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04/05/2016 BOS Meeting Minutes
                                                           Meeting Minutes
                                           Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on  4/19/2016 by a vote of _4-0-1_    
                                                                Vice Chair Hebert abstains- absent from 4/5/2016 meeting
7:00 p.m. – April 5, 2016
                                       Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
        Chairman David Hall, Selectmen Paul Maynard, Jesse Limanek & Michael Kenney  
 (Vice-Chair John Hebert absent)
       Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques, secretary   

Chairman Hall calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Forum: no comments

Selectman Maynard motions to accept minutes from the 03/15/2016 BOS meeting; Selectman Limanek 2nds passes 3-0-1
                                                                (Chairman Hall abstains, absent from 3/22 meeting)

**Public Hearing** Kings Campground Liquor License application. Advertised in the 3/10/16 Millbury Sutton Chronicle and read by Selectman Maynard. Present is Manager of the Campground Anna Vinacco and Manager on record of the liquor license request Andrzek Matuszek. Anna states she has been asked by residents in the area to keep the store opened year round, they feel if they offer beer and wine it will be extra revenue. Selectman Maynard questions if they are TIP certified. Anna replies both of them are and all employees will also be TIPS trained. Selectman Limanek asks will there be new employees, Anna states yes they will be hiring new employees and they will be TIP trained. Selectman Limanek reminds them that the Police in Sutton do compliance checks and they need to be vigilant. Selectman Kenney asks if either of them present has ever sold alcohol prior to this license, they both reply no. Mike believes this is a great idea for extra revenue but on a harsher not, other license holders have failed compliance checks and the violation reverts back to the person in charge. We want to protect the youth of our community as well as the youth coming in from other towns. Chairman Hall says this is the last license of this type (Beer & Wine off premises); Dave asks what their thoughts are on the nature of the clientele off season. Ms. Vinacco replies a large portion of the business comes from Douglas as it is right down the road. Chairman Hall asks if she feels Crossroads Variety (full liquor license) will have an impact on this license, Anna replies no.  Dave also mentions in the past the late filings for renewals for Kings Campground, Anna states since she has been the new manager, filings have not been late. Anna takes this serious as her back is on the line if any issues arise from this liquor license, she also states she will be living on the grounds 24/7 during the season so she will be keeping an eye on everything.  Present in the audience and coming forward to speak is Shirley Moczynsik of 60 Oak Street, Douglas. Shirley has issues with the amount of beer cans and bottles on the sides of the road, she raises beef cattle and some glass bottles have ended up in the animal area. She also states she is a nurse and there have been many accidents that she has responded to, 90% of the time they are drunk. She is against this license. Carol Brower of 33 Parker Rd., Douglas is opposed; she says they put up with noise, traffic year round as well as the partying all summer long. William Brower 33 Parker Rd., Douglas remembers when the owner of Kings, Paul Boutiette applied for a liquor license 20 years ago, the BOS voted it down. (2 letters from residents is submitted at this time in opposition of this license, Jane Mosczynski of 85 Oak Street, Douglas and Lisa Mosczynski of 60 Oak Street Douglas (on file). Anna Vinacco says this campground is under new management what is the difference is if they get it from Crossroads or at the campground store.  Selectman Limanek motions to close the public hearing, Selectman Maynard 2nds passes 4-0. The BOS are all in agreement that this business deserves a chance, the empties around the area are not from this store as they have not had a license to sell but this board is very sensitive to alcohol issues, we take it very serious, this business has not done anything for us not to approve this request. Selectman Limanek urges the residents; these licenses are renewed annually, if there are issues come to us so they can be addressed. Selectman Maynard  motions to approve the request from Kings Family Campground for a Beer & Malt Beverage §15 Package Store license for premises located at 24 Holt Road, Sutton MA, Selectman Limanek 2nds passes 4-0.

5 Guys Common Victualler: present is owner of the franchise Marc Magerman and general manager of this site Michael Desalvo. Selectman Maynard welcomes this business to town, Selectman Limanek is excited to have this opening soon, Jesse asks if these are all part time employees, Mr. Magerman states yes,  most are part time, there will be about 50% of high schoolers and the other 50% will be a mix in age. Selectman Kenney appreciates them offering jobs to the high school children in the area. Chairman Hall says Market32 had some growing pains when they first opened but once they got the staff fully trained they are running smoothly. Welcome to town and good luck. They are looking at an April 25th opening providing all permits obtained. TA Smith says this license tonight will be contingent upon them receiving all necessary permits. Selectman Limanek motions to approve the Common Victualler request for Five Guys Burgers & Fries to be located at 26 Galaxy Pass, Unit C contingent upon approval from the Building Dept., Board of Health and Public Safety Depts. Selectman Maynard 2nds passes 4-0

Blackstone National entertainment license: present is Matt Stephens, general manager of the club. TA Smith states they held this license last year and there were no complaints filed. The BOS all agree this is a great location; they are off the road and in the valley which blocks the noise. This is great for the town. Selectman Kenney motions to approve the weekend entertainment request by Blackstone National Golf Club to be held on Fridays & Saturdays between the hours of 7pm to 11pm and Sunday brunch from 11am to 2pm during the 2016 season Selectman Limanek 2nds passes 4-0

