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01/05/2016 BOS Meeting Minutes
                                                        Meeting Minutes
                                           Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 1/19/2016 by a vote of  5-0   
7:00 p.m. – January 5, 2016
                                       Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
        Chairman David Hall, Vice Chair John Hebert, Selectmen Paul Maynard, Jesse Limanek & Michael Kenney   
        Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques, secretary   

Chairman Hall calls the meeting to order at 6:20 pm and announces we will go into Executive Session under M.G.L., c30A, Sec. 21 #3 and enter back into regular session to reconvene the regularly scheduled meeting. Roll call vote taken.

7:25 the BOS enter back in to the regularly scheduled meeting:
Pledge of Allegiance
Public Forum:  N/A

Vice-Chair Hebert motions to accept as presented minutes from the 12/15/2015 BOS meeting; Selectman Limanek 2nds passes 4-0-1
                                                                          (Selectman Maynard absent from 12/15 meeting)
***Public Hearing*** Chapter 61A property 289 & 290 Putnam Hill Road as advertised in the Dec. 10, 2015 Millbury Sutton Chronicle and read by Selectman Paul Maynard. TA Smith informs the BOS this was reviewed by Planning Board, Conservation, Board of Assessors and all have suggested passing over. It is a nice piece of property but there are some wetlands. Several residents were present. One asked what the intended use was, TA Smith replied residential. The resident went on to ask single family or condos. We are not sure but all filings with Planning Board and Conservation will have to take place, abutters will be notified for those meetings as well. This meeting is to decide if the BOS would like to purchase or assign its 1st right of refusal. Mike Moss from Bolster road asked about taking out of 61A. TA Smith replied the BOA will go back 5 years and assess the taxes. DCR was also notified of this 61A property by the seller’s attorney. Hearing no further questions, Selectman Maynard motions to exit public hearing, Vice-Chair John Hebert 2nds passes 5-0. The BOS have no questions. Vice Chairman Hebert motions to not exercise the town’s option under MGL Chapter 61A for 34.97 acres of property located at 289 & 290 Putnam Hill Road, Map 42 Parcels 32 & 34, Selectman Limanek 2nds passes 5-0  

Fire Department update given by Fire Chief Matt Belsito:  Chief Belsito begins by saying it is approaching almost 4 years with him as Chief. The Fire Dept. is the 2nd largest dept. after the school dept. There are 3 full time firefighters Mon-Fri 8/4 (Belsito, Dresser & Roy) the dept. also consists of 38 call firefighters. The dept. is on call 24/7 year round. 98% of the calls are during the work day and are usually handled by the 3 full time employees. Chief Belsito reviews with the BOS what his dept. is made up of and the trainings and certifications that are now required to be on the Fire Dept. There have been 4 major projects in town that required fire inspections to ensure all safety measures were being taken, they are the School project, Lorden Propane, Market 32 and Atlas Box. In 2015 there were 49 trainings which totaled 3068 ½ hours. The Chief is present at all trainings and uses the phrase “lead by example”. This year Chief Belsito is hoping to have a live burn at the Shaw Farm. The budget for FY16 for the Fire Dept. is $403,145. Vice Chair Hebert thanks Chief Belsito and his dept. for all they do, you go over and above and have stepped up and taken the dept. to a new level. Selectman Maynard asks if funding was no problem what would you want, Chief Belsito replies additional help- another full time fire fighter and a secretary. Selectman Limanek offers thanks to the Fire Chief and his dept. Selectman Limanek says you are the real deal; you have an awesome dept., thankyou also to the call fire fighters the dedication stems from the top.  Selectman Kenney thanks Chief Belsito and says you lead by example, thank you for what you bring to the town. Chief Belsito responds that the town depts. all work well together, Building Commis. John Couture and Police Chief Towle are very caring we stand firm if anything is a safety issue. Chairman Hall says the words that come to mind after listening to you are professionalism, commitment, dedication and diversification. You bring enthusiasm to your job every day. Chief Belsito says we work under a great leader, TA Smith has built a heck of a dept. head team, he built a nice empire, a strong team that gels well.
TA Update:
  • Goddard Lodge Roof: Plan B Construction completed the roof today. They did a terrific job.
  • Community Compact was signed by Lieut. Gov. and Chairman Hall on Dec. 17th. The 2 issues we chose were budgeting and long-range forecasting.
  • Tree Removal on the common-the trees that had been removed were inspected by our consulting arborist and showed signs of rot and weakness.  There will be new trees planted in the future.
Announcements/Round Table/ Correspondence/Business Topics:
  • Selectman Kenney commends TA Smith after hearing Chief Belsito’s update tonight, you as a leader thank you with the team you have put together. Thank you for the job you have done.   TA Smith replies he enjoys working with the dept. heads.
8:15 pm Vice-Chair Hebert motions to adjourn Selectman Kenney 2nds passes 5-0