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02/02/2016 BOS Meeting Minutes
        Meeting Minutes
                                           Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on  2/16/2016 by a vote of 5-0     
7:00 p.m. – February 2, 2016
                                       Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
        Chairman David Hall, Vice Chair John Hebert, Selectmen Paul Maynard, Jesse Limanek & Michael Kenney   
        Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques, secretary   

Chairman Hall calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Vice Chair Hebert motions to accept as presented minutes from the 01/19/2016 BOS meeting; Selectman Maynard 2nds passes 5-0
**Public Hearing** Continued from 1/19/2016**Pole hearing – Chairman Hall requests to skip over and come back as no one is present for this hearing.

Highway Dept. update by Matt Stencel: Matt begins by saying this is an 8 person department; 6 laborers, 1 foreman and 1 superintendent to take care of 93 ½ miles of roadway.  In addition there is 1 full time cemetery worker and 1 full time Transfer Station operator. This has been a relatively slow winter and has had 12 calls due to snow and ice (compared to 34 calls from last year). There are 8 private plow drivers that Matt can call on for the larger storms. Most routes can be done in 2 ½ hours but depending on the storm itself you never know what you will be up against.  Matt reviews with the BOS a handout from a Pavement Management Program, this shows an overview of roadway repair categories as well as a list of roads with the cost benefit value and a running cumulative total. This draft is all informational showing some roads with preventative maintenance, some showing rehabilitation and some with routine maintenance.  Vice Chair Hebert says the Highway Dept. has certainly advanced over the years.  John asks Matt about the condition of Boston Road from the center down to 146. Matt states that was micro surfaced in 2010 which is a 7-10 year life. Matt goes on to say that surface is not easy to repair as it is very thin. If we can get sewer up to the center from 146 we can then repave. John thanks Matt for his assistance at Marion’s Camp as well as other areas in town. Matt replies he has a good staff and good local people to help out in the winter with plowing. Selectman Maynard commends Matt on the uniforms for Highway. Paul asks if money was no issue what would you look for. Matt replies he would replace some of the front line sanders and dump trucks, they are getting older and we rely on them, especially the sanders in the winter. Selectman Limanek asks the procedure Matt uses to get trucks out for a storm, Matt replies he watches the weather as well as getting calls from the Police Dept. The trucks go out and begin treating the roads right away. There is a lot that comes in to play such as the time of day. They do the main roads 1st followed by the secondary roads.  Jesse goes on to ask about the condition of the containers at the Transfer Station and if there are any plans to replace. TA Smith replies that there are funds in the retained earnings to replace 2 containers.  Selectman Kenney thanks Matt for his update tonight. He asks Matt the procedure regarding potholes. Matt replies that the foreman and he make a list prioritizing the need to repair. If anyone has a complaint certainly call and report the location. Chairman Hall says that it was an idea from Selectman Limanek during the Goals & Objectives meeting that brought up the professional approach to keeping track of repairs using the software program. Dave thanks Matt for his update.

Michael Peters: 3 Forge Lane, Sutton. Here tonight to present to the Town a few pieces of wood he has turned into bowls and a tree from the Beech tree that was taken down on the common.  Mr. Peters belongs to a wood turning club and does this as a hobby. He thought these pieces would be a way to remember the historic trees. Vice Chair Hebert would like to see these pieces in the case outside the Clerk’s office, Selectman Limanek says Mr. Peters is very talented.  The BOS all thank Michael for coming in tonight and for presenting these items.

Deed for 4 Mumford Road- TA Smith states this was brought to his attention by Selectman Kenney. This was an oversight for many years. In 1965 at a Town Meeting and then again in 2007 at a special town meeting this was voted on and approved to convey 4 Mumford Road to Margaret Alger. It slipped through the cracks and we are here tonight to get this completed. The BOS all voice their support along with an apology for not following through. Vice Chair Hebert  motions to sign a release deed for Mumford Road to Margaret Alger as voted at the February 20, 1965 Town Meeting and February 5, 2007 Special Town Meeting Selectman Limanek 2nds passes 5-0

Presidential Election Warrant: Selectman Limanek reminds all the date of the election is March 1st. Jesse goes on to say it is your civic right and if you are independent you can still vote and you will go back to unenrolled after this election. Jesse urges anyone looking for additional info to visit the web site  Selectman Kenney motions to approve and sign the Presidential Election Warrant Selectman Maynard 2nds passes 5-0

Dual Representation with Rutland & Nursing Services with Boylston:  TA smith says this is for Maven services and a few flu clinics. We need to sign a Dual Rep. with Rutland as they also use Kopelman & Paige; Boylston has a different Town Council so we do not need to sign a dual rep. for them. TA Smith states with these 2 towns it puts the number to 10 for Nursing IMA’s. TA Smith says Cheryl Rawinski loves doing this and she does a great job. Vice Chair Hebert says if Jim is on board with this Cheryl is very capable to do the work. Selectman Maynard says as long as it does not take away from Town business he is ok. Selectman Kenney asks if Cheryl has found the need for an assistant or another nurse. TA Smith replies Cheryl does have a retired nurse (Marie Jolie) that does assist at times. Chairman Hall says it is nice to have Cheryl be the face of the town with these IMA’s- it is nice exposure for us. Selectman Limanek motions to approve the Dual Representation disclosure allowing Kopelman & Paige to represent the Towns of Sutton and Rutland regarding Nursing Services / Inter Municipal Agreement, Vice-Chair Hebert 2nds passes 5-0
Selectman Limanek motions to approve the agreement between the Town of Sutton and the Town of Boylston for Public Health Nursing Services, Selectman Kenney 2nds passes 5-0

TA Update:
  • State Budget- Gov. Baker released his budget Wednesday, January 27th. He raised Chapter 70 monies to the town by $28,820. And unrestricted Gen. Govt. Aid UGGA by $30,944. TA Smith will present the preliminary budget at the February 16th meeting.
  • Vice Chair Hebert thanks TA Smith for communications with the BOS as well as the relationship with the School Superintendent.
  • Selectman Limanek voices frustration over the amount in state funding to the town but is glad to hear we should be ok. He is thankful to the town elders for their foresight by putting good plans into place and the long term funding strategies.  
  • Selectman Kenney asks how surrounding towns get so much more from the state. TA Smith replies it is calculated using a wealth formula which is based on the Towns wealth.
  • Selectman Maynard has been appointed to Central region homeland security advisory council interoperability subcommittee. – congratulations
  • Village of Manchaug to the National Register of Historic Places- meeting will be at the Sr. Center on Tues. February 9 @ 1pm
  • 2 Fire Dept. vehicles to be listed on Municbid- Engine 2 and Forestry 10
  • Selectman Limanek says thanks to due diligence by the town we were able to purchase the new engine $70,000. Less then what was voted on. These trucks come to your house during a fire; you could not get parts for the engine on municibid due to its age.
  • LWCF Grant for Goddard Lodge will be filed next week in hopes of receiving $150,000.   
  • Vice Chair Hebert has spoken to Sen. Fattman, the town will receive the $100,000. Within the next few weeks.
Announcements/Round Table/ Correspondence/Business Topics:
  • Selectman Limanek says to be mindful of ticks. It is February but we have really had very little snow and warmer than normal temperatures.  
8:15 pm Selectman Maynard motions to adjourn Vice Chair Hebert 2nds passes 5-0