District Local tech. assistance from CMRPC: present is Planning Director Jen Hager. Jen states this will help put together framework for a village center bylaw. Jen needs a vote to allow the Town of Sutton to take part in this workshop. Any bylaws would have to go to Town Meeting for a vote. Selectman Limanek asks if there is any cost/obligation with this, Jen replies no obligation other than attending the meetings, the cost would be 9 LPH hours (Local planner), Selectman Kenney mentions the Bee Hive building and the issue with rehabbing it, Jen states the issue there is it has a shared well and septic with the store but thanks to Jims forward thinking we are looking at water and sewer up to the center. Mike asks about the use of Brownfield funds to rehab the Beehive, Jen states  that use is for the cleanup of contaminated property. Selectman Maynard motions to approve Chair Hall to sign the District Local Technical Assistance Initiative letter requesting the assistance of CMRPC for the Village District Bylaw project Select. Limanek 2nds passes 4-0

Adoption of Layout for Virginia Ave: Jen Hager requests this be tabled as she is waiting to receive abutter’s notification that they have received information on this. Jen does not anticipate an issue but would like the signed off paperwork for her records.

Villas * Pleasant Valley bond expenditure: Jen Hager is requesting the BOS approve $914.00 for installation of granite curbing along Tournament Way, this will leave $3,539.54 which Jen would like to turnover to the condo association once the condos board of trustees agree that all work secured by these bonds are complete. Selectman Limanek asks if this will then become a public road, Jen replies “no” this will never be a public road it is maintained by the condo association but we have to make sure it is up to the standards it should be. Selectman Kenney states it is good to close out and move forward. Chairman Hall says it is his impression that our dept. heads work well with the condo association, they demonstrate good communication. Selectman Limanek motions to approve payment out of the Bond Expenditure Fund for the Villa’s at Pleasant Valley in the amount of $914.00 for installation costs of the missing granite curbing along Tournament Way leaving a balance of $3,539.54 which will be released to the Villas Condominium Association to close out this bond  Selectman Kenney 2nds passes 4-0

Request to increase the Capital Stabilization Fund by 2.5% - TA Smith states this is done yearly, this would increase the FY16 override figure of $578,741 to $593,210. This allows us to purchase large price items such as Engine 2 without debt exclusion. Selectman Maynard thanks Tim and Jim for their forward funding; hopefully we can keep this up. Selectman Limanek agrees that it was forward thinking by creating this account. Having funds available is certainly a benefit to residents, excellent. Selectman Kenney likes the idea of increasing this yearly; we may not be able to do this tomorrow but to have funds available – great job Jim and Tim. Chairman Hall says this is an annual request, it was appropriate to use these funds to purchase a new fire truck, that is why this is so important, no debt override; this is quite valuable to the town. Selectman Kenney motions to authorize the Assessor’s to increase the Capital Stabilization Fund by an additional 2.5% increase to the FY2016 override figure of $578,741 to $593,210 Selectman Limanek 2nds passes 4-0

SBS Request- IRS 179D Tax Deduction- TA Smith says Flansburg requested this a few years back but never took the deduction. SBS, the OPM for the school project is now requesting we grant them approval to take this deduction. If the BOS agree, SBS will hire an engineer to confirm it is a green building. The town of Sutton cannot take this deduction as we are tax exempt. Selectman Maynard asks will there be a cost associated with this, TA Smith states SBS will have to hire an engineer. Selectman Limanek asks if only 1 company can take the deduction, TA Smith replies “yes”, Jesse asks if there is a time frame that goes along with this, TA Smith replies it is for forward filing, Jesse also asks if it will impact a school day, TA Smith replies “no”. Chairman Hall suggests we get something from Flansburg stating they are not going for the deduction. Selectman Maynard motions to authorize the Town Administrator to sign IRS Program 179D allowing Strategic Building Solutions (SBS), as the OPM of the school project, take the tax deductions for meeting the criteria of a green building Selectman Limanek 2nds passes 4-0
Draft Town Meeting- TA Smith reviews with the BOS each warrant article. This is just a draft for the BOS to review; the Warrant will be before the BOS at the next meeting for a vote.  Most of the Warrant articles are the same year to year, two are new: Article 10 allowing the town to appropriate, transfer or borrow money due to the Town under Chapter 90 and Article 11 requesting to create a stabilization fund known as Special Education Tuition to help fund special ed. costs.  

TA Update:
  • Solid Waste Hauler Regulation: The BOH has replaced the solid waste hauler bylaw with a regulation per the charter & bylaw review committees recommendations.  One small change was adding that all haulers have recycling capabilities as well as hours of operation.
  • Public Hearing for Blackstone Bridge replacement: a public hearing will be held April 21st at 7 pm in room 1A. TA Smith thanks MA Highway as well as MA Dot as this is a town owned bridge.
Letter to Gov. Baker regarding the Environmental Bond Bill. Selectman Kenney has requested the entire BOS sign this letter as well as Senator Fattman and State Rep. McKenna
Today was Student Govt. Day at the Town Hall. 11 students shadowed Dept. Heads; we thank the teacher Rich Levinsavitch for his work in this.
  • At the end of the meeting there will be a 2 minute video put together by the student that shadowed the Cable Dept.
Announcements/Round Table/ Correspondence/Business Topics:
  • Selectman Maynard thanks all involved in the controlled burn this past Saturday at Shaw Farm. This allowed a tremendous amount of training to the Town of Sutton as well as Millbury, Auburn, Grafton, Northbridge. Thankyou also to the Fire and the Police Chief.
  • Chairman Hall takes this time to thank Sue Rothermick for her years of service to the Town. Sue will be leaving the School Dept at the end of this school year.  Dave goes on to say thank you to all that reached out to him and his family with an issue a few weeks ago.