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06/21/2016 BOS Meeting Minutes

                                           Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 7/5/2016 by a vote of 5-0  
7:00 p.m. – June 21, 2016
                                       Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
        Chairman John Hebert, Vice-Chair Paul Maynard, Selectmen Jesse Limanek, David Hall & Michael Kenney  
        Town Administrator James Smith & Donna Wood, secretary   

Chairman Hebert calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Forum: no comments

Vice Chair Maynard motions to accept minutes as read from the 06/07/2016 BOS meeting; Selectman Limanek 2nds passes 5-0

Zoning Board Appointment: Stephanie Forsythe is present tonight requesting appointment to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Stephanie is currently on the Finance and Warrant Advisory committee. The seat on the Zoning Board was left vacant by Nicole Kuchinski requesting to not be reappointed.  The Board thanks Stephanie for her continuing in public service. Selectman Limanek motions to appoint Stephanie Forsythe to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a 3 year term (6/30/2019), Selectman Kenney seconds passes 5-0

Board Reappointments: TA Smith explains these reappointments take place as called for by the Town Charter. Two Board members that chose not to be reappointed were Lori Funari on the Historical Commission and Nicole Kuchinski on the Zoning Board of Appeals.  Selectman Limanek reads the list of reappointments (attached to minutes) under the Board of Selectmen. Vice Chair Maynard motions to approve as read the Board of Selectmen’s reappointments, Selectman Hall seconds passes 5-0

Town Administrator reappointments: TA Smith reads (as attached) reappointments under the Town Administrator per the Town Charter, Selectman Kenney motions to approve as read the Town Administrators reappointments, Selectman Limanek seconds passes 5-0

Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan- CMRPC: present from CMRPC is Trish Settles and Andrew Loew; they are presenting a draft of the town’s hazard mitigation plan. Selectman Paul Maynard, CMRPC and the Town have been working over the past year and a half on this plan. This plan is to help reduce the loss of life during natural disasters. Once the plan has been finalized it will be presented to MEMA and FEMA.  The Board has requested the link be put on the town’s webpage.

TA Update:
  • Town Beach will open Sat. June 18 from 12pm-6pm. It will be open 7 days a week until the end of August.
  • Ramshorn Pond Dam Improvements: Dolan Road will be closed for one year so the town can make repairs to the dam. Riccardi Brothers will be doing the work.
  • Goals Meeting- the BOS all agree on Wed. July 27th at 6pm Blackstone Natl. Golf Course.  
Announcements/Round Table/ Correspondence/Business Topics:

  • Selectman Hall thanks TA Smith for the employee appreciation cook out which was held on Friday, June 17th. Dave also spoke of the moth infestation and the article which ran in the Millbury Sutton Chronicle.
Vice-Chair Maynard mentioned the increase in needs at the Food Pantry during school vacation.
Selectman Limanek comments on the employee cookout, it was well attended.
  • Selectman Kenney also thanks TA Smith for the employee cookout. Mike mentioned the 2020 8th grade graduation; this class had record number of students with high honors and honor roll. In regards to the Food Pantry, Mike asked if there is any funding for the food pantry out of the free lunch program.  TA Smith will check into this.

7:58 pm    Vice Chair Maynard motions to adjourn, Selectman Limanek seconds passes 5-0