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10/21/2014 BOS Meeting Minutes
        Meeting Minutes
                                           Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 11/18/2014 by a vote of   5-0                                                                   
                                                7:00 p.m. – October 21, 2014            
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
              Chairman Kenneth Stuart, Vice Chair David Hall, Selectmen Mike Chizy, John Hebert and Paul Maynard     
                Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques, secretary     

Chairman Stuart calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance

Public Forum: no comments

Selectman Hall motions to accept as submitted BOS minutes from October 7, 2014; Selectman Hebert seconds passes 5-0

*Public Hearing* Pole Hearing Mendon Road: Advertised in the 9/25/14 Millbury Sutton Chronicle and read by clerk to the Selectmen Michal Chizy. Present from Verizon is Thomas Blicharz (will speak on 4 hearings), he works as a consultant for Verizon and explains that the poles are installed by Verizon and jointly owned with NGrid. Due to the upgrade in lines by NGrid several poles are being replaced, several of which are lines currently anchored into trees. TA Smith informs the BOS that The Police, Fire and Highway have no issues with this. Hearing no comments from the BOS or the public, Selectman Chizy motions to close the public hearing Selectman Hebert seconds passes 5-0. Selectman Hall motions to allow Verizon & National Grid to install 4 new JO poles as noted on Verizon Plan #1A0DJ8T, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 5-0
*Public Hearing* Pole Hearing Boston Road West:  Advertised in the 9/25/14 Millbury Sutton Chronicle and read by clerk to the Selectmen Michal Chizy. 2 poles are being installed to support main line poles, currently the guide wires are in to a tree. TA Smith informs the BOS that Police and Fire are ok with this; the Highway Superintendent Matt Stencel would like to be contacted to meet them there prior to work as there is drainage close by.  Hearing no comments from the BOS or the public, Selectman Chizy motions to close the public hearing Selectman Hall seconds passes 5-0. Selectman Hall motions to allow Verizon & National Grid to install 2 new JO poles as noted on Verizon Plan #1A0DJ7Y  
*Public Hearing* Pole Hearing Dudley Road:  Advertised in the 9/25/14 Millbury Sutton Chronicle and read by clerk to the Selectmen Michal Chizy. This is the same type of issue, 2 poles are being installed to replace the current guide wires attached to trees. Hearing no comments from the BOS or the public, Selectman Chizy motions to close the public hearing, Selectman Hall seconds passes 5-0. Selectman Hall motions to allow Verizon & National Grid to install 2 new JO poles as noted on Verizon Plan #1A0DM1N, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 5-0
*Public Hearing* Pole Hearing Lackey Road: Advertised in the 10/9/14 Millbury Sutton Chronicle and read by clerk to the Selectmen Michael Chizy.  This is to install 1 new JO pole to use as a mid-span pole. There should be 125’ to 150’ between poles, currently there is 284’ between these poles. This would cut the span of wires in half helping to maintain the heavier cables.  Hearing no comments from the BOS or the public, Selectman Chizy motions to close the public hearing, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 5-0. Selectman Hall motions to allow Verizon & National Grid to install 1 new JO pole as noted on Verizon Plan #1A0HP8M, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 5-0
Energy Manager Doreen DeFazio: moved to the next BOS meeting, November 18, 2014
Common Vic license- Black Stone’s Country Café: present is Richard LaCouture. TA Smith informs the BOS that this new café has passed all of the Board of Health, Fire Dept. and Building Dept. upgrades. TA Smith is requesting this Common Vic run through December 2015 as it is renewal time for other Common Vics. Mr. LaCouture gives a brief background stating he has lived between Millbury and Sutton and graduated from Johnson & Wales in 1979. This will be a breakfast/lunch establishment with 35 seats on one side and retail on the other side for takeout. He is hoping to capture the business of commuters on 146.  Selectman Chizy offers good luck and hopes he makes out well. Selectman Hall asks the date of opening, Mr. LaCouture states not tomorrow, when I am comfortable in opening with the staff. Dave offers good luck. Selectman Maynard thanks him for reopening a closed business (formerly Honey Dew) in town as well as bringing business back to town. Chairman Stuart asks for clarification on the seats as originally he had requested 50 seats. Mr. LaCouture states they did reduce to 35 due to DEP’s recommendations. Hearing no further comments, Selectman Hebert motions  to approve a Common Victualer license request for a new food establishment owned by Richard LaCouture and Wayne Richard at 4 Worcester-Providence Tpk., Sutton MA. with Richard LaCouture listed as the general manager under the establishment name of Black Stone’s Country Café with an expiration date of December 31, 2015, Selectman Maynard seconds passes 5-0

