says it is a pleasure working with Jim and it is evident he keeps the town people in mind with any of his decisions. Selectman Plante quotes some of the words in the review: a knowledgeable leader, respect, integrity, honest: Jim is from town and he always has the town in mind. Ray looks forward to the next few years. Chairman Limanek says every decision Jim makes he wants it to be good for the town. Jim is open and transparent and his door is always open. He is perfect for the town, thank you for all you do.
TA Smith takes this time to say a few words. Jim is pleased with the comments. Jim states Sutton is my home where I live with my wife and 2 kids. Jim credits a lot to his department heads and staff saying we all have the best interest of residents in mind when we are getting things done.  

Authorize Chairman to sign Aggregation contract: Present is Energy Manager Doreen DeFazio. TA Smith states he and Doreen have been working with Peregrine and Baystate Consultants to go out for procurement of our electricity supply for the residents. Doreen informs the BOS that NGrid just announced their winter rate at 12.67 cents. Our current rate with Public Power is 8.4 cents and is due to expire the beginning of the year. This was a 12 month contract, we are looking to go to a 24 month contract. There are 6 companies interested in bidding. Doreen states there will be a conference call the end of October for the bid results and the Chairman of the BOS must also be present to sign the contract. Doreen and Jim do feel our rate will go up but it should be lower then NGrid. Vice Chair Hebert states Sutton is a cut above other communities, we took the step to offer residents a better rate. Selectman Hall reminds the residents, this is the rate for residents not the town buildings, this past year NGrids rate was 9.43 cents, the residents if you chose to be enrolled was 8.4 cents. Dave encourages Jim and Doreen to look at the 24 month contracts. Selectman Kenney is in favor of the 24 month contract and asks is there any idea where the pricing will come in. TA Smith states the information is confidential as it could work to the bidder’s advantage. Selectman Plante asks what effects the rates, Ray feels it is due to the cost to produce as well as the reduction in usage due to solar. TA smith agrees and says aggregation as well but there are a lot of variables. Ray agrees a 2 year contract would be great. Chairman Limanek says his focus is on trying to save residents money, if these bids are higher than the NGrid rate we will stay with NGrids rate. Jesse asks if there will be any changes to the look of the bill, Doreen replies no. Vice Chair Hebert motions to authorize the Chairman to sign the contract to purchase electricity supply as long as it is below NGrid prices, Selectman Hall seconds passes 5-0.    

TA Update:
  • Pigeon Hill property closed today, thank you to the Kowsiks
  • Gilmore Drive- We have been working with NGrid for years to install street lights at Gilmore, back in 2009 we received a check for $17,000. from the business association at Gilmore Drive to put towards the street lights. NGrid has told us the work there is below NGrid standards, the cost to get the lights there will be $72,000. This was an agreement that we should honor. We may have to appropriate funds at the May town meeting for this project.
All the Board members agree we should honor our agreement and have the street lights installed.
  • Goddard Lodge Rehab- bids came in over our budget. We are going to put this back out in early spring.
  • Municibid sale of property- surplus items will be from October 12-the 26th available on municibid.
  • Police Station we received approval from Conservation and the Planning Board. General bids are due Oct 5th.
  • CMRPC representative- John Hebert was reelected to his 3rd term as the representative of the Southeast sub region
  • Golf Tournament- the annual charity golf tournament to benefit the Mike Chizy Food Pantry will be on Fri- Oct 6 @ Clearview Golf Course in Millbury.
  • Free cash certification- DOR certified free cash in the amount of $1,329,196.00
  • Brush Chipping will be held at the Transfer Station on Oct 14th between 8am-12noon
Selectman announcements/Correspondence/Round table
  • Selectman Hall congratulates Fire Chief Matt Belsito for his recent appointment as chairman of the District 7 Fire services for Mutual aid. It is a great honor for him and the town.   
  • Chairman Limanek congratulates Glenn King on placing 1st at the Big E with a sheep. Jesse also offers congratulations to fire Chief Matt Belsito.  He also thanks St. Marks for the recent Food Pantry contribution and reads the current needs with the colder weather coming.
 Selectman Hall motions to adjourn, Selectman Plante seconds passes 5-0                         meeting adjourned 8:35 pm