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11/15/2016 BOS Meeting Minutes
Town Of Sutton
Board of Selectmen
                                                        Meeting Minutes
                                           Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 12/06/2016 by a vote of 4-1-0              
                                                                 (Vice Chair Maynard abstains absent from 11/15/16 meeting)
7:00p.m. – November 15, 2016
                                       Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
         Chairman John L. Hebert, Clerk Jesse Limanek and Selectmen David Hall & Michael Kenney (Vice Chair Maynard absent)  
 Town Administrator James Smith & Deb Jacques, secretary   

Chairman Hebert calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Forum: no comments

Selectman Limanek motions to accept as presented minutes from November 01, 2016 Selectmen’s meeting, Selectman Kenney seconds passes 4-0
Selectman Limanek motions to accept as presented the Executive Session minutes from November 01, 2016, Selectman Hall seconds passes 4-0

**Public Hearing** 61B 479R Mendon Road. Notice is read by Selectman Limanek as advertised in the October 13, 2016 Millbury Sutton Chronicle. Randy Swigor, General Manager of Whitinsville Water is present tonight. TA Smith says this property (20 acres) is owned by Ruth Compton and Alice McKenna. It is a landlocked parcel that abuts Purgatory State Park and Whitinsville water. The Planning Board feels it would be better to have the State purchase the land instead of a private water district. TA Smith has spoken to Senator Fattman and was told DCR is a little interested. The BOS have 3 options tonight, do not exercise the Towns 1st right of refusal, continue the meeting until we get a response from DCR or assign the property to DCR. Selectman Hall asks Mr. Swigor what interest Whitinsville Water has on this property, Randy replies water shed protection. Dave states he has no strong feeling one way or another. Selectman Limanek questions if the BOS assign to DCR and they do not close in the 90 days what happens at that point. TA Smith replies that it would revert back to Whitinsville Waters offer. Jesse also asks if this property would generate property tax if Whitinsville Water purchases rather than the State. TA Smith replies the State does pay but it is in the form of a PILOT, Mr. Swigor replies his water company does pay full taxes on the property owned in Sutton. Jesse replies we do not lose one way or another, the land will be preserved. Selectman Kenney feels if the State has not expressed much interest he is leaning towards Whitinsville Water, it will still be protected land. Selectman Kenney asks if this land will be accessible to residents hiking, Mr. Swigor replies there would be limited access. Chairman Hebert says we have a history with DCR and Whitinsville Water, our reservoirs supply all water to Whitinsville Water. The price tag is a small amount of money ($10,000.) we can wait a little and see if DCR responds. Chairman Hebert feels if the Planning Board feels that strongly about this, the BOS should take this serious. Selectman Hall motions to continue the Public Hearing with the Board of Selectmen at the December 20th, 2016 Selectman Kenney seconds passes 4-0

Ambulance Contract renewal: TA Smith says this is a renewal with Medstar Ambulance Service. The original contract was 3 years and runs until June 30, 2017, this is a 5 year contract. This is a tri town agreement with Grafton, Millbury and Sutton. The Town of Sutton currently pays $90,000. Per year, the price has increased to $98,760. The town of Grafton remains at zero and Millbury has paid $60,000. Per year but due to the increase in runs will now also be zero. If Sutton went alone we would pay over $200,000. per year. TA Smith says this offers long term stability to the Town of Sutton. Selectman Hall asks if we are happy with our service, TA Smith replies yes we are, the Fire Chief is extremely happy with them, they are a good group of people. TA Smith says no one is a bigger winner then we are. Selectman Limanek says the alternative would be for Sutton to purchase an ambulance and the personnel to go with it, dollars and sense wise it is cost prohibitive. Jesse goes on to say fantastic job on the contract. Selectman Kenney says he is all for it, the fact that they are housed here we would see if there were issues. Chairman Hebert says he is for this but what they represent overpowers everything. This is a win win. Selectman Limanek motions to approve as presented the 5 year Ambulance Service Agreement between the Towns of Sutton, Millbury and Grafton with Med Star Ambulance, Selectman Kenney seconds passes 4-0

Police Station Building Committee: TA Smith is requesting appointment of the following: Dennis Towle, Dave Lavallee, Jesse Limanek, Wendy Mead, Tim Harrison, Gerry Creiger, Steve LeClaire, Wayne Junnila and Jim Smith. Selectman Hall says the makeup of this committee is terrific, Selectman Limanek says he is very excited and likes that is is made up with a higher level of residents, Selectman Kenney agrees it is a good idea to get this approved now so a meeting can be held soon, Chairman Hebert says nice job naming this committee. Selectman Kenney motions to approve the appointments to the Police Station Building Committee, Selectman Hall seconds passes 3-1-0 (Jesse recuses himself as he is on the committee)

TA Update:
  • Fire Dept Training was held on Sat. Nov 5th teaching about homemade explosives. Class training was in the morning and outdoor training was held in the afternoon in the sand pit off of Hatchery Road.  This was organized by Chief Belsito and attended by many town and state agencies.
  • RFQ for OPM services for the new Police Station. CMS was ranked #1 out of the 6 submittals.
  • WWII Monument rededication was held Thursday, November 10. Thank you to Mike Chizy who pushed to have relocated to outside the school rather than inside.
  • BOS Meeting schedule for 2017-Please review and let our office know if there are any issues.
  • Purple Heart Community Designation to be held here on Friday Nov 18 in room 1A. Thank you to Selectman Limanek for researching and making this happen.
  • Election Process- thank you to Laura Caruso, the pole workers and the Police for all their work. 83% of the voters in Sutton turned out to vote.

Announcements/Round Table/ Correspondence/Business Topics:
   Selectman Hall had a few questions about the Energy Aggregation we will be starting soon.

           Selectman Limanek reads aloud a thank you card from the Family of Mike Chizy. Jesse also wishes all a Happy Thanksgiving
            Selectman Kenney reminds all of the needs for the Food Pantry especially around the Holidays.

          Chairman Hebert recently attended a CMRPC meeting, Sutton was listed for the Blackstone Bridge replacement. This project is
           to start in August of 2017 and cost a little more than 4 million dollars.  

 Selectman Hall motions to adjourn, Selectman Limanek seconds passes 4-0          8:00 p.m.