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06/02/2015 BOS Meeting Minutes
                Meeting Minutes
                                           Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on  6/16/2015  by a vote of  5-0
7:00 p.m. – June 2, 2015
                                       Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
        Vice-Chair David Hall, Selectmen John Hebert, Paul Maynard, Jesse Limanek & Michael Kenney
       Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques, secretary   

Vice-Chair Hall calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance
Public Forum: No comments

Selectman Maynard motions to accept as presented minutes from the 5/19/2015 BOS meeting; Vice Chair Hall seconds; vote is 2-2-1 (Selectman Hebert abstains, absent from 5/19 meeting; Selectman Limanek & Kenney are newly elected Selectmen)

Board Reorganization:
Selectman Hebert motions to nominate David Hall to Chairman, Selectman Maynard seconds passes 5-0
Selectman Maynard motions to nominate John Hebert to Vice-Chairman, Selectman Limanek seconds passes 5-0
Vice-Chair Hebert motions to nominate Paul Maynard to Clerk, Selectman Limanek seconds passes 5-0
Chairman Hall takes this time to thank outgoing Selectmen Mike Chizy and Ken Stuart. They gave a lot over a long period of time, their effort is appreciated. We will still be working with Ken as Moderator at the Town Meetings. We have 2 new members that we welcome, congratulations. It was a contested race but they all ran a great campaign, they were all cordial and professional. Dave goes on to thank the Board for their confidence in making him Chairman. He has seen good people come through this chair and he looks forward to holding up the legacy.

New Board appointment: Anthony Fattman (not present) has requested to be appointed to the Recreation Commission. TA Smith says this role is involved with Marion’s Camp with the lifeguards and swimming program. Eventually it will expand to include Recreation programs at Shaw Farm. Anthony is a graduate of Sutton High and the brother of State Senator Ryan Fattman. Vice-Chair Hebert has nothing but good things to say about Anthony. He was before the BOS with his Eagle Scout project where he worked on clearing trails at Shaw Farm. His brother, Ryan Fattman just got $100,000. for the use of bettering Marion’s Camp. Anthony is a well-groomed kid. Selectman Maynard asks if there were any other interested candidates, TA Smith replies “no”.  Selectman Limanek has all positive things to say about Anthony, he is responsible and Selectman Limanek is excited he has applied for this board seat. Selectman Kenney agrees with all said and is impressed with Anthony achieving rank of Eagle Scout. Chairman Hall recalls Anthony coming before the BOS with his project. Dave goes on to say Anthony’s family has a history of public service; he will be a welcome addition to the commission. Vice-Chair Hebert motions to appoint Anthony Fattman to the Recreation Commission for a 3 year term, Selectman Maynard seconds passes 5-0     
TA Update:
  • Annual Town Borrowing & signing the notes: Please stop by the Treasurer’s office between June 8th – June 10th. These are 1 year notes with an interest rate of .55%. The amount to be borrowed is $1,318,000.  
  • Vice-Chair Hebert says the BOS had intentions of a new fire truck costing between 700-800,000. Thank you to Matt Belsito he was able to get a better deal.
  • Chairman Hall asks about the funding used to pay off the solar panels at the ELC early. TA Smith replies SREC funds were used to help get this paid off. TA Smith goes on to say we as a town try to get debt paid off early.
  • Tax Title Sale: the town sold 23 tax title properties for $176,000. on May 22. After advertising properties, 20 property owners came in and made payments or entered into payment agreements. Congratulations to Lisa Troast and Donna Wood for their hard work.
  • Chairman Hall asks where the $176,000. will go. TA smith replies it will most likely fall out into free cash.
  • Annual Town Cook out Friday, June 5th 11:15-12:30. The Town Hall will close at 11AM.
  • Memorial Day: Thank you to the parade planning committee, all went well. TA Smith apologizes for condition of West Sutton and South Sutton Cemeteries.
  • Vice-Chair Hebert says that as Sons of the American Legion they feel honored and privileged to go along with the Veterans and visit the cemeteries on Memorial Day. John thanks the BOS that attended the visits and helped out with the reading of names.
  • Selectman Maynard thanks all that were involved with the Memorial Day Parade, Paul thanks the Whittier family for years of planning and funding the parade.
  • Selectman Limanek enjoyed the parade, he thanks all involved as well as thanking the Whittier Family for all they have done and continue to do for the community.
  • Selectman Kenney marched with the Lion’s Club, he thanks all involved with the parade.
  • Chairman Hall said it was nice to see people coming out to honor the Veterans.  Dave thanks the Veterans for allowing the BOS to ride along to the cemeteries as well as allowing them to participate in reading the names. It was very moving.
  • Michelle Edelstein has been named an unsung heroine of the year. She will be honored at the State house in the Hall of flags in Boston on June 17th.
  • Chairman Hall says Michelle is as good as it gets
  • M-Route construction: Vice Chair Hebert and TA Smith toured with highway district 3 a few months ago to show them the condition of the roads. John Hebert received word yesterday that they will be repairing these roadways within the next few days.
  • Vice-Chair Hebert states the M route is the state road that runs from the Millbury line on Singletary Ave, Boston Rd to Putnam Hill Road down into Douglas. Due to the winter the roads were left in deplorable condition. John was notified by Bernie Plant on Monday that due to some extra money that needs to be spent before June 30th repairs would be done to these roads. John requests the BOS send a letter to District 3 thanking them.
  • Selectman Limanek thanks Jim and John for helping to secure funding on repairs to the M Route. We need all the help we can get with our roadways.
  • New BOS training with the MMA to be held on October 3rd at Lake Pearls in Wrentham. We will keep the BOS updated as it comes available.
  • Selectman Maynard informs the new members that this class is well worth taking.
  • Selectman Kenney thanks Paul for information on the training.
  • Memorial dedication to be held on June 13th at noon for Ronnie Annis on the Common. Ronnie was instrumental in getting the Bandstand built and was also a police officer in town. After the ceremony there will be a luncheon at the Dudley Gendron.  
  • Selectman Maynard informs the BOS there is a nameplate on the bandstand now dedicating it to Ron Annis. Ronnie did a fantastic job getting it built and there is still funds coming in in Ronnie’s name. Paul states with Ronnie it was voluntold to get it done.
  • Selectman Maynard reminds all the need at the Food Pantry especially with school vacation coming, the need gets higher.
  • Selectman Limanek stresses to all the importance of checking for ticks, check your kids, check your dogs; use spray
  • Selectman Kenney visited the Food Pantry- canned chicken and canned hams are a great contribution.
  • Vice-Chair Hebert is excited to go into another year with new members. We welcome you we are a well-balanced group; we have an exceptional financial team with Tim and Jim. You will find this enjoyable and hope you have a good ride.
  • Selectman Maynard welcomes the new board members
  • Selectman Limanek thanks all for the warm welcome, he is excited to be here.
  • Selectman Kenney is excited to be here and plans on keeping an open mind.
  • Chairman Hall says good luck; you will serve the town well. You both bring a lot of enthusiasm, it is not common to have two new members we are excited to see what you will bring to the board.
7:40 pm            Selectman Maynard motions to adjourn, Vice-Chair Hebert 2nds passes 5-0
Meeting Adjourned