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12/20/2016 BOS Meeting Minutes
                                                         Meeting Minutes
                                           Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 1/3/2017 by a vote of  4-0
7:00p.m. – December 20, 2016
                                       Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
         Chairman John L. Hebert, Vice Chair Paul Maynard, Clerk Jesse Limanek and Selectmen David Hall & Michael Kenney    
 Town Administrator James Smith & Deb Jacques, secretary   

Chairman Hebert calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Forum: no comments

Selectman Hall motions to accept as presented minutes from December 6, 2016 Selectmen’s meeting, Selectman Limanek seconds passes 5-0  

**Public Hearing**continued from 11/15/16. TA Smith states he had a lengthy conversation with Senator Fattman, DCR is not interested in purchasing this property because the potential buyer will preserve the land in perpetuity. Selectman Hall thanks Senator Fattman for talking to DCR on behalf of the town. Dave recommends the land go to the potential buyer, Whitinsville Water, as it will be protected land. Vice-Chair Maynard says the best use for this property is Whitinsville Water, the water shed will be protected. Selectman Limanek says it is a win win for the town as the property will be preserved and the town will get tax revenue from it. Selectman Kenney has no concerns and thanks TA Smith for following up with Senator Fattman. Chairman Hebert agrees with colleagues. Selectman Hall motions to close the public hearing, Selectman Limanek seconds passes 5-0. Vice-chair Maynard motions to not exercise the town’s option under MGL Chapter 61B for 20 acres of property located at 479R Mendon Road, Map 38 Parcel 29, Selectman Limanek seconds passes 5-0

Waters farm update: present is Pam Farnum, Robert Chauvin and Dan Farnum. Pam begins by saying she appreciates the relationship between the town and Waters Farm helping to protect this amazing property. Currently there is an Eagle Scout working on clearing the trails around the property. There are several new events coming up in 2017. Waters Farm is working on preserving an old New England barn, known as the Crobak barn which was located on West Millbury road. This barn is in the process of being taken down and it will be raised at Waters Farm next to the house where the Nathan barn once stood. They have raised $60,000. through fundraising so far.  Selectman Hall asks again where the barn will be going, they reply right next to the house. Vice Chair Maynard offers thanks to all the volunteers at Waters Farm and asks if the car show will be held there again. Selectman Limanek is excited to see the old barn come down and rebuilt at Waters Farm. Jesse asked if they encountered anything unexpected when they took the roof off. Mr. Chauin stated it was all pinned together and took time to take down. Selectman Kenney asked about unused boards from the barn as well as when it is expected to begin at Waters Farm, Mr. Chauvin stated it was built around 1861 as they had found a penny in the barn reflecting the date, they are hoping by spring they will start to reconstruct. Chairman Hebert says with new members there is nice new vision. Pam Farnum states a fundraiser going on now is buy a board build a barn, it can be found on the website.

Compliance Check violations:  TA Smith says the Police Dept. conducted recent compliance checks, 2 locations failed, 8 passed and 1 was closed. The 2 that failed were Tony’s Pizza and Sutton Wines & Liquors. TA Smith asks the BOS if they would like a Public Hearing for these violations. Selectman Hall appreciates that the Police Dept. conducted these checks and would like a public hearing. Vice Chair Maynard says establishments have been spoken to before, agrees there should be a public hearing. Selectman Limanek is in favor of the public hearing, Selectman Kenney congratulates the businesses that have passed and is all for a public hearing. Chairman Hebert concurs with colleagues, we are following the policy we put in place. John requests that compliance checks be done at the golf courses when they open for business, Selectman Kenney adds or when functions such as weddings occur there. Selectman Limanek motions to hold a Public Hearing on January 17, 2017 for the recent Compliance check violations and properly notify all concerned parties, selectman Kenney seconds passes 5-0

2017 License renewals: TA Smith states these are the last two renewals: Progressive Automotive and Hampton Motor Sales. They were late getting the paperwork in but it is before the end of the year. Selectman Hall states he would like to see all renewals in on time Vice Chair Maynard agrees, get paperwork in on time. Selectman Kenney motions to approve the Class II 2017 license renewals as presented, Vice Chair Maynard seconds passes 5-0  

TA Update:
  • New Public Records Law- signed in to law 6/3/16. New law calls for a Records Access Officer. TA Smith has named Town Clerk Laura Caruso the RAO as well as Chief Towle, Chief Belsito and Ted Friend. K&P will hold training here on January 5th 2017. Douglas and Northbridge have been invited to this training.  
50/50 Retiree split on Health care-TA Smith is proposing to increase the retiree’s contribution from the current 30% to 50%. This would save the town approximately $40,000. A year as well as reduce the OPEB liability.
Cord wood at the transfer Station- Highway has split 3 cord of wood and it is available to residents with a transfer station sticker. Please remember to leave some for others interested in this.
Municibid Auction: currently several items out on Municibid. It was advertised in the Millbury Sutton Chronicle. Any receipts of sale will go into free cash.
Middle school/High School MSBA final audit- Sutton has received back $240,000. From the school project. The committee is meeting in January to discuss where this may be used.
  • Authorization to sign CMS Agreement: Ta Smith is requesting to have the BOS allow him to sign change orders or purchase orders for the Police Station project such as he did for the school. He will bring this before them as an agenda item at the next meeting.
Announcements/Round Table/ Correspondence/Business Topics:

Vice Chair Maynard states the Food Pantry is full, thank you to all that donate.
Selectman Limanek thanks TA Smith for the employee luncheon held earlier today at the town hall and wishes all Happy Holidays
Selectman Kenney wishes all a Happy Holiday and says Highway did a great job on the roads with Saturday’s storm.
Chairman Hebert says the BOS are in receipt of a letter from Sutton Wines & Liquors.
Selectman Hall motions to adjourn, Vice Chair Maynard seconds passes 5-0          7:52 p.m.