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01/17/2017 BOS Meeting Minutes
Town Of Sutton
Board of Selectmen
                                                        Meeting Minutes
                                           Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on  2/07/2017  by a vote of  3-0
                                                                (Chairman Hebert and Selectman Kenney absent)
7:00p.m. – January 17, 2017
                                       Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
         Chairman John L. Hebert, Vice-chair Paul Maynard, Clerk Jesse Limanek and Selectmen David Hall & Michael Kenney
 Town Administrator James Smith & Deb Jacques, secretary   

Chairman Hebert calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Forum: no comments   

Selectman Hall motions to accept as presented minutes from January 3, 2017 Selectmen’s meeting, Selectman Limanek seconds passes 4-0-1 (Vice Chair Maynard abstains, not present at 1/3/17 meeting).

**Public Hearing** Alcohol Violations: Present from the Police dept. are Chief Dennis Towle and Sgt. Josh Nunnemacher, Sutton Wines & Liquors owner Vincent Allard and Tony’s Pizza owners Tony and Nick Drakakis. Selectman Limanek reads the notice as published in the Dec 29th 2016 Millbury Sutton Chronicle. Chief Towle and Sgt. Nunnemacher are sworn in by Chairman Hebert. Chief Towle says these are yearly compliance checks done after advertising in a local paper or on social media that they will occur. Prior to the sting there are checks and balances performed to ensure these can be upheld by the law. Sgt. Nunnemacher supervised the operation. On Nov. 16th, 2016 an underage person working with the Police Dept. entered Tony’s Pizza and purchased a beer, it was delivered to the underage person without asking for id. At this time Tony & Nick Drakakis are sworn in by Chairman Hebert: Tony Drakakis states he is very upset and disturbed by this, he apologizes to the BOS, the town and the Police dept. Nick Drakakis states they are retraining their employees and may go with a 100% approach which is no id no alcohol. They do have a TIPS class that will be at their location next Wednesday for training. Selectman Hall says he appreciates that they take this issue serious but they do need to review the Liquor License regulations that were adopted on 10/6/2015 by the BOS. Vice chair Maynard says TIPS has to be done, also they should check into transaction card readers where you enter D.O.B. Selectman Limanek asks if their policy on selling alcohol is visible, Nick Drakakis states yes it has been updated and there are yellow stickers and postings all around the store. Selectman Limanek asks if the person that sold the alcohol is of legal age to sell, Nick replied the person that handles the alcohol is over 18, and the clerk at the register is not. Jesse states he would hate to see something horrific occur due to underage drinking. Selectman Kenney says this is a learning experience and they are not up to date on the TIPS certification- this is important and mandated that all employees are trained, Mike goes on to say we do not want to be known as the town where minors can buy. Chairman Hebert says he hates to have Tony here, you have been in town for almost 40 years, you are Sutton, you provide a service but we have to follow the policy. On 11/24/14 Tony’s failed a compliance check, 10/6/15 policy adopted; 10/21/15 Tony’s passed a check and then on 11/16/16 Tony’s failed, this is the 1st offense. At this time the Public Hearing is closed. After some discussion the BOS agree that this was his only offense in a 24 month period. Selectman Maynard motions to issue a warning to Tony’s Pizza for the Liquor License violation that occurred on November 16, 2016, Selectman Limanek 2nds passes 5-0. At this time Chief Towle and Sgt. Nunnemacher discuss the underage sale of alcohol at Sutton Wine & Liquors.  Owner Vincent Allard is sworn in. Mr. Allard reads a prepared brief statement stating he apologizes for this event. He continues to have a 3rd party come in twice a month for compliance checks and has had no failures, all the employees are TIP certified. Vinnie is thinking of going to no id/no alcohol policy. Selectman Hall says he believes Vinnie is sincere with his apology but Dave is concerned it happened again.  Vice Chair Maynard stresses TIPS training, Vinnie states he had checked into transaction readers and the cost would be 10-15 thousand dollars. Paul states this is our Police Dept. doing a good job. Selectman Limanek asks how long the clerk that sold was an employee and was he TIP certified. Vinnie states 3 years and yes he was TIPS trained. Vinnie goes on to say he has a zero tolerance and the employee was terminated immediately.  Jesse goes on to say this is the 2nd offense under the new policy therefore they have to follow the policy. Selectman Kenney says all are TIP trained, the signage is there the only way to eliminate the problem is no id no alcohol. Chairman Hebert states a check on 11/24/14 failed, the policy was adopted on 10/6/15; 10/21/15 Sutton Liquors failed a compliance check and was issued a warning, on 11/16/16 Sutton Liquors failed a compliance check. This is the 2nd offense with in a 24 month period. Selectman Hall says this is a result oriented situation, this is Sutton Liquors 2nd offense, Dave recommends a 1 day suspension. Vice Chair Maynard agrees with 1 day, Selectman Limanek says if you can go 24 months you will have a clear record. Selectman Kenney agrees with the 1 day but not a weekend day. Chairman Hebert agrees not a weekend and not around the super bowl. Thursday, February 16th 2017 is agreed by the BOS. Selectman Maynard motions to issue a  one day suspension on Thursday, February 16, 2017 to Sutton Wine and Liquors for the Liquor License violation that occurred on November 16, 2017, Selectman Limanek seconds passes 5-0

Agenda #3 postponed due to weather
TA Update:
  • FY18 Budget Update: Preliminary budget presentation to the BOS will be held at the Feb. 21, 2017 meeting. TA Smith should find out more about the state aid projections at this weekend’s MMA Meeting. TA Smith is also thinking of increasing Doreen DeFazio’s hours to work on projects that have been set aside for a while.
  • Police Station Building project: meeting held on January 4, 2017: Wendy Mead is the Chairperson, Stephen LeClaire Vice Chair and Gerry Crieger clerk. The design is out to bid and due back January 26th 2017.
     Rufus Putnam Roof Replacement: bid opening held on January 5, 6 bids received. The low bidder in which the project has been awarded to is JD & D construction out of Webster for $12,000.00
  • Middle School/high School Building committee met on Wed. Jan 11th to decide how to spend the $295,919. After discussion it was decided to spend it all on the design & construction of the sidewalk down to Shaw Farm.
  • Municibid auction held recently sold a total of $27,009. worth of equipment
Announcements/Round Table/Correspondence:

Vice Chair Maynard shows an award recently given for work with FEMA and MEMA for a 5 town certification. This is to protect the town. Paul also thanks the Highway Dept for the installing the new flag pole at the Manchaug common.  

Selectman Hall motions to adjourn, Vice Chair Maynard seconds passes 5-0          8:20 p.m.