MRA Update: Alex Rogozenski is present. He briefs the BOS on this year’s 2 events in which over 200 people participated. MRA donated over 1800.00 between the Food Pantry and the Sutton Football team. Alex would like to pin down the dates for the same 2 events next year (Summer Solstice to be held on June 19th 6:30pm-9:30pm and the Blackstone Valley event on August 3rd 7:30am-11:30am). Selectman Hebert requests the BOS give approval tonight so Alex can advertise the dates. Selectman Hall has no issues, these events continue to benefit the town, and these organized events have been run well. Selectman Maynard thanks MRA for donations to food pantry. Paul has heard nothing but good things about these events. Chairman Stuart thanks Alex for his update, noting but positive comments. Selectman Hebert at this time asks if MRA could show some support to the restoration of Goddard Lodge. TA Smith says that MRA does submit payment of $5.00 per participant and an additional $ 200.00 paid to the town which goes into the maintenance account for Marion’s Camp.

Approve & Sign the November Election Warrant: Chairman Stuart reviews the seats of candidates and the 4 questions, hearing no comments Selectman Maynard motions to approve & sign the November Election Warrant, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 5-0

Villa’s @ Pleasant Valley-Bond Expenditure: TA Smith says this is to pay for a street lamp along Tournament Way; the monthly expense will be paid for by the association. Hearing no concerns Selectman Hall motions to approve payment out of the Bond Expenditure Fund for the Villa’s at Pleasant Valley in the amount of $7,553.00 for a street lamp along Tournament Way, Selectman Maynard seconds passes 5-0  
Town Administrator update:
  • Trail Grant from DCR: this is for Shaw Farm in the amount of $22,354. This will be used to clear brush, gravel for parking, GPS trails. Required was a 20% match from Sutton which will be highway Dept. labor, equipment & materials.
  • Selectman Chizy says the town has been very lucky with receiving grants from DCR. We appreciate it.  
  • Chairman Stuart says it is great to see things happening at Shaw Farm.
  • Goddard Lodge RFP: due November 20th, the designer selection committee consists of Jen Hager, John Couture, Wayne Junnila, Connie Whitehead and Karen Dobson.
  • ISO Rating: The town received an upgrade to our ISO rating due to added training in the Fire Dept., Police Dept. and Police Dispatchers. Sutton went from 5/9 to 04/4X
  • Selectman Chizy says this is a good report; it should help lower resident’s homeowners’ ins. in town.
  • Selectman Hall says this comes from a lot of hard work, this was an independent company that issues this report, and it gives us a sense as to how we are doing.
  • Selectman Maynard asks if the report can be put on the web site so residents can forward to ins. companies
  • Chairman Stuart says absolutely fantastic, our dept. heads go out and find grants that are the best fits for our town which benefits the whole town, kudos to Matt Belsito and Dennis Towle and TA Smiths fantastic leadership.
  • Multi group meeting to be held on November 12th 7pm (school Comm., BOS, Fin Com)
Announcements/Correspondence:  Chairman Stuart acknowledges receipt of correspondence from Marian King
Round Table:
  •  Selectman Hebert says the 1st annual Camp Fire Girls outing occurred Saturday, thank you to all the volunteers, the  Whittier’s for delivering reasonably priced loam. It was well attended and all had a great time
  • Thank you to TAdministrator, The Highway Dept. and Jen Hager. John could not be any prouder.
  • Selectman Hall says this Friday, Saturday & Sunday the Lions Club is holding a Haunted Hayride Event at Marion’s Camp. The cost is $10.00. Proceeds will go to local charities.
Selectman Chizy motions to adjourn Selectman Hall seconds passes 5-0              Meeting Adjourned 7:45 PM