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09/19/2017 BOS Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes
                                           Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 10/3/2017 by a vote of   3-0-2
7:00p.m. – September 19, 2017
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
      Chairman Jesse Limanek, Clerk David Hall and Selectman Michael Kenney (Vice Chair Hebert & Selectman Plante absent)    
      Town Administrator James Smith & Deb Jacques, secretary  
Chairman Limanek calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Forum:  N/A

Selectman Hall motions to accept as presented the September 5, 2017 meeting minutes, Selectman Kenney seconds passes 3-0
                                                                                                                                  (Vice Chair Hebert & Selectman Plante absent)
**Public Hearing** Pole Hearing Selectman Hall reads the Public Hearing notice, present from NGrid is Mel Harvey. Mr. Harvey states that there had been a few changes to this pole hearing. Instead of a stub pole there will be a push grace. TA Smith informed the BOS that public safety and the highway dept. have no issues with this. The public hearing is closed; hearing no concerns, Selectmen Hall motions to approve pole hearing #20087188 from NGrid as advertised in the August 31, 2017 Millbury Sutton Chronicle, Selectman Kenney 2nds passes 3-0

Draft**Fall Town Meeting Warrant: TA Smith reviews the warrant articles: articles #1 - 4 are budgetary, #5 is to establish a Commission on Disability, #7 will allow the BOS to appoint one member from the BOS to the Library Building committee, articles #8 & #9 are to allow the town to sell 2 small pieces of land thru an auction located at 25R Putnam Hill and 126 Mendon Road, #10 is to waive the sewer connection fee for the Dudley Gendron (typical for nonprofit facilities)  #11 & 12 talk about amending the zoning bylaw regarding recreational marijuana and #15 is to see if the town will raise and appropriate $11,190,985 to fund the proposed new library. (The dollar figure shows the total cost, the actual amount paid by Sutton will be $5.1 million as the grant from the state (MBLC) will be paying a portion). TA smith informs the BOS the finance Committee will hold their public hearing next Tuesday, September 26th @ 6:30. At this time, Chairman Limanek reads a prepared statement regarding article #15 (attached)    

TA Update:
  • Aggregation- We are currently in a plan with Public Power for 8.4 cents per kwh. Our plan is to procure electricity supply in Oct/Nov. to start January 1st.
  • Brush chipping- will be held at the Transfer Station Sat. Oct 14 from 8-noon.
  • Chip Seal- this was a topcoat done on the roads that recently were paved. This is in place of the top coat.
  • Goddard Lodge Rehab- John couture and Jen Hager worked with the architect to make changes. Sub bids were opened Sept. 14th, they came in quite a bit lower, the general contractor bids are due sept. 21st.
  • Police Station- we are awaiting approval from planning and conservation. General contractor bids are due Oct. 5th.
  • Library Building committee- we are putting together the committee, it would be great if a resident with construction/engineering experience has interest.
  • Finance Committee public hearing will be on Tuesday, September 26 @ 6:30pm. The BOS will sign the warrant at the Oct. 3rd meeting.
  • Golf Tournament- the annual charity golf tournament will be held on Friday October 6th at Clearview Gold course.
  • Fire Chief Matt Belsito has been nominated as Chairman/President of District 7 Fire MA. There will be a ceremony held on Sept. 28th at the Dudley Gendron. The BOS are invited to attend.  
  • Free Cash- we received word from DOR that our free cash in the amount of $1,329,196.00 has been certified.

Selectman announcements/Correspondence/Round table
  • Selectman Hall asks for a breakdown of the free cash. TA Smith replies $300,000. Was carried over from FY16, 230,000. Unexpended expenditures, $172,000 tax revenue and $622,000. In local receipts. Selectman Hall also mentions a minor medical issue that was at his house recently and applauds the EMT’s for their professionalism.
  • Selectman Kenney Says a great time was had at the Dudley Gendron Chicken barbecue. Selectman Kenney goes on to ask for some clarification into the statement that was read by Chairman Limanek in regards to the library project and the army corp. of engineers and a site survey. Selectman Kenney questions if anything is done at this location we will still have to go through the same steps, TA Smith replies yes. The question is if due diligence was done prior to the purchase of the Shaw property. This property was purchased with the main purpose being municipal use.
  • Chairman Limanek spoke of the Dudley Gendron Chicken Barbecue that was very well attended. The dunk booth raised $400.00 which will be used to purchase grave markers for deceased firefighters in town. Chairman Limanek thanks Father DiGeronimo for asking Jesse to be a speaker at a life teen event. Jesse also mentions Waters Farm Days will be held on October 16/17, it was requested by the Waters Farm board of directors that the BOS spend an hour helping to park vehicles and meet attendees. Jesse ends this with a list of needed items at the Sutton Food Pantry.      
Selectman Kenney motions to adjourn, Selectman Hall seconds passes 3-0                          meeting adjourned 8:35 pm