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08/01/2017 BOS Meeting Minutes
Town Of Sutton
Board of Selectmen
                                                        Meeting Minutes
                                           Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on   8/15/2017 by a vote of    4-0
                                                                                              Selectman Plante absent 8/1/17     
7:00p.m. – August 1, 2017
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
        Chairman Jesse Limanek, Vice Chair John Hebert, Clerk David Hall and Selectman Michael Kenney    
Town Administrator James Smith & Deb Jacques, secretary  
Chairman Limanek calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Forum:  N/A

Selectman Hall motions to accept as presented the July 25, 2017 meeting minutes, Selectman Kenney seconds passes 4-0
                (Selectman Plante absent)
TA Smith presents a list of Executive session minutes from the last 5-6 years that have been approved but need to be released. They will be on file in the Town Clerk’s office for anyone wishing to obtain copies. These are issues/union negotiations that have been resolved but do not include any personnel matters. Hearing no issues, Vice Chair Hebert motions to release the previously approved Executive Session minutes as presented, Selectman Kenney second’s passes 4-0 (list of Executive Session dates attached).

TA Update:
  • Road Repair: A little over 1 mile of paving was completed at $290,000. leaving $100,000. for crack sealing and other road treatments.
  • Boiler project for the ELC- bids are due August 3rd. Two companies attended the walk thru.
  • Goddard Lodge rehab- bid opening was July 27th. Bids came in over what we budgeted. The high bid was $763,000. And the two lower bids were $535,000. and $505,000. We have approx. $400,000. to complete this project. The design committee is reviewing the project and paring down some of the items.
  • Police Station- Plans are available for bid thru the project manager. Sub bids are due 8/10 at 2pm and general bids are due on 8/24 at 2pm. A meeting is to be held tomorrow with the architect to review some changes due to comments from Planning Board, Conservation and some residents. There will be an addendum going out to extend the bid due date.
  • Tennessee Gas line work to take place the week of August 1st. All abutting residents were notified by Tennessee Gas.
  • Congressman Jim McGovern will be holding a District wide regional meeting of the Town Managers at the Sutton Town Hall on August 14 9-11am. to see the needs within the towns. TA Smith plans to discuss infrastructure within the town (roads, water, sewer)
  • Town Meeting to be held on October 16th The draft for the BOS to sign will be before the Board either Sept 5th or 19th.
Selectman announcements/Correspondence/Round table

  • Selectman Hall attended the 3 V 3 Tournament on Saturday which was a fund raiser for Victoria Demers, a past student from Sutton that passed away a few months ago. It was very well attended and exceeded every expectation.
  • Chairman Limanek congratulates Glenn King for winning 1st place in a National Championship for sheep breeding.  Congratulations also to Tom Divine for his retirement from the military (28 years).
Selectman Hall motions to adjourn, Selectman Kenney seconds passes 4-0                          meeting adjourned 7:25pm