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04/04/2017 BOS Meeting Minutes
Town Of Sutton
Board of Selectmen
                                                        Meeting Minutes
                                           Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 4/18/2017 by a vote of    3-1
                                  Vice Chair Maynard abstains, absent from 4/4/17 meeting/Selectmen Kenney absent

7:00p.m. – April 04, 2017
                                       Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
        Chairman John Hebert, Clerk Jesse Limanek and Selectmen David Hall & Michael Kenney (Vice-Chair Maynard absent)
Town Administrator James Smith & Deb Jacques, secretary  
Chairman Hebert calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Forum:  N/A

Selectman Hall motions to accept as presented minutes from March 21, 2017 meeting, selectman Limanek seconds passes 4-0  
                                                                                        (Vice Chair Maynard absent)
Request to increase Capital Stabilization fund by 2.5%: TA Smith reviews with the board this is an annual motion, it allows to save for large capital items, and this is a positive situation. Selectman Hall says this fund shows value. Selectman Limanek says this is growing in healthy means to work to benefit the taxpayers down the road, Jesse fully supports the strategy. Selectman Kenney says the value of having and seeing in use, the value is more than thought. Chairman Hebert says this is another example of how we maintain a AA Bond rating.  Selectman Limanek motions to authorize the Assessor’s to increase the Capital Stabilization Fund by an additional 2.5% increase to the FY2017 override figure of $593,210 to $608,040, Selectman Kenney seconds passes 4-0

Alteration of the layout of Central Turnpike: Jen Hager, Planning director is present. Jen states this is the former county layout, formerly the Bluejay restaurant, now town owned and the potential site of the future Police Station. The county layout was dissolved in the 80’s. This change would allow the ability for the building to be moved closer towards the road. The steps involved is to have the BOS vote their intentions, forward to the Planning Board then it will come back to the BOS to vote and then on for a town meeting vote. Selectman Limanek says the area we are discussing is currently grass, there will be no impact to residents. Selectman Kenney states this is just a formality. Selectman Limanek motions to vote our intention to alter the layout of Central Turnpike at its intersection with Putnam Hill Road and further to refer this proposed alteration to the Planning Board for their recommendation, Selectman Hall seconds passes 4-0.

Draft Town Meeting Warrant: TA Smith reviews with the BOS each warrant article. This is just a draft for the BOS to review; the warrant along with the election warrant will be before the BOS at the next meeting for a vote.  The first seven articles are the same year to year. Article 8 is to cover underfunded line items such as Snow & Ice and the health Insurance. Article 13 is to authorize the town to purchase 1 acre of land to expand Pigeon Hill Cemetery which would allow the town to put a radio tower there for town safety depts. Article 15 is to appropriate money to build the police station (approx.. 8 million dollars), Article 17 is the 99 year lease of 3 acres at Shaw Farm to the Library trustees for the proposed new library, Article 18 is to amend the zoning bylaw for medical marijuana. Article 19 is to amend the zoning bylaw for the Village Center overly district to add more economic uses within them. Article 20 is to dispose of 1800 sq.ft. of land at 343 Manchaug Road and accept 2.6 acres of land at 359 Manchaug Road, Article 21 is to discontinue the county layout on Central Tpk. and Articles 22, 23 & 24 are citizen petitions.

Final Budget PowerPoint presentation: TA Smith begins by saying the only issue no yet resolved is the health insurance. The final budget figure presented in February has remained unchanged ($31,390,056.) a 1.62% increase over FY17. There will be an IAC meeting tomorrow to decide if we will stay with MIIA or switch to Fallon which has offered a much better price. Health Insurance is just not sustainable from year to year.  Selectman Hall and Limanek question the towns share for Direct versus Select through Fallon. Does the town pay the same for each employee or is it based on the selection. Selectman Limanek says it is important to have sustainability, plan ahead so there are no financial cliffs. Selectman Kenney also asks about Fallon, TA smith said the current plan and the proposed Fallon plan is almost identical,
Selectman Kenney states that if the cost jumps next year we can restructure the plan, TA Smith replies yes. Mike thanks Jim and Tim for continuing to do a great job with the budget. Chairman Hebert says he was surprised with MIIA as we have been with them for so long but we have to run the town like a business, Fallon is offering a good cost savings to the town.    

TA Update:
  • FY18 Budget Update- April 18th the BOS will have before them for signatures the final Town Meeting and Election Warrant. The Town meeting is scheduled for May 8th @ 7pm
MEPA Response on Merrill ponds- a written response was sent to Environmental Affairs. We are asking for an expanded process that also looks at the impact of Lake Singletary.  
  • Relocation of Precinct 3 – notification has gone out to all voters in precinct 3 showing their voting location has been moved to the Sutton Middle/High School effective for the May town election to be held on May 23rd, 2017.
Termination of designer for Goddard Lodge- the building committee chose to terminate Clark & Green architecture as they felt they were not going in the same direction. They have identified a designer to finish the job. We have been in contact with the state to rearrange the grant.  
  • Plumbing Inspector Mike McQuiston will retire as of April 15th, his replacement will be Larry Wiersma with Rick Atchue as the assistant.  
Announcements/Round Table/Correspondence:
  • Selectman Hall says the manicotti bakeoff at the senior center was a success, proceeds were for meals on wheels. Dave also comments on an article in the Beacon about a moratorium on Marijuana.
  • Selectman Limanek says the recent breakfast at the sr. center put on by the Honor society also to raise money for meals on Wheels was a success. Also a thank you to St. Mark’s church for the generous donations made to the Mike Chizy food pantry monthly.  
  • Selectman Kenney says it is great the Sr. center was able to raise money for the meals on Wheels program.

Selectman Hall motions to adjourn, Selectman Limanek seconds passes 4-0       8:25 pm