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11/01/2016 BOS Meeting Minutes
Town Of SuttonBoard of Selectmen
                                                                   Meeting Minutes
                                           Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 11/15/2016 by a vote of 4-0   
                                                                                (Vice-Chair Maynard absent)
6:30p.m. – November 01, 2016
                                       Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
         Chairman John L. Hebert, Vice Chair Paul Maynard, Clerk Jesse Limanek and Selectmen David Hall & Michael Kenney    
 Town Administrator James Smith & Deb Jacques, secretary   

Chairman Hebert calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chairman Hebert calls for the meeting to go into Executive Session, Selectman Limanek reads MGL c31A sec21 # 2 for reason. Roll call vote taken.
7:00pm Selectmen enter into back in to regular session.
Chairman Hebert would like to take this time for a Moment of Silence for Mike Chizy who passed away last week. Mike was instrumental in the Food Pantry and energy efficiency and the recent LED lights. There are so many things that Mike deserves recognition for.  
Forum: no comments
Selectman Hall motions to accept as presented minutes from October 15, 2016 Selectmen’s meeting, Vice-Chair Maynard seconds passes  5-0

**Public Hearing**Liquor License Transfers- Selectman Limanek reads the public notice as posted in the Millbury Sutton Chrionicle on October 20, 2016. Present is Atty. Dave Suprenant for Sutton Liquors and Atty. Eugene Richard for Price Chopper dba Market 32 and the proposed new manager for Market 32, James Carlson Jr. Selectman Hall states the intention is pretty clear, if this is an agreement between both parties and both are happy this is fine. Selectman Hall asks for a little background on James Carlson. Atty. Richard states he is a long time employee of Price Chopper and has managed other liquor depts. Selectman Hall also questions how the transition will happen. Atty Suprenant states once the approvals are received from the BOS and the State within 5 days after the agreement the Stores will close, inventory taken and reopen the next day with the new liquor license. Vice Chair Maynard asks James Carlson if he is TIP certified, he replies yes he is, the Supervisor Team at Mkt 32 is TIP certified also. Selectman Limanek is a fan of both businesses, if both businesses have mutually consented to this Jesse has no issues. Jesse stresses the strict role as the BOS on violations in our town, we take them very serious. Selectman Kenney says it is not our job to decide who, when, how… as long as this works for both parties. Selectman Kenney stresses the severity of punishment in our town should there be violations. Chairman Hebert asks if Mkt. 32 will be adding on to accommodate the liquor, Mr. Carlson replies no, they will cut back on some of the other allocations. When asked about the signage (Beer & Wine) Nancy Santana (Price Chopper) states the inside signage will be addressed quickly, the outside may take a bit longer. Selectman Hall motions to close the public hearing, Selectman Limanek seconds passes 5-0.   
Selectman Kenney motions to approve the transfer of liquor licenses between Price Chopper dba Market 32 - Wine & Malt Beverage package store ABCC License #125400026 and Sutton Wine & Liquors all alcohol package store ABCC License #125400012, Selectman Limanek seconds passes 5-0 Selectman Limanek motions to change the manager of Price Chopper dba Market 32 from Robert Hewitt to James Carlson Jr. Vice chair Maynard seconds passes 5-0
Acceptance of Deed for Veterans Field: TA Smith states this was approved at the May 12, 2014 spring town meeting to acquire this property for park and playground purposes under MGL c45 §3 and §14. TA Smith states when the town takes ownership we will have the property surveyed. Some aged equipment will have to be replaced. Selectman Hall asks if this will impact our insurance, TA Smith replies no it will not. Vice-Chair Maynard asks about signage, TA Smith replies we will have a sign that shows some mention of the Mateychuck post. A dedication may be planned for spring. Selectman Limanek says it is important to see where the park came from, Jesse asks about lighting, TA Smith replies it will be a dawn to dusk park. Selectman Kenney says fantastic, this is great for the people in that part of town. In regards to maintenance who will be responsible, TA Smith replies the town will continue to mow. Chairman Hebert says this was a long time in the making, thank you to the Veterans Association. Vice-Chair Maynard motions to approve Acceptance of the Deed for Veterans Field per Article 15 of the May 12, 2014 Town Meeting for park purposes under Mass General Laws c.45 §3 and §14, Selectman Limanek seconds passes 5-0

