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07/11/2017 BOS Meeting Minutes
Town Of Sutton
Board of Selectmen
                                                        Meeting Minutes
                                           Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on _____by a vote of     _____
7:00p.m. – July 11, 2017
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
        Chairman Jesse Limanek, Vice Chair John Hebert, Clerk David Hall and Selectmen Michael Kenney & Raymond Plante  
Town Administrator James Smith & Deb Jacques, secretary  
Chairman Limanek calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Forum:  N/A

Selectman Hall motions to approve the June 27, 2017 meeting minutes as presented, Vice Chair Hebert seconds passes 5-0

Certificates of Recognition for Eagle Scouts Ryan Carkin, Nazaire Arcand and Christopher Reed as read by Selectman Hall

Show Cause Hearing- Sutton Wine & Liquors will not be held, Mr. Allard returned the Liquor License in question on Monday July 10th, 2017.  

FY17 Year End Transfers: Present is Town Accountant Tim Harrison. The Finance Committee just met and approved the End of Year Transfers. The total amount is $72,006.00. (as attached) Presented to the selectmen are the specific line items. A few mentioned is $4200.00 for Animal Control (due to abandoned dogs being boarded) $55,300. For Police wages due to 3 officers on IOD one of which went out on total disability which resulted in paying out vacation and sick leave buy back, and overtime to fill the shifts left by these absences. Vice Chair Hebert says this is just doing business as a town, this shows sound management. Due to contracts we have to pay out these items. We are in the process of hiring 3 new officers which will cut down on the overtime. Selectman Hall asks about the sick leave buy back which, TA Smith replies there was a cap put on that years ago as well as the Quinn bill which is grandfathered in. The new hires get a stipend depending on the level of their education. Selectman Kenney asks about the Central Purchasing gasoline line item, TA Smith replies that is located at the Highway for the municipal vehicles and buses. Selectman Kenney also asks for clarification of positions vacant at the police Station, is it 3 or 5; TA Smith replies 3. Selectman Kenney asks for clarification on Veterans Benefits: TA Smith replies this is through the Town Clerks office. It is essentially Medicaid for veterans that meet the criteria. We are reimbursed 75% from the state.  Chairman Limanek asks how the Finance Committee voted on these yearend transfers, Tim Harrison replies 6-0 in favor. Jesse goes on to say $70,000. of unforeseen items based on a $31 million dollar budget is really not bad. Kudos to Tim and Jim. Tim Harrison says he is disappointed, he would rather not have to do this. Vice Chair Hebert motions to approve as presented FY17 Year End Transfers, Selectman Kenney seconds passes 5-0.

1 ½ year Nursing IMA with Webster; TA Smith states Webster would like this renewed yearly,  This IMA will go from this past January to June 2018 (1 ½ yr contract). Vice Chair Hebert has no issues with this, no red flags. Selectman Hall says we have the talk frequently about not placing more burden on Cheryl, this is good for the town and good for Cheryl. Selectman Kenney questions if the rate has increased from the original $55.00 to $75.00. TA Smith replies $75.00 an hour. Selectman Kenney points out $55. dollar figure still in this contract. (this is a copy of the old contract, the rate will be included in the motion to reflect the $75.00. Selectman Plante is in full agreement to ratify this IMA. Chairman Limanek says this is nothing out of the norm, if Cheryl is okay and it is at the proper rate. Selectman Plante motions to approve a 18 month extension for Nursing Services between the Town of Webster and the Town of Sutton for the period of January 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 with the correction of $75.00 per hour per nurse, Selectman Kenney seconds passes 5-0
TA Update:
  • Town of Suttons Commission on Disability- TA Smith has been working with state Rep. Joe McKenna to create this commission. Our goal is to have a 5 member committee with a majority being disabled residents. If the BOS are interested an article will be placed at the fall Town Meeting to formally establish this commission.
  • Goddard Lodge Rehab- advertised in the Central register on June 28th, Over 21 bid packets have been requested. Sub bids are due July 17th and general contractor bids are due July 26.  Construction is anticipated to begin the middle of August.
  • Boiler project for the ELC- these will be funded by Green Communities grant. Bids will be due Aug. 3rd, work should be done prior to start of school.
  • Code Red- we budgeted $4500. To purchase this system to be used to notify residents in the event of emergencies. The committee consists of Fire Chief Belsito, Police Chief Dennis Towle, Doreen Defazio, Pam Nichols and Paul Maynard
  • Pigeon Hill Cemetery- survey has been completed for the property the town is buying from George Kowscik. The town originally was to purchase 1 acre for $22,000., Mr. Kowscik changed the size to 1.4 acres for the same price. This was approved at the May town meeting.
  • Interim position at the Transfer Station- Dave Arsenault is out due to surgery, we are looking to hire an interim person for 2-3 months. We all wish Dave a speedy recovery.

Selectman announcements/Correspondence/Round table

  • Selectman Hall thanks the Lions Club for the annual golf tournament
  • Selectman Kenney congratulates the three Eagle Scouts and says it is a commitment to reach that rank.
  • Selectman Plante offers his congratulations as well to the Eagle Scouts, it is a huge achievement.
  • Chairman Limanek attended the recent congregational Church supper as well as the recent Waters Farm cleanup day. Jesse reminds the need to donate to the Food Pantry.

Selectman Hall motions to adjourn the meeting, Vice Chair Hebert seconds passes 5-0
Meeting adjourned 8:01 pm