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09/05/2017 BOS Meeting Minutes
Town Of Sutton
Board of Selectmen
                                                        Meeting Minutes
                                           Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on    9/19/2017   by a vote of   3-0
                                                                                      (Vice Chair Hebert & Sel. Plante absent)      
7:00p.m. – September 5, 2017
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
      Chairman Jesse Limanek, Vice Chair John Hebert, Clerk David Hall and Selectman Michael Kenney (Selectman Plante absent)    
      Town Administrator James Smith & Deb Jacques, secretary  
Chairman Limanek calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Forum:  N/A

Selectman Hall motions to accept as presented the August 15, 2017 meeting minutes, Vice Chair Hebert seconds passes 4-0
        (Selectman Plante absent)
Selectman Hall motions to accept as presented Goals & Objectives August 29, 2017 meeting minutes, Selectman Kenney seconds passes 4-0

Ratification of new Police Officers: Present is Police Chief Dennis Towle, Derek Desruisseaux and Zachary Coderre. TA Smith introduces the two new Police officers and asks for the BOS to ratify the appointments. Chief Towle states these two candidates are above all good kids, there isn’t much better and they are both from Sutton. Derek Desruisseaux introduces himself and offers a little of his background. He recently worked in the town of Hardwick as a Police Officer and it is a lifelong dream to be working in Sutton. Zachary Coderre graduated from Westfield State and worked as a park ranger for DCR, Zachary is also happy to be able to work for the town of Sutton. Vice Chair Hebert states this is an exciting night for the Town of Sutton. In a short time there will be a new Police station. Moral under the leadership of Chief Towle and Lieutenant Perry couldn’t be better. You will also have the support from the community. We are proud to have you. Selectman Hall is happy to hear the chief say he hired local candidates. This is a special opportunity, it is a great force. Selectman Kenney said this feels good, two new officers, and local guys protecting and serving our town. Chairman Limanek says this is a great night, these are the 1st generation of officers that will be at the new Police Station. The community has nothing but respect, love and admiration for the ones that don the badge. You are both home grown and this is an opportunity for you to serve and give back to your community. Vice Chair Hebert motions to ratify the appointment of Derek Desruisseaux to the position of full time Police Officer, Selectman Hall seconds passes 4-0. Vice Chair Hebert motions to ratify the appointment of Zachary Coderre to the position of full time Police Officer, Selectman Kenney seconds passes 4-0. At this time Chairman Limanek swears in both officers.      
Acceptance of Deed for Pigeon Hill Cemetery: TA Smith says the BOS signed the P&S for this on May 2nd for the purchase price of $22,000.00, this was also approved at the May Town Meeting. TA Smith thanks George Kowszik for working with the town on this. Selectman Kenney motions to approve the Acceptance of Deed for the 1.5 acres purchased adjacent to Pigeon Hill Cemetery, Vice Chair Hebert seconds passes 4-0.  

Amendment to Net Metering Agreement: TA Smith says this is an amendment regarding the signed contract with ECOS and Spencer Meadow Solar. A schedule Z had to be completed for NGrid to transfer the net metering credits. They will only authorize a percent not an actual amount. This is a housekeeping issue. In the near future there will also be a Consent to Assignment to be signed. The BOS all agree this is housekeeping and have no issues. Vice Chair Hebert motions to authorize the Chairman to sign the amendment to the Net Metering Agreement between the Town of Sutton and Spencer Meadow Solar, Selectman Kenney seconds passes 4-0.

TA Update:
  • Town Administrators evaluation- will be handed out at tonight’s meeting, please fill out and return to Deb by Wed. Sept 20th. This will be an agenda item at the BOS Oct. 3rd meeting.
  • Boiler project at ELC- contract with MPC has been signed for $125,693. Work is beginning, they will replace one at a time to make sure there are no issues.
  • Sale of surplus property- the BOS will be presented with a list of items with in the next month. These items will be on Municibid.
  • Goddard Lodge Rehab- thanks to John Couture, Jen Hager and Jay Gallant the original plans have been scaled down and the project is out again for bid. We scaled down the project as we do not want to lose the Federal govt. grant.  
  • Police Station- the General bids will be opened Sept 14th, the sub bids were opened on August 17th. We are awaiting Conservation and the Planning Board to sign off on the project.
  • Draft Town Meeting Warrant will be presented to the Board on September 19th, the final Warrant will be before the BOS on Oct. 3rd.

Selectman announcements/Correspondence/Round table

  • Vice Chair Hebert- happy the boilers are being replaced, the weather has been nice and on our side.
  • Selectman Hall- the Goals & Objectives meeting was very productive
  • Selectman Kenney- reminder that the Dudley Gendron Chicken barbecue will be this Saturday, Sept 9th noon -5pm
  • Chairman Limanek- thank you to St. Marks for the recent food drive, it is consistently inspiring. Jesse attended the Labor Day Breakfast at the 1st Congregational church, it was a wonderful event. Jesse reads the needs for the food Pantry with the changing of the seasons as well as the kids back in school.   
Selectman Hall motions to adjourn, Vice Chair Hebert seconds passes 4-0                         meeting adjourned 7:35 pm