Draft Electronic Device Policy: TA Smith states the ipads have been purchased, we are in the process of upgrading the wifi in the meeting room. This policy, if approved, will go into effect when the ipads are issued. Selectman Hall fully supports it is a green technique. Vice Chair Maynard says we are moving forward, this policy is upfront. Selectman Limanek says electronic storage eliminates clutter. Jesse likes the policy and mentions a few key parts: turning off cells during Executive Session and audits on the devices holds us all accountable. Selectman Kenney likes the draft policy, he states it is a greener way to go and the policy helps with keeping all accountable.  Select. Limanek motions to approve the Electronic Device Policy, Vice Chair Maynard seconds passes 5-0

Holiday Opening schedule as read by Selectman Limanek, the BOS all agree this is an annual hour change to accommodate for the holidays. This will be placed on the website as well. Selectman Kenney motions to approve as presented the 2016 Holiday opening schedule for all alcohol license holders, Selectman Limanek seconds passes 5-0

Town Administrator contract:  Selectman Hall and Selectman Limanek held negotiations with Jim Smith to renew his contract, Selectman Hall states Jim was very professional throughout this process. What they have presented is a 5 year contract to take effect Nov. 1, 2016 and run through June 2022. The few changes include a 5 year contract versus a 4 year, additional to the severance pay from the previous contract of 6 months to 1 month for each year employed up to 12 months. In the review of surrounding towns Administrators they also increased his pay to be in the higher median of pays and then going forward a 3% raise annually. Also added was cell phone and town vehicle use which were already being followed just not addressed in the previous contract. Selectman Hall states this was in the best interest of the town, Jim Smith and his family. With other towns actively trying to recruit new Administrators we needed to act to retain Jim Smith. Vice Chair Maynard states this is a transparent contract, well deserved and best for the Town of Sutton.  Selectman Limanek feels this is a fair and justified contract for this Administrator. TA Smith has seen the town through some unstable times, Sutton is a secure/stable town and Jim is the Captain of the ship. Selectman Kenney says this contract is warranted for the job Jim has done. A 3% annual increase is fair and where we stand as a community does deserve higher % salary.  Chairman Hebert is very proud to ratify this contract, Jim Smith has stepped up to the plate and brought us through a lot of different conditions. The town is solid in finances, we have our schools built, dept. heads are happy.  TA Smith responds that he appreciates the contract, it provides stability for his family and the town. He is honored to come to work daily, it is a win win for the town, Jim and his family. Selectman Kenney motions to approve the employment contract of the Town Administrator James Smith effective November 1, 2016 through June 30, 2022, Vice Chair Maynard seconds passes 5-0
TA Update:
  • Aggregation Contract was signed on Tuesday October 25th with Public Power. The one year rate is 8.472 cents per kilowatt hour.
  • RFQ for OPM Services new Police Station: 6 companies have submitted qualifications, The Police Station Designer Selection Committee is currently reviewing.
  • Golf Tournament donation- held on Friday, Oct 14th raised $2647.00 for the Mike Chizy Food Pantry.
  • Jingle Jaunt 5K Howie Bottomly is sponsoring this road race which will take place on Dec. 10th @ 10:30am. All participants must register and meet on the town common.
  • Purple Heart designation- Friday Nov. 18th @ 10am here at the town hall.  
Announcements/Round Table/ Correspondence/Business Topics:
Selectman Hall - discusses the easy process for early voting and says it is well-controlled. Dave goes on to speak about
Mike Chizy and his years of service to the town as well as Mikes many accomplishments.  Dave goes on to call him a really good
       guy and also his friend.
      Vice Chair Maynard - reads the list of needed items at the food pantry. Paul takes this time to thank John Hebert for the kind
       words spoken at Mikes services.  
       Selectman Limanek - speaks of meeting with Mike Chizy prior to running for BOS, Mike told him treat the town as if it was your  
       family.  Jesse goes on to say Mike you will be missed.
      Selectman Kenney -  public power makes a difference, over the past few weeks Selectman Kenney has met and talked to people
      that have known Mike Chizy and all of his accomplishments.
      Chairman Hebert – John states as Chairman he will miss Mike, there was always candor and honesty from Mike as well as good
      direction, he did a lot for the town.

 Selectman Hall motions to adjourn, Selectman Limanek seconds  passes 5-0          8:30pm