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01/19/2016 BOS Meeting Minutes

                                                        Meeting Minutes
                                           Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on  2/2/2016 by a vote of  5-0     
7:00 p.m. – January 19, 2016
                                       Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
        Chairman David Hall, Vice Chair John Hebert, Selectmen Paul Maynard, Jesse Limanek & Michael Kenney   
        Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques, secretary   

Chairman Hall calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Selectman Maynard motions to accept as presented minutes from the 01/05/2016 BOS meeting; Vice-Chair Hebert 2nds passes 5-0
Selectman Maynard motions to accept as presented to be released at a later date minutes from the Executive Session meeting held on 01/05/2016, Selectman Limanek 2nds passes 5-0        

**Public Hearing** Liquor License Request-Price Chopper Corp. as advertised in the Dec. 31, 2015 Millbury Sutton Chronicle and read by Selectman Maynard. TA Smith informs the BOS this was approved in January of 2015 by this board but the quota was 5 per corporation at that time. January 1 of 2016 the ABCC increased that number to 7 and required a public hearing again. This is what we are doing here tonight. Vice-Chair Hebert has no issues; he goes on to say this store is lovely and being enjoyed by Blackstone Valley. Having the Beer & Wine will make it one stop shopping. Selectman Maynard says the store has been opened for 3 months and is immaculate. Paul goes on to ask Bob Hewitt (Store Manager) if employees are TIP certified. Mr. Hewitt responds that all but 2 in the management position are TIP certified; all cashiers have taking a computer based training program, all leadership will be TIP trained by the time the license is approved. Selectman Limanek says Market32 is a fantastic store, Jesse goes on to ask for clarification into applying for this when they had 5 already, was this in anticipation of the State increasing the number? Attorney Wayne replies it had already been approved at state level to increase the number last year; it was to take effect on January 1, 2016. Jesse has no issues. Selectman Kenney says this will truly be one stop shopping, congratulations it is a wonderful, well maintained store. Chairman Hall says Market 32 is a welcomed addition to town, relative to the liquor license, the BOS have adopted an Alcohol Compliance Policy as well as requested random compliance checks, we take violations very serious. Hearing no further comments, Selectman Maynard motions to close the public hearing, Selectman Kenney seconds passes 5-0. Vice Chair Hebert motions to reaffirm the vote taken on January 20, 2015 by the Sutton Board of Selectmen to approve the request by Price Chopper Operating CO. of Massachusetts dba Market32 for a Wine & Malt Beverage Package Store license for premises located at 21 Galaxy Pass, Sutton MA, Selectman Maynard 2nds passes 5-0

**Public Hearing** Pole hearing as advertised in the Dec. 31, 2015 Millbury Sutton Chronicle and read by Selectman Paul Maynard, Present as a consultant for Verizon is Thomas Blicharz. Mr. Blicharz states this hearing is for pole #7 which is at the bend of Griggs Road, this pole is currently anchored to a tree, Verizon & NGrid would like to place a stub pole and take the wires currently attached to the tree and redirect to the new pole. Kevin Manley of 21 Griggs Road is present and has voiced concern as this area of the road is very narrow. Mr. Manley states buses currently have an issue in this area, if a new pole is there is may make this an even tighter area. After brief discussion, Mr. Blicharz suggests to the BOS this be continued to the next meeting so an Engineer from Verizon can recheck this area to see if there is another place for the pole. Vice-Chair Hebert motions to continue this Public Hearing for a pole hearing on Griggs Road until February 2nd, Selectman Maynard 2nds passes 5-0

Energy Manager update: Doreen DeFazio, Energy Manager is present. TA Smith says the Towns of Sutton and Millbury have budgeted her position (9 ½ hours in each town) for next year. Previously this position was funded by a grant. Doreen wishes to offer updates in 3 areas: Aggregation, the Street Light project and the Energy Reduction Plan.
        Aggregation: signed contract with Peregrine, will be filing plan with DOER in next few weeks. The plan will be on the web site as well as hard copies in the Town Hall. There will be a hearing in the future before the BOS; this will not be ready for residents until the fall.
        Street Light Project: 170 lights have been converted to LED, Central Tpk. and Boston Road will need Police Details so this will be scheduled with the Police Dept. Doreen states she is getting great feedback from residents. The towns of Grafton, Auburn Millbury and Worc. are all showing interest in this project. The Town of Sutton is the 1st town in Central MA and 1st in Blackstone Valley to go LED.
        Energy Reduction Plan: Doreen has just submitted report to DOER but Sutton goes Calendar year where as other communities go Fiscal Year. Once Doreen receives additional information from NGrid she will forward to DOER. Currently Sutton is at 27% reduction, our goal is a 20% reduction. We will also be applying for another round of grants through DOER and the Green Communities, these grants will go to an area based on need & where it will show the highest reduction. Sutton is 1 of 6 communities in the state with a 20% reduction in energy use.
Vice-Chair Hebert thanks Doreen and says she has done an awful lot in a relatively short period of time. John says it is nice Sutton is #1 in this area; it shows a large amount of effort. John thanks Mike Chizy for his ideas a few years ago. Selectman Maynard asks a few questions on aggregation and how residents can get more information. Doreen states there will be public meetings to educate the residents. Paul asks if the street lights in the center of the Sr. Center parking lot will be switched to LED. TA Smith replies they will be replaced but Larry Morris is needed to assist. Doreen also states that the Sr. Center is on her radar as they are in need of a new water heater as well as additional insulation. These 2 items should help in reducing energy use. Selectman Limanek appreciates the update, Jesse asks that the press (preferably local paper) have information for residents. Jesse says it makes sense that the 2 main ways in town need details to convert the street lights to LED. Selectman Kenney is impressed with the energy reduction. Mike asks Doreen how many total street lights are in town, she replies 217, 170 have already been completed.  Selectman Kenney asks how long has the town of Sutton been involved with the Green Communities, TA Smith replies since 2012 and we have received over $300,000.00 in grants since that time. Selectman Kenney asks for Doreen to review the opt out procedures.  Chairman Hall states the need to get communication out to the residents to insure they are well informed is important. Dave likes the LED lights and is looking forward to the completion of the project. Dave thanks Doreen for the update.

TA Update:
  • Sutton Fire Dept. - 2 grants have been received- $4,237 for Student Awareness and $2,716 for Senior SAFE grants.  The Fire Dept. has received DEP approval to conduct a live burn on the Shaw Farm House. This will be used for live Fire training. This will either be done on March 19th or April 2nd.
  • Student Govt Day- April 5, 2016  Mike Chizy has been invited
  • Library Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) RFQ’s were received on Thursday, January 14th.  Seven proposals have been received.
  • Shaw Farm- John Whittier has finished a 60foot puncheon bridge He did this just for the cost of the material.
Announcements/Round Table/ Correspondence/Business Topics:
  • Selectman Maynard says the Food Pantry is in good shape but there are individuals that are in need of fuel. If you are able to donate please send to Michelle at the Sr. Center.
  • Selectman Limanek reminds residents if you have an elderly neighbor stop by to check on them with the cold temperatures outside. Make sure they have heat.
  • Selectman Kenney says the ice rink at the school is coming along; there will be 2 rinks, 1 for skating and 1 for hockey. Mike is aiming for Friday and Saturday night. Mike would like to thank all that helped in this project, Dave Marois, Atlas Box, Geoff Cushner, Chief Belsito, Robin Dresser as well as Rich and crew.  
8:05 pm Vice-Chair Hebert motions to adjourn Selectman Maynard 2nds passes 5-0